Tangled Webs

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Tauriel awoke the next morning to find that Legolas was no longer with her.

Where has he run off to now?

She pushed herself up into a sitting position and rubbed the tiredness from her eyes.

A blissful night's rest was just what she had needed. The sound of hooves pounding down the road and marching feet caused Tauriel to pear down the street.

She couldn't believe her eyes, the entire Mirkwood Army was marching up the road. And at the lead was Thranduil, riding atop his elk.

What is he doing here? And where is Legolas?

Tauriel stood up and followed the procession from the shadows that the old buildings offered.

They reached the very heart of the city where Bard was and that was where Thranduil dismounted his steed and approached him.

Tauriel remained hidden as she tried to catch hints of what was being spoken but she was too far away.

Why do I have to fear him? He is no longer my king, but what if he asks about Legolas?

Her presence had gone unnoticed by Thranduil and Bard. But Feren, who stood a few feet away from his king, noticed her hiding.

"Tauriel? What are you doing here?"
Both Thranduil and Bard's heads turned immediately in her direction.
Her heart pounded inside of her chest.

What do I do now?

Summoning all the courage she could muster she stepped out of her hiding place and made her way towards them.

"I could ask you the same thing."
Tauriel turned her attention to Thranduil, trying her hardest not to flinch under his imposing gaze.

I do not have to fear him, or anyone else here. They cannot harm me.

"I came to offer aid to these people."
Thranduil replied smoothly.
"I was informed that they were without food or shelter. Is it wrong for me to help those in need?"

Tauriel bristled but said nothing. Thranduil turned back to Bard and resumed their conversation.

"As I was saying, I am also here searching for my son, perhaps you have seen him?"

Bard's eyes widened.
"He is your son?"
"Did he not tell you?"
Thranduil glanced at Tauriel and tilted his head slightly to the side.

"I am certain that you have seen him. After all, you are the reason he refused to return home after I ordered him to. Where is he?"

Tauriel's hands clenched into fists. Bard looked back and forth between the two elves uncertainly.

"I do not know where he is."
She answered coldly. That was the truth of course; she didn't know where Legolas had gone this morning.

The four of them turned towards the voice and found Legolas standing with his bow in his right hand.

His face was tense in shock as he stared at his father. The king's eyes locked with the prince's, Tauriel held her breath as she waited for one of them to speak.

"I ordered you to return home Legolas. Why did you defy my orders?"
Thranduil demanded as he walked over to his son.

Legolas hesitated, he seemed so small as his father stood over him. Tauriel held her breath as she waited for Legolas to reply.

"I would rather speak to you alone."
Thranduil considered it for a moment then nodded.
"Very well."

Father and son disappeared behind a building leaving a confused Bard, an agitatedTauriel, and a silent Feren.

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