Chapter 15

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Wes's pov.

I was in my car heading to Ryan's house. I'm only doing this for ashley. if that guy says one wrong thing I will flip.

As I pull into his driveway I only see one car. goo his parents won't be home if I yell. I ring the door bell dreading this. the door swung open.

"Hey man what's up?" Ryan said putting his hand up for a high five.

"Nothing. thanks for letting me come over." I replied doing the bro high five.

We enter the house. it's pretty nice. I was looking around as we entered the living room. I was brought out of my thoughts as a voice started talking.

"So what are you doing here?" he paused "I don't mean to sound rude but I didn't think you liked me that much." he scratched the back of his head.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to come off rude. but ashley wants me to talk to you so that I trust her with you while I'm in Cali. I already do since you have been friends with her but she insisted me too." he nodded.

"I promise I won't do anything to ashley as long as you promise me something." I nod now.

"Sure anything."

"You don't hurt ashley." He was dead serious.

"I would never. I already care about her so much."

"I have known her since she was thirteen and she has had her wart broken so many times because people see her as vulnerable because she is so small. so please don't."

"I won't and I promise you that." we do a bro hug this time.

"So can we just tell ashley we hung out and just carry on with our day. I know neither one of of would like to be here."

"Yeah I'm cool with that." I walk out the door and into my car. I decide to just drive around and look around. I haven't really seen the nature here and that's what New Hampshire is known for.

Ashley pov.

As Danielle, Allie and I shop for stuff for California for me I notice guys from our school look at us. I nudge both of there sides an they look down at me. yes look down because they are both 5'8. I'm the shorty in the group like always. anyways I ask them,

"Why are all the guys looking at us?" they shrug.

"Probably because you are off the market now so they want you more than ever." Danielle says

"One I'm not off the market technically and two what do you mean more than ever." I'm so confused with guys.

"They have always wanted you and you are just too oblivious to notice." Allie replies.

"That's true I guess." We continued to walk and walked into hollister.

"I can finally wear a bathing suit without feeling ugly!" I said walking out of the dressing room with a pink bikini on with the hollister bird all over he two piece.

I said without feeling ugly because I just lost 30 pounds from the beginning of the year and I'm not self concious about my stomach anymore.

"I'm so proud of you!" Allie and Danielle at the same time. us three look at each other and died laughing. this is why we are friends.

Danielle and Allie end up getting a pair of jeans and a pair of jean shorts and I get the pink bikini, a pair of shorts, a tank top and a light sweat shirt.

After shopping all day it feels like I could just fall asleep standing up! I end up with 3 new bathing suits,5 new pairs of shorts, 3 new tank tops and 1 new sweatshirt. it was a pretty solid day.

When I got home I decided to text Wesley since I haven't talked to him all day.

To: Wes the Sexiest Man Alive:)<333

Hey handsome:)

I really have to change his contact name. Not even 2 minutes later I got a reply

From: Wes the Sexiest Man Alive:)<333

Hey baby girl;) you home yet?

To: Wes the Sexiest Man Alive:)<333


From: Wes the Sexiest Man Alive:)<333

Good. dress up nice and I'll pick you up in an hour;)

I'm pretty excited. I wonder what we are doing. I have to dress nice so maybe like a sun dress? Or a skirt? I'll just ask amber!

"AMBER!!" I scream even though he is in the room next to me. oops.

"What the hell do you want?" she said walking into my room. I picked up a coral sundress that is a tank too with a brown belt and a black pencil skirt with a beaded flower tank top.

"Which one should I wear tonight? Wesley is taking me out and told me to dress nice." she rolled her eyes.

" Obviously the skirt because the dress isn't even that dressy." she walked out as soon as she said the last word. I out on that outfit and loosely curled my hair by putting it up in a loose pony tail and curling that pony tail and then taking it out. (A/N that actually works!)

I then go downstairs to the bathroom and put on eyeliner making sure to wing it and mascara. when I close my mouth from making that ridiculous face when you put on mascara the door bell rang. I knew it was Wes so I just screamed its open. He walked in and sat on the couch.

"You look beautiful baby" I blushed.

"Why thank you! so do you!" I scanned his outfit. dark wash jeans with a blue and white stripped button up shirt.. with no snap back. I go up and ruffle his hair, he smiled.

"Ready to go?" Wes asked standing up.

"Hold on I'm just gonna write my parents a note. they still aren't back. what slow pokes!" I wrote the note quickly and screamed bye to amber and we left.

" So where are we going?" I question.

"It's a surprise." he smirked and handed me a blind fold.

"Seriously? I'm scared of the dark!" I whined and he laughed.

"Just put it on. it won't be dark I promise." he held his pinky up and I wrapped my small one around his big one.

I put the blind fold on and just sat there singing and dancing to the radio. like an idiot.

Around a half hour later the car stops and I hear a door open and close and then my door opens and close. I hold Wes's hand tightly and get out of the car. I feel a breeze and I feel hands on my head untying my blind fold. I gasp.

"Wes I can't believe it."


CLIFF HANGER!!! Sorry for the wait!! Thanks for reading!! What do you think Wes did? Guess in the comments below!! Also if you want to date either Keaton or drew give me your name, and a description of what you look like!! Thanks for reading and don't forget to vote and tell other people to read!!! Xoxo

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