Chapter 29

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Wes's pov.

Today is the day. Ashley is leaving. I was dreading this day since she came here. Yesterday was fun trying to teach her how to surf. The key word there is trying because she could barley stay on the board and she gave up after about 30 minutes and just watch us. She was cute sitting on the beach making castles in the sand. She hasn't said anything about leaving today and neither have any of us. Even my mom is upset about her leaving. But at least we have another almost full day together. Her flight leaves at 8:30 tonight. It is now 9 in the morning.

"Wes can you come help me with this last thing?" I hear ash call and I go into the now empty guest room.

"What do you need help with?" I ask.

"Can you sit on this while I zip it? I tried but it didn't work." I laugh thinking about her sitting on her suitcase trying to zip it.

"Sure babe but I expect something in return." I say sitting down on it.

"Of course!" she grunts trying to zipper up the suitcase and finally succeeding after a few minutes. "So what do you want in return?" she asks putting her hands on her hips standing in front of me.

"A video of you singing." I smile standing up. her face dropped.

"Are you sure you don't want anything else?" She asks and I shake my head.

"Nope now come on"

"No I'm not doing that." She says crossing her arms.

"Fine I'll make you." I say and pick her up and swing her over my shoulder. I go to my bed and set her on my bed. "Stay here." I say and go to get my laptop. I quickly return.

"Fine. What do you want me to sing?" She asks sitting criss-crossed on the bed. I think about it and know the perfect song.

"Fall for You because it was the first song I heard you sing." I smiled and so did she.

"Okay but you at least have to sit with me." she says moving over.

"Deal." I set up the laptop and put it on video. I picked Ash up and placed her in between my legs and wrap my arms around her. "ready?"

"Ready" she smiled. I hit record and held her hand.

"Whenever you're ready."

" The best thing about tonight's that were not fighting.

could it be that we have been this way before.

I know you don't think that I am trying.

I know you're wearing thin down to the core.

But hold your breath,

Because tonight will be the night that I will fall for you,

over again,

don't make me change my mind

or I won't live to see another day

I swear it's true

Because a girl like you's impossible to find

Your impossible to find"

She sings and I smile. I love the way she looks when she is singing. her eyes are closed and the skin around it is crinkled. Her hand is in her stomach and she sings like an angel.

"Because a girl like you's impossible to find

Your impossible to find"

She finishes and smiles. she moves her head so she looks at me and kisses my lips.

The Girl on Tour *Wesley Stromberg fanfic*Where stories live. Discover now