A Message For Sauron

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Legolas' POV

Fear, it used to consume me day and night.
But I do not feel it any more, it has been replaced by something else.

Something that threatens to destroy me, and everyone else I care about.

I tried to hold on, I tried not to let go, but I was not strong enough.

I have fallen, and there is no escape for me....


The river flowed quietly in front of him, he didn't know why he was out there, but it had felt like something was calling him

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The river flowed quietly in front of him, he didn't know why he was out there, but it had felt like something was calling him.

Footsteps announced someone's approach. Legolas looked around fearfully as the sounds grew closer, he was surrounded.

Orcs stepped out of the shadows, snarling and carrying weapons.
Weapons not meant to kill, but to capture.

"Did you really think that you could escape so easily elfling?"
Legolas shuddered as the familiar voice echoed around him.

Kanor stepped out of the trees and stood on the other side of the river. Legolas trembled as he looked into his black eyes.

"You know that you cannot fight this Legolas. You are a prisoner to darkness, Sauron owns you and there is no escape."

Legolas wanted to block out his words, he wanted to run, but he was frozen.

There was no way out.

"You have a choice Legolas. Either come with me willingly, or let the orcs have their fun in taking you by force."

Legolas gazed warily at the hungry glares of the orcs. They wanted to hurt him, make him suffer, it was all they knew how to do.

"I can save you from them Legolas."
Legolas faced the dark man again, his hand was outstretched towards him.

Just like it had been all those years ago, when he had first arrived in Mordor.

He had taken his hand then, allowed him to save him, and all that happened from there had been nothing but misery.

Legolas was running out of time and he knew it. The orcs began to move forward, ready to attack at any moment.

He couldn't go through this again. The pain, the torment, it would destroy him.

His mind flooded with images of him being tortured, he couldn't go back.

Killing those people....

What Sauron had tried to turn him into....

What he still was trying to turn him into....

"Time's almost up Legolas. Make your decision before it is taken from you."

Legolas looked at the advancing orcs, and then at Kanor's outstretched hand.

Kanor grinned darkly as Legolas took his hand.
"I knew you would make the right choice."

Fear is what I use to control you.

Your fear is what imprisons you.

As long as you have fear, you will never be free.

But will replace it? What will fill the void inside of you?

You can never be the same way you once were, that person is dead.

So now, you must become someone else.

So tell me elfling, what will you choose to become now?

Kanor looked at Legolas curiously as his face hardened. A dangerous glint was in his eye.

"I will never go back to Mordor."
Legolas finally faced Kanor, his blue eyes burned into Kanor's black ones.
"And neither will you."

Before Kanor could react Legolas pulled the man forward and stabbed him in the stomach.

Where and how he had gotten the knife was never known to Kanor, he slumped lifelessly onto the ground.

His blood turned the river black.
Legolas turned towards the orcs, they backed away when they saw the fury in the elf's eyes.

And the sight of their fallen leader, the one they had feared the most save Sauron, had just been killed by the elf they had been about to capture.

"Take this message to Sauron."
Legolas announced glaring at the dumbfounded orcs.
"Tell him, that I am no longer his prisoner."
Legolas knelt down beside Kanor's lifeless body and lifted his head up by the hair.

"And bring him his servant's head. He has no need for it anymore."

Without another word Legolas severed Kanor's head from his shoulders and threw it at the orcs.
"Now leave, before I kill you all."

That night, of the twenty orcs that Kanor had brought with him, only one escaped Mirkwood alive.

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