Chapter 14

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Wes's pov.

I kissed Ashley's forehead and whispered goodnight. after a few minutes I knew she was asleep so I wanted I say how I really felt so that it would be easier to tell her when he was awake. like practice so I did it.

"I really like you."

I'm still really scared to tell her. what if it ruins everything. I want to keep this relationship.

I was slowly falling asleep. my mind wouldn't let me because I was still trying to figure out if I should tell ash but my eyelids were getting heavy. I finally just told my mind to stop thinking and let me fall asleep. I soon did.

Ashley's pov.

Did he really just say that? I don mind because I like him too but what if it doesn't work out? I want to keep this relationship. I should just sleep on it and see if I forget about it.

*next morning still in Ashley's pov*

My phone woke me up this morning. it was vibrating on the bedside table. I put my glasses on and I looked at the clock and it said 7:30. seriously who needs me at this early hour? I unplugged my phone and it was text from best friend Danielle. it said

"Get ready I'm picking you up in a half an hour and us and Allie are going to the mall to get you stuff for California!" I replied

"Okay but I'm not at my house I'm at Wes's hotel. nothing happened so don't worry. I'll send you the address." I hit send and squeezed out of Wes's grip to go to the bathroom. when I walked back out Wes was sitting up watching tv.

"Good morning!" I said jumping onto the bed and into his lap.

"Morning baby girl." he replied hugging me.

"So my friends Danielle and Allie are taking me shopping for stuff for California so I won't be able to spend the day with you." he pouted

"That's okay because I get you all to myself for two weeks in 3 days." he smiled and kissed my head.

"Oh yeah what's the address of this place?" he told me and I texted Danielle that. she could drive here because she was already 17 and a senior. Allie is a junior though so she can drive herself. I don't really talk to anyone in my grade if they aren't in marching band or color guard. I'm not very social.

Wes and I got out if bed and had breakfast. I realized that i didn't have clothes for today.

"Can I just give you these clothes back tonight or tomorrow? I need to wear them home?" I asked wes. he chuckled.

"I was planning on you doing that anyways." I blushed and smiled and put the dishes in the sink of the small kitchen. I got a text from Danielle saying that she would be here in 20 minutes.

"So what are you gonna do today when you are all by your self?" I asked wes. he shrugged.

"I don't know. I'll probably call drew to see if everything is set for you and lounge around." maybe he could get to know my friend ryan. I think they would be good friends! that would be amazing if the two men in my life were friends!

"Maybe you could hang with Ryan and get to know him." his face scrunched up.

"Maybe but why?"

"Well I just want you to be friends with him so I know you will be okay if I hang out with him when you aren't here. and you'll do it for me right?" I went up to him and sat in his lap so I was straddling him. I hugged him and put my head in the crook if his neck. he looked confused but finally gave in.

"Fine." Since trying to he him to agree took so much time by the time he did Danielle was here and I was off for the day.

Wes's pov.

I really didn't want to hang out with Ryan. I didn't like him, or trust him. he has that innocent act. but if ashley was going to hang out with him and I want to make sure he is okay like she said. first I'm going to call drew.

*phone conversation*

(D=drew W= Wes)

D- hey man what's up?

W- hey nothing much ash is out for the day and I just wanted to make sure everything is set for when we come.

D-Yeah everything is all set! Everyone is so stoked to meet her! your mom is the most excited. either her or Kyle! haha!

W- wait Kyle knows?


W- so that means Carly knows...

D- no! I told him not to tell her and I never told her. unless Keaton told her she is clueless.

W- okay good. but you should tell her today so she doesn't do anything when we get there.

D-I'll get right on that in the morning. I'll call you when after I tell her.

W- oh shit sorry I forgot about the time difference! goodnight bud.

D- night.

*end of phone conversation*

I'm glad that Carly doesn't know. she is very critical of all the girls I bring home. she always gets into the fight with them and scared them away. I'm just gonna warn ashley about her and hope for the best.

While ashley is out I should plan our trip to Disneyland. I texted her to get a Mickey shirt so that the day we go to disney we could match and wear Mickey shirts and take a picture with mickey. that would be so cute!

Shut up Wes you are starting to be mushy and gushy.

Great. everything is planned and ready for our trip. I guess I can talk to Ryan now. I'll shoot him a text.

Ashley's pov.

Danielle and I were driving to my house having small talk and laughing. During the commercial on the radio she turned it off and looked at me.

"Soooo....." she started " what's going on with you and Cali boy?"

"Well first of his name is Wes, not Cali boy. and secondly I don't know. we are very close and good friends right now. I wouldn't mind being more an I don't think he would but I'm happy with where we are at right now." I replied smiling.

"How does Ryan feel about him?" She scrunched her face up.

"I don't know either. he hasn't really talked to me since Wes introduced himself to him." Ryan is my best guy friend. he is two years older than me. we met my freshman year during band. I had a minor crush in him because I saw him often. than one time on a bus ride I was really tired so I fell asleep and he was in the seat in front of me but he woke my up and I said why would you do that and he replied I annoy you so I threw a water bottle at his face. after that we talked often. I didn't like him as much though, I don't know why though. he is super attractive though. so we have been best friends for 2 years and ideally value his opinion on guys. he has been with me through all my boyfriends and he was always right about them.

"Well are you going to find out what he thinks."

"Yeah they are hanging out today so he will know by tonight. hopefully he likes wes, I don't see anything wrong with him. he really makes me happy." Danielle smiled.we pulled into my drive way and my parents still aren't home and I have no idea where amber is so I just got changed an we left to go to the mall.


Hi guys!! Thanks for reading once again! Want to know something funny? Well I'm gonna tell you anyways, the story about how ashley met her friend Ryan is actually how I met my best friend Ryan. yes everything is true, even me throwing a water bottle at his head. I did know why I stopped liking him though, I knew I wouldn't have a chance with him after that incident....hahaha please keep reading and tell others to read because my reads per chapter have been going down rapidly!! Also I would like to dedicate this chapter to @xxxjmlleixxx for being the first person to add my book to a reading list!!! Thanks!


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