Chapter 34

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*the majority was drama while on tour*

Ashley's pov.

It has been about a week since Nothing To Lose tour has started and Wes and I haven't been talking much. Either he is always rehearsing, performing, or at meet and greets or I am at practice, school, or sleeping but we are trying our best.

People have been tweeting me non-stop asking if I have aren't he meet and greet photos or sending me hate saying how I ruined your for Wes because now he can't have fun. I logged off and stopped twitter from sending me notifications on my phone.

Speaking of Wes having fun, I have seen videos that they have posted from your and I'm a little upset. Wes was all over some girls and all touchy with them. I know I shouldn't be freaking out and it looks like I'm being annoying but, you get worried when someone is all over your boyfriend.

I just hope this works out.

Wesley's pov.

"Yo, man last night's after party was crazy" Jack said making himself a bowl of cereal.

"I know. I don't even remember half of it." I laugh. For an after party last night Drew brought out the hookah and brought us some drinks. Then I think you know what happened from there.

"Wes what's on your neck?" Keaton asked. I took out my phone and put on the front camera.

"Oh shit." I touch my neck.

"Who else did we have here? I thought we didn't have any girls." I get up and start pacing.

"I don't think so." Jack scratched his head.

"Then who the hell gave me this hickey?" I shout. Drew than walks in.

"What's going on?" he asks rubbing his eyes. I turn towards him and his eyes widen. "Well shit bro. You're screwed. "

"I know! ugh. I can't let Ash see this." Right then my phone rings showing an incoming FaceTime call from Ash. "Shit! Someone toss me a sweatshirt." Keaton throws one at me and I pull it on quickly and answer the call.

"Hey babe" I smile at her. I feel so bad about this.

"Hi! I miss you!" she smiled and waves.

"I miss you too! how was school today?"

"Bleh. it's so annoying. like I just want to sleep. But I did get I to a fight with my science teacher." She complains and I laugh.

"You'll get through it. I promise you. But why did you fight with her?"

"She asked me why I was late. I said the bathroom, she said that's not an excuse and I told her to tell that to my ovaries." she looks down. I crack up.

"As funny as that is. you can't do that" I laugh some more. She waits for my laughter to die down before she asks me something.

"Why are you wearing a sweatshirt? aren't you in florida? I mean I know it's October but still isn't it hot there." she looks confused.

"Oh... ugh" I clear my throat " the air conditioner is on in the bus?" I say as more of a question. I hate lying to her.

"Oh okay. how was yesterday's show?"

"Great. I love how excited the crowd are. but I'm even more excited for the show in Boston in ten days" she perks up.

"And it's right in time for two special dates" she sings.

"Oh really? I believe I forget those dates" I pretend.

"Our two month anniversary and my sixteenth birthday!" she claps.

"Oh yeah that's right! I totally forgot." I wink at her.

"Jackass" she mutters.

"What was that?"

"I love you" she laughs.

"I love you" I tell her.

"Wes we have to go." Drew comes in. "hey Ash." he smiles and waves.

"Hi drew. bye drew. bye Wes! I love you!see you soon! have a good show! Have fun!"

"Bye baby girl. I love you! be good in school, no more fights with your science teacher" I say before we kiss the camera. we wave one last time and then we shut it off.

"Let's go" I say to Drew.

"Fight with her science teacher?" he questions.

"Long story" I tell him and we go to practice.


Hii! short chapter, I know but I wanted to update because I won't be able to for two weeks!! I know I'm sorry but I'm going on a school trip!!

I'm also sorry to say that there aren't a lot of chapters left of The Girl On Tour :( but when this one ends I will post my new fan fic!!

I hope you enjoyed this!!!

Thanks for reading!! XoXo

P.S does anyone else think that Wes and Carly broke up?!

The Girl on Tour *Wesley Stromberg fanfic*Where stories live. Discover now