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I don't know how much longer I can keep this up.

Aragorn knew that it was only a matter of time before the orcs figured out that he wasn't leading them anywhere.

What he would do then, he didn't know. He looked over his shoulder and met Legolas' gaze. There seemed to be something wrong with him, he looked tired, and pale.

What's wrong with him?
Aragorn turned towards the leader and narrowed his eyes.
What did you do?

The leader smirked and Aragorn turned away while clenching his hands into fists. He wouldn't tale this any longer.

Soon he was going to take a chance and get Legolas out of there, both of them if he could.
Legolas had told him that he was the one who needed to live, but Aragorn wouldn't allow Legolas to die.

He was an elf, he deserved to live for as long as he desired in Middle Earth, and one day sail to Valinor.

He didn't deserve to have his life brutally taken away from him by orcs. Every time something "unfortunate" had befallen the two of them it was always Legolas who had looked after him.

Legolas had always gotten Aragorn out of danger, taken care of him when he was injured, and brought him to safety.

Now it's time for me to return the favor.

Aragorn froze as the leader raised his hand and shouted his order.
The orcs stopped and muttered in confusion while Aragorn turned his attention to Legolas.

The elf was leaning forward, his legs were trembling, and he had his eyes closed.

"What did you do to him?"
Aragorn stormed over to the leader but was grabbed by two orcs who prevented him from going any farther.

The leader grinned as he left Legolas standing doubled-over in the middle of the orcs and stalked over to Aragorn.

"I wouldn't worry about him, considering he will be dead before the poison does its work."

Poison?! Why didn't he tell me that he had been poisoned?!

What does he mean 'he will be dead?'

Aragorn felt his spine turn to ice as the horrible realization dawned on him. The leader knew that he hadn't been leading them anywhere, and now he was going to kill Legolas.

Aragorn lunged forward but was still caught by the iron grips of the two orcs.

The leader laughed as he drew his dagger, the orcs roared in excitement over what was about to come.

The leader carried the dagger towards Legolas. The elf was in too much pain to acknowledge what was happening.

"Leave him alone!"
Aragorn's words fell on dead ears as the leader continued to nake his way towards the helpless elf.

"Legolas! Noro! Saes Legolas!"
Pain flashed in Aragorn's mind as one of the orcs backhanded him. They hated hearing elvish being spoken.

Legolas was oblivious to his friend, and Aragorn could only watch in horror as the leader reached out to grab him.


Legolas forced all the pain he was feeling deep into the back of his mind. This was his only chance to escape, his only chance to save Aragorn and himself.

Legolas opened his eyes just in tine to see the leader's clawed hand reaching for his neck.

Not yet....

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