Chapter 19

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"Come swim with me!" I said happily enjoying life right now. I went underwater and apparently Wes did too because I bumped into him. it was super awkward because our lips bumped into each other. I came up and Wes did too. I just ran out of he water.

"Ashley wait!" I heard Wes scream but I just kept running.

*end of recap*

Ashley's pov.

I just kept running. drew and Keaton tried to stop me but I just ran. I went right up into the room I was staying in and changed into shorts and a T-shirt. I crawled into the bed, and curled up into a ball under the covers. I just laid there crying for a few minutes until I heard the door open and close.

"Ash come here." it was wes. I don't want to face him right now. the blankets flew off of me and I was lifted onto his lap.

" you do know you are four eleven and weigh like 100 pounds and I can lift you with ease." I looked up at him. He laughed.

" sorry." he cleared his throat.

"I'm sorry." I mumbled into my shoulder.

"Don't be sorry babe."

"No I am because you probably didn't want that to happen and I just embarrassed myself and I probably just lost our friendship."

"Hey hey, no you didn't. do you think I accidentally went underwater when you went under? no. do you remember last night when I said I love you?" I nodded.

"Well I meant it. you didn't embarrass yourself and I meant for that to happen. so don't worry about it and come back to the beach." I shrugged my shoulders.

"Please baby girl."

"Fine just let me change." he kissed my forehead before putting me down and leaving the room. I quickly changed and met him outside of my room.

Wesley's pov.

I can't believe that actually worked. I actually got a kiss from her. it was only for a second but it counted. what I could believe is that she just ran up to the house. I gave her a few minutes because I knew she would change and went up after her.

After I cleared things up we went back to the beach. she went back to the water while I stayed back to put my rash guard on and wax my board.

"Dude what the hell happened?" Drew said while waxing his board.

"Well she went underwater and I did too on purpose and bumped into her so our lips crashed together and she just ran away embarrassed but it's all good now." I smiled while continuing to put the wax on.

"Wait you kissed her?" Keaton said surprised.

"Yeah. it didn't even last a second but, it was amazing."

"Bro, you are hard core crushing. and good thing the paparazzi didn't see her running out of the water crying with you running after her, that would have been a messed up story." drew said. oh shit, he was right. what will the pap do?

"Well let's just get into the water." I said while running off. I just ha to think and this was the best place to think. I saw ashley sitting in the water just playing with the sand. She was so cute. I went up behind her and put my board down. She looked behind her but I was already lifting her up on the board.

"Wes what are you doing?" she said while having one hand grabbing onto my hand very tightly may I add and her other hand gripping onto the edge of my board.

"I am teaching you to surf baby girl."

"No, no, no, no! please no!"

"You are a dancer you have great balance you will do fine!" I said as I let go of the board. she was standing up and a wave took her in. She looked behind her shoulder to me. she pointed down to her feet and than looked up and started jumping. I waved my arms and made them form an 'x' telling her to stop jumping. she didn't get the memo early enough because she was already in the water. I swam over to her and pulled her up.

"Never doing that again." I laughed.

"Just don't jump while you are on the board." she chuckled this time.

"But in all seriousness I'm done." I carried her on my hip with my board in the other hand and brought us up to our stuff on the beach. "I'm going to go back relax and shower. bye be safe please!" she said while hugging all of us and running off.

"Let's go back to surfing, it looks like a storms a brewin" drew said.

" Kay dude but we aren't pirates." I said and we all laughed and headed into the water. we paddled out and caught a few waves but then thy died down so we got out and packed up all of our stuff since it started to down pour. we ran up to the house and heard an angelic voice singing.

Ashley's pov.

I went up to the room I was staying in once again and just sat at the make up table for a few minutes just trying to process everything. I was so happy with my life. for once in a long time I was genuinely happy. I decided to take a shower to get all the salt off of me. The salt wasn't as bad as the beaches back in New England but I still felt icky!

I turned on my pandora radio and hopped in the shower. Fall For You by Secondhand Serenade came on I sang every lyric. he only reason why I was singing is because I knew no one could hear me, I don't think I have a very good voice.

After the song ended I washed my conditioner out and turned the water off. I wrapped a towel around my body and it came down to the middle of my shins since it was one of Wes's big ones. I walked out of the bathroom into my room and Wes was sitting on my bed.

"Oh my goshness!" I screamed while falling to the floor. I didn't expect home there and it scared the crap out of me if you couldn't tell haha.

"Sorry for scaring you." Wes said while putting his hand out and pulling me up. I could tell he was trying to hold in his laughter.

"You're just lucky I didn't drop my towel."

"No I think that I would have been lucky I you did." he smirked and winked.

"Perv. know what do you want?"

"Get ready we are going out to dinner. paparazzi will be there just to warn you!" oh god. I forgot about them. they were at the airport but I was half asleep and I didn't get noticed by them. I don know how though. that's weird. what else is weird is that I haven't talked to Ryan at all lately. another weird thing is that when you think about it when you swim in a body of water you are swimming in fish pee. wait... I'm suppose to be getting ready. what do I wear?

I picked out coral shorts and a white frilly tank top. I tucked in the tank top and put one a brown leather braided belt. I scrunched my hair and put on body spray, deodorant, string bracelets, and black flip flops. I just realized that I looked really tan and the coral and white really made me look even darker! I walked out and met Wes in the living room. he was wearing khaki shorts, a black tank and a SnapBack.

"Let's do this." he said while taking my hand.

Do I really want the paparazzi to see me and judge me?

Am I ready to do this?


Sorry for it being long! I just realized that one day has been three chapters... oops! but I just wanted it to be very detailed!! the next chapter will be short!! sorry! bit thanks for reading!!also thank iminlovewithemblem3 for voting on every chapter and just being an amazing reader! I know I already did that for him/her but they are just amazing! remember to vote an tell others to read! thanks xoxo

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