Chapter 31

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Ashley's pov.

"Mommy!! Daddy!!" I scream running towards my parental units with my bags in my hand. When I was in front of them I dropped my bags and ran into there arms.

"We've missed you sweetie!" my mom says rubbing my back.

"I missed you guys too" I say grabbing my bags.

"You look exhausted, I'll take those." my dad says grabbing my suitcase and carry-on.

"Thanks pa père."

The car ride home is filled with my parents giving me all the details on what happened while I was gone. Nothing really happened.

"All of your practices start this week too. And you got your sophomore year schedule!" I groan

"Why are you so excited about that? it's school" I groan again.

"Because I know you'll be doing something productive while we are at work." my mom says and my dad laughs.

"What?! I am very productive during summer!" I defend and my dad laughs even more. he turns into our driveway. "whatever. I'm gonna head to bed. I'll leave my suitcase down here and tomorrow I'll get it. I'm going right to bed." they nod.

"Goodnight, love you" they say.

"Night, love you too"

Wesley's pov.

"Morning Wes" my mom kisses my head as she kisses the top of my head.

"Morning" I reply blandly. it was weird waking up without Ash cuddled into me. Do you know that feeling you get when you do something for a while and then it stops? I have that. I feel weird and a part of me feels empty. Why am I being such a sap? I need to do something manly. I have the perfect idea. I run upstairs to Drew's room where he is laying under the covers on his phone.

"Drew wanna go boxing?"

"Sure, let me just put clothes on." I laugh.

"Meet down in five" I say before closing the doors.

Hopefully this will let me take all the pain away and let me forget about how much I miss Ash. Maybe this could become a new hobby.

Ryan's pov.

As I'm watching Saturday Night Live my phone vibrates. I really hope it's Ashley because she said she would call me when she landed. But it's a text.

From Wesley: Hey man, Ash just left on the plane. Just a warning she will be a wreck. if you could just update me on how she is because I know she will lie I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks.

She is going to be a wreck and I know it. hopefully not too bad. We do have practice this week for marching band so I will see her then and see how she is doing. I agree to keep Wesley updated.


I am embarrassed to even call this a filler chapter. I'm sorry that this one sucks so much but I wanted to update and I didn't want to start anything too big because Ashley just left and yeah....

Anyways sorry for not updating in a while! I got my phone and laptop and basically all electronics taken away for swearing in front of my parents....

On Sunday I went to #bandlife and I was on the floor and I was so freakin close to them!!!! Wes threw his hat and I caught it but some jerk elbowed me in the ribs and took it from me. I was pissed but then I saw Wes and Drew walking to the tour bus and I saw breezie!! and Wes and Keaton jumped into the crowd! Someone threw a condom on stage and it hit wes and then someone threw a Bra on stage and Wes danced with it! Also drew was talking and in the middle someone flashed him and he was like "Oh titties"! it was the best night of my life! to make it even better the Emblem3 twitter account favorite a picture that I took and tweeted and replied to it!! AAHH!! I had a freak out in the car! If you want to see the picture my twitter is @ashdancer107

Once again sorry for they sucky chapter!! I'll try to have a better update by next Wednesday!!

Love you all!


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