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Thalion watched as Legolas' limp form hit the ground. Gandalf stood over him gasping for breath. Haldir raced over to Thalion's side to help him.

The orcs were either dead or had ran from the battle after their leader had gone down.

"What did you do to him?"
Thalion tried to reach his brother but was held down by Haldir.

"You are injured Thalion."
Haldir inspected the wound in Thalion's right soldier.
"We need to get both of you back to Lothlorien at once."

Haldir took off the small pack he had brought and retrieved some bandages he had brought. Carefully he began to wrap it around Thalion's shoulder.

Thalion's gaze never left Legolas. Gandalf was kneeling over him and inspecting the weapons Legolas carried.

"Is he alright?"
Thalion asked as Haldir finished his work.
"I do not know."
Gandalf replied grimly.
"Haldir is right, we must get you both back to Lorien before he awakens."

Haldir helped Thalion stand up while Gandalf discarded all of Legolas' weapons, except for one of his knives.

Haldir helped Thalion onto his horse and proceded to help Gandalf lift Legolas onto Gandalf's.

Thalion winced as he caught sight of his little brother. He was so pale, and almost seemed to be dead.

Haldir set Legolas gently onto Gandalf's dark brown horse and the wizard mounted behind him.
Haldir mounted behind Thalion and made sure that he was secure on the horse.

"We do not rest until we reach Lorien."
Gandalf informed them.
Haldir nodded while Thalion struggled to stay awake.

He had lost a lot of blood and was slowly slipping out of conciousness.

"Everything will be alright Thalion."
He barely heard Haldir's voice over the sound of the horses' hooves pounding against the earth.

Everything will be alright...


Thalion awoke once again in the room he had been placed in before. His shoulder had properly attended to and in place of his green hunting tunic he now wore a loose, silver shirt and grey pants.

Legolas. Where did they take Legolas?

Thalion threw off his covers and bolted out of the room. His eyes darted around wildly as he searched for any sign of where his brother could be.

He raced along with his golden hair flying behind him. His feet made no sound as he ran, the only thought he had was finding his brother.

Haldir grabbed the elf around the waist and prevented him from running any further.
"Let go of me!"
Thalion struggled to free himself from the older elf's grasp.

"Listen to me Thalion! You are not well and you must rest! You cannot go madly running about while you are injured!"

"Where is he? WHERE IS MY BROTHER?"
Thalion kicked and clawed at the elf restraining him. Haldir struggled to hold Thalion in place.
"There is nothing you can do to help him!"

Despite his efforts Thalion was able to rip himself from Haldir's grasp.

Haldir ran after him, knowing that he was headed exactly to where Legolas was.

He does not need to see what it happening to him.

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