Chapter 38

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Wes's pov.

"You called me, said he broke your heart again. Won't you let me pick up the pieces? Let me pick all the pieces baby, you said even though your not with him,"

I wake up and see Ashley's giraffe in between her and I. That stupid giraffe. I turn Ash's alarm off. It's Saturday mornig at 5:30 and we have to go to her dance competition. She isn't even dancing today, why do we have to be up? But one of the only good things is that it's our show day in Boston and Ash's first time coming to our show. For this your at least.

"Ashley, baby girl, wake up" I shake her a little and she groans, "come on babe, it's competition day and show day" I kiss her forehead and she shoots up.

"Competition day and show day!" She smiles and jumps out of bed and I follow her. She runs into the guest room that drew and Keaton are sharing since no one wanted to share with Amber, "Guys get up it's competition day!" She jumps on Keatons bed and then goes to Drews blow up mattress.

"Five more minutes..." Keaton groans.

"You get to see girls in booty shorts and sports bras and you can actually hit on them." Ashley states

"I'm up!" Drew sits up. Ash and I laugh.

"Keaton it's show day!" Ashley sings sitting back on his bed. That makes him shoot up and smile.

"Okay now I'm up" he rubs his eyes

"Well get dressed and shower and do whatever. We have to leave by six thirty," Ash says and then leaves the room and goes to the bathrom, probably to take a shower

"Why did she get us up an hour early?" Drew asks getting off of his bed.

"I don't know but that stupid giraffe is seperating us when we sleep and I can't cuddle with her in my chest because of it." I complain and cross my arms.

"Just don't have her sleep with it when you're here," Keaton says like he is stating the obvious.

"Oh that's a good idea, thanks Keats" I ruffle his hair. I walk out of their room and run into Mr. Chase, "Good morning sir,"

"Good morning son, but what have I told you multiple times? It's Tom, Mr.Chase sounds like my dad," He shutters and laughs," Anways do you think you could just take Ash to the compeition today? Her mom doesn't feel to good. She has a ride home since I know you guys have a show and all and I will just drive her to the show," He explains.

"Of course Tom, I mean we are in your house and all," He laughs.

"Thank you, I'm going to get a trash bucket and then going back to bed. It is too early to function on a Saturday. I don't see why Ashley has so much energy," He shakes his head.

"She is crazy sometimes. Well I hope Mrs.Chase, I mean Linda, feels better."

"Thanks, have a nice time at dance," He winks and then leaves.


"Please just let me drive!" Ash gives me the puppy eyes. We are at the car with Drew and Keaton in the car.

"Have you driven before?"

"obviously, please?" She begs. I huff.

"Fine, but don't scrtch it or crash it." I warn her and toss her the keys. She kisses me quickly.

"You're the best," She squeals and runs to the drivers seat.

"I'm always the best when she gets what she wants," I mutter. I get into the car and get settled in, "Let's go."

"Can someone else drive? I don't feel like dying the day of a show," Keaton says.

"Oh shut up I am an excellent driver for your information." She sticks her tongue out. She starts to back up and almost hits her mail box and then the trash cans, "Yeah Wes why don't you drive," She turns off the car and gets out. I am just laughing and I get a playful hit for laughing.

"Sorry babe," I kiss her cheek.

*At the dance compeition*

Ashley's pov.

"So there will be a lot of girls and you might get mobbed. Do you want me to talk to the security guards?" I ask them.

"They have security guards at these?" Drew asks.

"Yeah, there is only one or two, but yeah. They are required to be here. They misty just play on their phones or watch dances," I tell them.

"I think we should be good, people don't know where we are, " Keaton says.

"True, so are you guys ready? We have to walk to the building which is down the road a little, so brace your selfs for a cold walk." I tell them and zipper up my north face that is over my studio sweatshirt. I was stupid of wearing leggings since there is no warmth in them but I think my fake Uggs and knee high socks make up for them. Plus I look good in them.

We all get out of the car and start our journey. I have my hood up and I'm snuggled into Wes's side. I've been in the cold for all of my life, yet I hate it and I'm not good at all with the cold. As we get closer to the building where the competition is being held ,somewhere in Massachusetts, we hear girls screaming. Why are people screaming?

"Emblem three! Emblem three!" we hear the girls chant. I feel Wes tense.

"Okay who told?" Drew asks kind of pissed off. I rub Wesley's chest and squeeze his waist.

"I might have." Wes trails off and rubs the back of his neck. We all come to a halt.

"Bro!" Keaton says.

"Sorry! I tweeted it without thinking. I deleted it as soon as I realized it was a stupid idea," He says.

"And when was that?" I ask.

"When you said we might get mobbed by girls." he says sheepishly. I groan a look at the group of girls.

"Well there isn't a lot of them," thank god, " I'll go talk to them and some security guards. Stay here," I push then into this doorways that is indented so people can't see them.

"Be careful," Wes says and pecks my lips. I nod and start walking.  

"EXCUSE ME! EXCUSE ME!" I scream, "EVERYONE BE QUIET!!" I scream louder. Everyone stops and turns to me.

"Oh my god! It's Ashley! That must mean they are close!" A girl screams and the rest start moving around every where looking for them. 

"Stop!" I scream again. They look at me again, "Now if you don't want security come out here and escort the boys in without them being able to take pictures get into a line." I command and they get into a line, "Good. Now stay in this line and I'll go get them." They start to scream again. I jog back to the guys. 

"Are we all good?" Drew asks. 

"kinda, all the girls are in a line and I told them if they stayed in a line you guys would take pictures with them quickly."

"That's okay, lets go it's freezing out here." Keaton says and him and Drew take off. I grab Wes's hands and we start to walk. 

"Don't look so upset. It's not your fault and plus it turned out fine. Today is gonna be a good day. We will meet some people I'm extremly close too and then we will go to your concert and have  ball. Cheer up!" I poke his cheeks. 

"Okay, let's have a damn good day" He smiles at me and then he starts taking pictures with fans. 


Hiii!!! I had to split this day into two chapters!! I hope you liked this!! PLease vote and comment what you think!

Please read my other fan fic Silent. It will mean a lot to me!!!! Thank you!!

Thanks for reading!XoXo

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