Chapter 12: Dark Tidings

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95 years later...

Thalion walked alone in the middle of the woods. His footsteps made no sound as they tread softly over the fallen leaves.

Thalion stopped at the base of a large tree, he looked up at the branches in grief. Legolas used to sit up in those branches, singing to himself or waiting for him to return from scouting the border.

Thalion looked away from the tree and continued walking. He hadn't been the same since his little brother had been taken, he barely ate or slept.

All he could ever think about was Legolas being held captive somewhere, suffering at the hands of orcs or other foul creatures.

Why hadn't he done more to protect him? Thalion had come up with hundreds of ways that he could have prevented what had befallen his brother from happening, but they only served as cruel reminders that he had failed Legolas.

His father hadn't been doing any better than Thalion was. He had grown even colder than before, he barely said anything to his people, or Thalion.

Thranduil blamed himself for what had happened even more than Thalion did. The only difference between father and son was that Thalion still believed that Legolas was alive.

In fact, Thalion seemed to be the only one who thought so. As he walked he heard soft footsteps approaching him from behind.

"Thalion? Are you alright?"
He looked behind him and saw Inwë standing behind him.

"Thalion? Are you alright?"He looked behind him and saw Inwë standing behind him

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She walked over to him and took his strong hands into her small delicate ones.

"I was just thinking Inwë."
"About Legolas?"
Thalion closed his eyes and nodded.
"Thalion, I know that you miss Legolas, we all do. But you have to let him go."

Thalion reopened his eyes and narrowed them accusingly at her.
"Are you saying that I should just give up on him?"
"It has been almost two hundred years since he was captured. If he was still alive then-"

She stopped and gazed mournfully into Thalion's eyes. Inwë knew how much he had loved his brother, but it was time that he accepted that he wasn't coming back.

Just like everyone else had to.
"I cannot just forget him Inwë. Especially when I know that there is a chance that he is alive."
"Thalion, I am not asking you to forget him. No one could ever forget Legolas. I am asking you to move on, let him go."

Thalion released her hands and turned away, she grabbed his shoulder and stopped him from leaving.

"Your people need you Thalion. They need their king and their prince, I need you Thalion. I cannot lose you to grief."

Thalion turned back to her, she took her hand off his shoulder.
"Please Thalion, I do not say that you should not mourn, but only that you will not let your grief consume you. I cared for Legolas too, and I would give anything to have him back."

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