Among The Rangers

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I cannot believe he actually came.

Estel glanced behind him as if to confirm that the elf was in fact following him.

Legolas had his hood pulled over his head once again but had decided not to wear the cloth over his face.

He had expected Legolas to completely reject the idea of coming with Estel to Arnor and living among the Dunedain, but to his surprise the elf had said "yes."

Why would he agree to this? What is he trying to accomplish?

Estel had known that Legolas had been trying to get out of Rivendell, and that Elrond would not allow him to leave on his own.

Perhaps he is going to run the first chance he gets.

Estel glanced behind him again, Legolas was still following.
"Why do you keep looking at me?"
Legolas asked in annoyance.
"I want to make sure that you haven't vanished."
Estel answered shortly.

"It would be unwise for me to leave."
Legolas stated matter-of-factly.
"I do not know these lands as well as you do. You could find me easily if I tried to escape."

"You make it sound as if you are my prisoner."
"Is that not what I am?"
Estel glared at the elf. He couldn't see Legolas' expression from under his hood or tell if he was joking or not.

"I have only been asked to bring you among the Dunedain. Whether you wish to stay or go is up to you."

"Do you truly believe that after all the trouble Elrond and Gandalf went through to find me that they would risk letting me run again? I have no say in where I go now or what I do."

Behind him Estel could faintly hear Legolas mutter, "I will always be a prisoner."



hey reached the Dunedain camp just before nightfall. Legolas remained behind Estel, observing everything around him in silence.

Estel searched the faces of the Rangers until his eyes spotted the man he had been searching for.

He called.
A tall Ranger with dark hair, who was probably three or five years older than Estel, smiled and made his way towards him.

"It has been too long my friend."
The two men embraced and Halbarad noticed the hooded figure standing nearby.

"Who is that?"
Estel sighed as he prepared to introduce Legolas to the others.
By now the rest of the Rangers had gathered around them and were casting suspicious looks at Legolas.

"My friends,"
Estel started.
"I have brought someone who wishes to aid us in our defense of the north."

As if on cue Legolas removed his hood and was met with several gasps of shock from the Rangers.

"This is Legolas of Mirkwood."
Estel watched in amusement as some of the younger Rangers stared wide-eyed and opened-mouthed at the elf.

"Why would an elf concern himself with the troubles of men?"
One Ranger questioned.

"How do you know that we can trust him?"
Another one added.
Estel sighed, he had known that questions like this would be asked.

"In case you were unaware this earth is my home as well as yours."
Legolas addresed the two Rangers who had spoken through narrowed eyes.

"I have a right to defend it just as you do. If darkness is setting over the land should I not do what I can to drive it back?"

For a moment no one would answer the elf, except for the same Ranger who had questioned him first.

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