Chapter 1

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*Please remeber this is fake hence the word fanFICTION. This is all for entertainment. And the begininng is horrible, it does get better with time. Enjoy:)*

I can't believe I am going to an Emblem3 concert!!! (With my sister, amber,who doesn't really like them but oh well) we even have the meet and greet passes!!i I am Dying because I am in love with Wes! Not like the crazy obsessed but like the girl who just loves his voice and looks.... 

Let me introduce myself! I am Ashley and I'm 15 and going into my sophomore year of high school. I live in New Hampshire and I have lived here since I was 2. love disney movies and I really want to go to
California. that's all I have to say right now because I am too excited for the concert. I still can't believe it!! AAAAHHHHH!!!!

It was 3 hours away from the emblem3 concert I'm going to and I'm so excited! As I was gettin ready I was listening to their album on replay. I straightened my brown hair that was a little past my shoulders and put on black eyeliner and mascara. I put on jean shorts that were ombré and a white chiffon tank top that was flowy with my zebra flip flops. I walked into ambers room to see if she was ready since the concert was only an hour and a half away. She was so we went down stairs grabbed our bags and an apple and left.
The concert was on the shell stage at Hampton beach. The meet and greet was in this small restaurant called the cove. I just wanted to be there already!! This 30 minute drive is going to seem like forever. Hen we finally got there we got seats front and center. It was perfect!
It was now 10 minutes until show time and all the seats were taken. All you could here was girls talking and the waves crashing onto the beach. Amber and I were talking until we heard a ton of screams! I thought my ears were going to bleed! I turns my head and saw them. Oh. My. God. They were all so perfect. They were better lookin in person! I saw Wes and I couldn't take my eyes off of him. His smile was bigger and better than in the pictures I've seen. This was going to be the best night ever!

Wesley's pov.

We had a concert at Hampton beach today! It was the last concert of our tour. It has been a while since I've been home. Seeing the beach made me realize how much I miss going to the beach every morning and surfing, but I'm happy because I'm doing what I love to do!
It was now show time and I felt an adrenaline rush. We all run out there and we just listen to all the girls screaming for us. Drew Keaton and I all smiled as big as we could! I was looking at everyone but stopped at this one girl. She was sitting front and center, her brown hair just below her shoulders, the way her eyes sparkled, and her smile.... Wow she was beautiful. She noticed I was staring and waved. It took a minute to process what to do but I finally waved back shyly. She giggled.
"Is everyone having a good day?!" Drew shouted into the microphone.

I hope she is going to the meet and greet tonight!

All the girls screamed we all replied "we are emblem3 and we are going to sing for you girls!" They screamed even louder as we started our first song.

I couldn't stop staring at the girl sitting front and center. She was just perfect. I really hope I can talk to her at the meet and greet.

Hi this is my first fanfic ever! I know everyone does Wes but I just had to do him. I hope you guys like it so far! I will be updating whenever I have the chance! Please comment suggestions and critiques! I don't really know how to write these so anything will help! Also please vote as tell all your friends to read!!! Thanks xoxo

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