Chapter 30

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Wesley's pov.

As I exit the airport reporters and fan surround me. they all ask around the same question, what's going to happen between us. I don't answer any of them or pick my head up, I just head straight to my car.

I drive around to just get my mind off things and it doesn't help. My head finally gives me a good thought and I know exactly where to go now. I drive towards a secret beach no one really knows about besides a few fisherman that I have talked to on occasions. Once I get there I sit on the sand and slam my fist into the sand causing it to fly up.

"Sh*t!" I curse laying down.

To see her so broken but trying to hold it in killed me. I can't imagine how she is right now. I don't even want to think about how she will be when she is at home. I know she will lie to me saying she is okay. I can't really say anything because I know I will be lying to her saying I am okay. I only know one person to get the truth from and it kills me to ask this person but I have to. I pull out my phone and start a text.

To Ryan:

Hey man, Ash just left on the plane. Just a warning she will be a wreck. if you could just update me on how she is because I know she will lie I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks.

I send it and leave the beach. I head home hoping everyone won't ask me questions. My god, it wasn't even 24 hours and I already miss her like crazy. This is going to be very hard.

I enter the house and see Keaton and Drew in the living room. They just give me a nod and I reciprocate the gesture. I head up to my room. I lay down in my bed and grab a pillow that smelt exactly like Ashley's body spray. That smell alone just comforted me. I start to feel a little dazed so I take off my shirt and put on a pair of sweatpants and go to sleep.

Ashley's pov.

I sit down in my assigned seat on the plane and luckily it is the window seat. I stare out the window thinking about nothing. The voice of the captain came on the speakers interrupting my gazing.

After all the safety procedures and other crap was announced I looked back out the window. I hugged my Wes closer to me and inhaled the scent of it. It was the same cologne as my other Wes.

"Excuse my honey, are you okay?" someone asks as they tap my shoulder. I turn and see an older women that looks like a grandma would. I wipe my face not even realizing that I had tears streaming down it.

"Yeah" I say not wanting to bring down her mood.

"Sweetie, you can tell me. we have an awfully long flight. so what's wrong?" she asks rubbing my arm. I shift my body so that it is all facing towards her.

"Just relationship stuff."

"I have had my fair share of those. I would love to help, I haven't had anyone to help in these type of situations since all of my children have gotten married" she smiles sweetly. ah I was right, she is a grandma.

"Well, it all started in mid-July when I went to this concert for a band I love. One of the singers caught my eye and apparently I caught his since we looked at each other the whole show. After I had a meet and greet with them. They were only suppose to sign something but Wes, who is the singer, pulled my sister and I back for a group picture. He also gave me his number and he told me to stay and he would take me home because he wanted to know me better. That night he took me to Boston. We walked around Quincy market. On the way home I fell asleep on him. I woke up the next morning with me in my bed and him on the floor. That morning ended up having a few tickle fights. The next two weeks or so we hung out in my town. Then I went to California to his house. I was going to be there for three weeks. The first day we went swimming on the beach at his house. while we where swimming he kissed me under water and I was super embarrassed. like past blushing haha. After that situation was handled he kissed me again a few days later. A few days later after that, he took me to Disney Land with his two friends. That night while we were watching the fireworks he asked me out. ugh, it was perfect. I obviously accepted it and it was going perfect. Then management found out about us and they told us they would control it. we were upset but we went along with it so we could be together. Just three days ago we went public. I was scared that everyone would dislike us being together but they all liked it. Today was my last day there as you could tell. He gave me his sweatshirt and this giraffe because he knew I lost my old one that I couldn't sleep without. Leaving him is hard. I already miss him. We told each other that we loved each Other in the air port too. that just makes me miss him even more. We also promised each other that we would call and FaceTime whenever we could." I paused. "Sorry I just put a lot on you." I wipe my cheeks taking the tears off them. The lady rubs my arm.

"Aw sweetie, young love. some lasts some doesn't. this will be the true test to see if it lasts or not. I can tell you guys really care and like each other maybe even love. so when will the next time you see him be?" she asked. I though for a moment and then it hit me.

"I don't know." I started to cry again and bring my knees to my chest while hugging Wes.

"Just think about the positive. you will see him when you face chat or whatever that is all the time." I laughed a little. "and what do you know, he might surprise you by coming up at a random time. who knows!"

"Yeah you're right. thank you. I really mean it. you did help a lot." I smile and hug her.

"That's what grandmas are for." she laughs while hugging me back.

We talk during the whole flight about her family and why she was in California. We also talked a little bit about my family. It turns out that my great grandma and her live in the same area and she goes to her cookie store that I normally work at in the summer. I guess it's a small world huh?

I have three more hours on this plane. I might as well sleep since it will be pretty close to one in the morning when I get home.

I try to sleep but it just doesn't work. I just fidget. I just want to be comfortable. I just want to be in a bed. In Wes's arms. Anywhere where Wes is. I feel like I'm being clingy. It hasn't even been a full 24 hours and I'm already acting like this? oh god.

This is going to be tough.


Hii! Don't really have anything to say besides thanks for reading any sorry for any spelling, grammar, or punctuation errors! please vote and tell others to read! also if you could comment what you think and some critiques it would really help me!

Thanks! XoXo

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