Chapter 12

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*2 weeks later*

Ashley's pov.

For the past two weeks Wes and I have been hanging out and he has gotten to know my family and dance friends. we have also gotten really close too! It is awesome!

I told my guard and band friends that I was going to Huntington for 2 weeks before school starts and they thought it was gonna be good for me. they also want to throw me and Wes a going away party. I felt bad because was doesn't really know them but he didn't mind when I told him. he was excited to party. it was on Friday and today is Thursday. drew and Keaton left on Monday to go get the guest room ready do me. I feel like a princess! haha

Wes's pov.

Ashley's friends were having a party for us. I said I would go but I don know, I feel like it is going to be lame because band geeks are havin it. I just can't tell ashley that.

*night of the party*

Wes's pov.

The party started at 8 and it was 7. I was wearing black jeans, a yums tank top, a yums SnapBack and just black shoes. ashley was wearing jean high waisted shorts with a tank top that was loose and had those fringy things at the bottom and flip flops of course. she looked smokin. Her legs were tan and muscular and her butt was toned and looked amazing in those shorts. I was staring at her until someone said something to me.

"Like what you see?" ashley giggled and strikes a pose. I laughed.

"Of course." she blushed.

"How should I do my hair?" she asked looking in her mirror playing with it.

"Leave it how it is. it's prettier down."


"What about makeup?"

"What about it?" I smirked knowing that annoyed her. she glared at me.

"Should I wear it or not?" I don't like girls who wear a ton of make up. ashley wore it sometimes but the most she would put on for a regular day was mascara and eyeliner. apparently she has to put a boat load on for performances. I was okay with that.

"It doesn't matter because you are cute no matter what."

"Okay so make up it is! hahaha" of course. I looked at my watch and it was 7:50 and the house was about 20 minutes away.

"Hurry up ash or we are gonna be late!" I huffed laying down on her bed.

"Done!" she shouts throwing her hands up in the air causing the mascara bottle to fly somewhere. We walked out of her house and to my car. we drove and we finally got to her friends house. there were more cars there than i expected. she grabbed my hand a led me into the house. the music was blasting an everyone was dancing and drinking. this was better than I expected. I leaned down to ash and pulled her into me and whispered in her ear,

"You better not drink anything you aren't suppose to." she leaned her head back and looked up at me.

"Fine. but neither can you than!" I sighed and pouted.

"Fine." I let her go and she went to go talk to one of her friends. it was a guy. I think his name was ryan. he was about the same height as me. The next thing I know he lifts her up and hugs her and you can't even see her. she wraps her legs around his waist and he puts his face in the crook of her neck. I decided it was time for me to step in. I walked up to them and put her down. I wrapped my arm around her waist and pulled ash extremely close.

"Hi I'm wes." I said trying not to sound to bitter. I don't think it really worked since I got a slap on my back from ashley. I smiled and she then patted my back.

"Hi I'm Ryan." I was right. he smiled and we shook hands. the song gas pedal came on and ashley jumped and ran to one of her friends. everyone formed a circle around them as they did some dance. I got to the front and I saw ashley do the gas pedal dance from vine and there own dance that they made up I guess. oh. hot. damn. she looked hot as hell. I knew she could dance but I didn't know she could do that! it just made her 10 times more attractive.

The song ended and they were all laughing while everyone was cheering. She came up to me and I attacked her with a hug.

"You are freakin amazing! that was hot as hell!" I screamed. he hugged back and replied,

"Thanks!" she laughed "so want to dance?"

"Of course. want to teach me some moves?" I winked and she just dragged me to the dance floor. I pulled her into me so that her waist was on mine. I wrapped my arms around her waist and started grinding to the music. it felt so natural with her.

We separated for a few songs and we were having a small dance off. Soon a huge circle was around us, it turned into a girls vs. boys dance off. ashley was lead for the girls and I was the lead for the guys. it seemed like a bring it on movie. it all got ruined when I heard one girl say "ashley isn't even that good. I could so out dance her." I stopped everyone and told the dj to turn the music down. and screamed so everyone could hear me.

"Hey everyone! so this girl here thinks she can out dance ashley!' everyone said ooooo and I continued ' I say we have a little dance off between them. ashley smiled and walked off.she came back with sneakers on and nodded. everyone cheered. brooke (the other girl) was the first to dance. She was just moving her arms and hips to the music and ashley stood there brushing off her nails, not impressed. brooke did her last move to ashley and walked to the other side of the circle. ash told the dj a song to play and it was 'outta your mind' by lil Jon. she actually danced. she did kicks, splits, booty pops and other stuff. everyone cheered for ash while only few people cheered for brooke. I got in the middle of the circle again and screamed.

"I believe we have a winner here!" I lifted ashley up onto my shoulder and everyone went wild. brooke left after that. we danced for about 2 more hours and than the party was over. we said our goodbyes and left.

"That was amazing ash. you are an awesome dancer."

"Why thank you stromberg. you have some moves too." she smiled. and kissed my cheek. "I am so tired. I want to go into a bed and fall asleep for ever!" she threw her arms up. I laughed.

"Your mom texted you saying she was spending the night in North Conway so we can just go to my hotel since it's closer."

"Okay." She curled up in a ball and hummed to the songs that were on the radio. I was thinking to my self that I wanted to do something special for ash when we got to California. we went to amusement parks, the mall, bowling, mini golfing and other places. I wanted to go something that we have already done so that we could have memories of the same thing on both sides of the country. I have the perfect idea.

We are going to DisneyLand.:)


Hey guys! I don't really have much to say but the usual. keep reading and tell other people to read too. Also vote! the next chapter when I get 7 votes on this one!!!!! so vote it up! hahaha thanks for reading!


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