Chapter 5

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Wes's pov

Ashley headed out the door and to the car while I walked behind her. She was about to open the door but I ran and lifted her up out of the way.

"What was that for?" She was giggling. Her giggle is like a babies, it's so cute!

"I need to open the door for you. I'm the gentleman here!" I said with all seriousness.

"Okay mr.gentleman can you put me down now?" She looked into my eyes and did the puppy dog face.

"Is being in my arms not fun?"

"Not really, especially when your pressing me up against a car." She said while raising her eyebrows.

"Fine. I suppose you can get down now." I sighed and put her down. She got into the passenger seat I got into the drivers seat. I plugged in the address to where we were going and left. It took less than 5 minutes to get there since it was up the street.

Her eyes widened as she said "canobie lake park?!?! I haven't been here all summer!! I love it here!!" That was a huge relief! I thought she was gonna say she comes here all the time! Phew!

"Yup! I'm so glad you like the surprise" a smile formed on our faces as we parked. We walked in and ashley jumped up and down like a little kid because she saw her favorite ride.

"Can we please go on it??? Pleaaaaaasssseee??????" She was already pulling me towards the ride.

"I guess we have to since we are already at the ride" I chuckled and we got in line. I intertwined our fingers to show that she was mine just in case someone from her school decided to talk to her. Even though she isn't mine technically because she is too young she is mine and I am hers.

"Eeeehhhhh!!!! We are next!!!!!" Ashley squealed. I pulled her into a hug and she stood on my feet. I walked in line with her like that and she laughed.

"We are next, you're gonna have to get off." She pouted.

"But that was my favorite ride!" He winked and I smiled. We got into our seats and the ride started. Ashley was holding onto my arm the whole time screaming. It was cute. When the ride was over we got up locked hands and went to the next ride. We rode rides all afternoon. We decided we were hungry so we ate at a small Italian restaurant type thing in the park. We sat on the waters edge since the park was on the lake.

"Today was really fun! I'm glad my first time here this summer was with you." Ash smiled and put her hand on mine. She started to eat spaghetti but sauce got all over her face. I laughed and she was embarrassed and blushed.

"I'm glad you had fun. I had fun too! Let me get that sauce off your face." I took my fingers, wipe the sauce off and than ate the sauce.

"EEEWWWWW!!" Ash tried to make a disgusted look without laughing but she couldn't.

"What's wrong?"

"That's nasty! Do you know how much sweat is on my face that you just ate?"

"I don't care. The sauce was better that way." I winked and she hit me.

"You're nasty." I laughed and we finished eating while having small talk and we left the park. I drove her home and we decided to watch a movie together. She took out her contacts an put on glasses. I didn't know she even had glasses but they were cute on her. She than put on dance booty shorts and a tank top for her pjs. I just stared at her.

"What's wrong?!" She asked worried.

"Oh nothing. You just look really good,like really really good."

"Oh okay! So do you haha" She sat down really close to me.

"So what do you want to watch?"

"Monsters inc.!"She jumped up and down on the couch

"Okay" she smiled and put in the movie and pressed play.

She ended up falling asleep in my lap again. If this is how every night was gonna end up I didn't mind. I tucked her into bed and got into my bed. I took me a while to fall asleep because everything was running through my mind

'I can't date a girl that's a sophmore!'

'But I really like her'

'I want to call her mine'

'No one will judge us, will they?'

'What am I gonna do when I have to go home?'

I pushed all thoughts aside and fell asleep. Peacefully.


Hey guys!!! Sorry it took a while! I wrote something but then it got deleted:/ but it's up now!! I'm sorry for going between sophomore and freshman for Ashley's grade! I mean sophomore!!! Sorry!! Hope you like it and tell your friends about it!! Thanks xoxo

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