Chapter 28

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Wesley's pov.

This morning I looked at twitter and #Wash is already trending. I look at the hashtag and see mostly positive comments but there is some hate. This was expected. I just have to tell her to ignore it.

"Wes can we go to the gym today? or at least do some type of physical activity?" Ash asks drying her hair with a towel.

"Well I know a certain physical activity we could do." I wiggle my eyebrows. she blushed and laughs.

"No seriously can we?" She pouts.

"Oh fine. but be ready within the next 20 minutes." I sigh and leave the room to go tell Drew and Keaton.

"Kk!" she shouts running somewhere. I go into the basement.

"Hey guys ash and I are heading to the gym, want to come?" I ask.

"Sure when are we leaving." Drew answers for both of them.

"Twenty minutes. hurry up." I leave and head back upstairs to go change.

When we get to the gym I look at Ash's outfit and realize we match. Except her pants are shorter and tighter. She is wearing red nike spandex with a black tank top. I have on red nike basketball short with a black tank. I grab her hand and she smiles at me.

"So did you purposely match me?" She asks as we head to the back of the gym where people 'warm up'. Drew and Keaton went right into lifting weights.

"I think your the one who matched me." She starts to stretch and so do I.

" I put on my clothes first."

"I was born first."

"That has nothing to do with this." She glares at me.

"yes it does." I stick my tongue out at her.

"Just hurry up."

"Well I'm done. What's the plan?" I ask walking over to her.

" I don't know. How about we do a little bit of each of our routines?" She asks.

"Okay. But let's make this more of a game. Who's ever workout is harder wins>" She thinks about it for a while and then smiles at me and puts out her hand.

"Deal. Mine first." She struts away and I follow. She goes over to the big balls. haha big balls. I start laughing. "I know what you are thinking. So mature." Ashley laughs.

"So what are we doing on the big balls?" I ask biting my lip trying not to laugh.

"Well first we are going to go onto the board with half a ball underneath it and try to hold our balance for two minutes." Ash says handing me a board.

"Seems easy enough." I shrug and place the board on the ground and try to stand.

This is a lot harder than I thought it would be. I am wobbling everywhere and I fell off a few times. I look over and see Ashley laughing so hard it looks like she is gonna pee her pants while still balancing perfectly fine on the board.

"How are you doing that?" I ask falling off the board once again.

"Its called balance and core strength." She hops off of it. "Next thing. Sit with only your butt on the ball and balance." She demonstrates and I follow suit on a bigger ball than hers.

" I like this one." She nods.

"It's much simpler isn't it?" she says. "Okay enough with this one time because we might run out of time. now it is time for ab and leg workout."

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