Chapter 25

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Wesley's pov.

"Oh Wes wake up!" I hear a girly voice singing. I knew automatically that it wasn't ashley. I also knew who it was. Carly. I shot up.

"Get the hell out of here!" I shout. where is ashley?

"No I'm here to see you babe." she walked over to me and sat on my lap.

"Well I don't want to see you. get out here. where is ashley?" I stood up so she fell onto my bed.

"Who is ashley?"she said innocently. I grunted and walked out of my room. I went down stairs. I saw ashley sitting on the couch laughing at something kyle, Keaton or Drew said. I ran over to her and hugged her. she laughed.

"Well good morning to you too!" She hugged me. I flipped us so I was on the couch an she was on my lap facing me.

"Good morning but not really. I didn't wake up to you next to me. I woke up to Carly flirting with me." I shuddered and ashley laughed and kissed my cheek.

"Hey couple, we are still here. " Drew coughed. ashley looked at me and blushed and then scooted her way to sitting next to me. Then Carly stormed down the stairs.

"Couple?! your a bitch for stealing him from me!" she yelled at ashley.

"Aww! Why thank you!" Ash said sarcastically. Carly stomped her foot. "oohh you won't get a guy doing that honey." All of us were laughing so hard. Carly just stormed out of the house.

"Bye Carls!" Kyle shouted and then laughed again.

"Nice job baby girl!" I say wrapping my arm around her.

"Yeah that was awesome!" Keaton said.

"So dope!" drew added (A/N dope is another word for awesome, amazing cool and things like that in boston!)

"No one has done that to her before! it was pretty funny!" Kyle said.

"Why thank you, thank you!" ash said rolling her hand pretending to bow.

"So what are we doing for breakfast?" I asked after the laughter died down. they all look at me weird.

"It's 12:30 babe." ash said hitting my leg. It was hot the way she said babe.

"Oops. what are we doing for lunch then?"

"Well we were thinking about skating for the day and eating something there." Kyle said.

"That sounds good. Ash you okay with it?"

"You guys can go and have a guys day. I'm gonna call my family and talk to Ryan for a little and maybe get a tan. but you guys have fun." she said getting up. she leaned down and kissed my cheek. she then kissed Keaton's and Drews and gave Kyle a hug. "have a nice day! don't get hurt or do anything stupid." she said before leaving the room and heading upstairs.

"Guys day out!" we all smirked.

Ashley's pov.

I head up to the guest room and sit on the made bed, since I have never slept in it, and started up Wesley's laptop. I texted Ryan to see if he was up. within a few minutes I got a reply saying he was because he was doing an all nighter with one of my other friends Jack through Xbox. I then logged onto Skype and saw that they were on. I called them and waited for them to answer.

"ASHLEY!" I heard Ryan scream.

"Hi Ryan! I miss you!

"I miss you too! so how is California?"

" it is amazing! the weather is incredible! hunington is gorgeous and Wes's house is on the beach so we watch the sunset all the time and it's just ugh!" I explain. he laughed.

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