The Monster

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Legolas' POV

I've lost the battle, the war I waged within myself, I have been been beaten.

Now I am blind to the monster that I have become.

I should have opened my eyes sooner, then this could have been prevented.

But now I am too afraid to see what I have become.

So I will keep my eyes closed.

And hide myself from the shadow.


Thalion ran after his brother as he made his way to the front gate. He was about to go out again and Thalion was detirmined to find out what he had been doing for the last few days.

He finally turned around and drilled Thalion with a cold stare.
The sight threw Thalion off guard and for a moment he forgot what he was doing.

"What do you want?"
Legolas demanded impatiently.
"I just wanted to know if you would like me to accopmany you today."
Thalion could already tell what Legolas' answer would be.

"I would rather go alone."
Legolas turned on his heel and left Thalion standing alone.
His brother had his bow in his hands and a sword at his side.

Why does he always carry his weapons with him?

Thalion shook his head and walked away. Perhaps Legolas carried them with him because he was afraid of getting caught again.

Then why do I let him go out alone?

Thalion was about to turn around and go after Legolas when two guards ran up to him.
"My Lord Thalion!"
One of the guards addressed him, his eyes were wide and he was breathing heavily.

"What is it?"
Thalion studied the two guards as he waited for an answer.
"There has been news from the eastern border, there has been reports of men being slaughtered outside of Dale and near our borders."

Thalion's heart skipped a beat. The last time he had heard about men being slaughtered had been when....

Oh no.

"Inform my father at once."
Thalion told one of the guards, he turned to the other one and said,
"Send a message to my Captain of the Guard, tell him to double the watches on our borders and report to either me or my father if there is anything suspicious going on."

The guard nodded and disappeared down a hall. Thalion turned his gaze towards the front gate.

He didn't want to think about the dark feeling that was creeping in on his mind, but if there was even a small chance that his fears were true...

Oh Valar let me be wrong.

Holding his sword at his side Thalion raced out of the gates.


Every step Thalion took sent another pang of fear into his heart.

He had been tracking Legolas for several hours, and his trail led him to the eastern border.

Please, please let this only be a coincidence.

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