Chapter 4

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I woke up and looked around. I was in my room. But someone else was in my room too. It was a guy sleeping on the floor. He rolls over and I realized who it was. Wesley Trent Stromberg. Than it all came back to me. Last night was the best night ever because I hung out with Wes and I feel asleep on his lap. That sounds weird haha! But it was perfect! I threw my pillow at Wes and he jumped. He looked over at me and smiled, I returned with a smile too.

"Good morning cutie" Wes said and winked at me. Oh my gosh his morning voice is to die for. Is that weird?

"Good morning!" I jumped out of bed and got pulled to the floor. I started to get tickled!

"Aaaahhhh!!! WES!!!!! STOP IT!!! Aaaaahhhh!!!" I said in between laughs.

"I'll only stop if you hang out with me today!" He said with a smirk on his face while still tickling me.

"Fine I will! Now stop it please!" I still laughed after it stop because I still felt like I was getting tickled.

"So how did you end up on the floor in my room?"

"Well you feel asleep on my lap on the way home and when we got to your house I carried you to the door and your mom answered and told me where your room was and she said I could spend the night here and just not be in the same bed as you, so I just slept on the floor." Wow I'm surprised my mom let him. I know she knew I wasn't going to do anything but its not like her to let a guy stay in my room.

"Oh okay! So do you want some breakfest/lunch since its 12?" Please say yes!! I'm starving!!!

"That would be awesome! I'm so hungry" Wes put his hands on his stomach and made a growling noise! I cracked up and fell over and hit my head on the trash can.

"Ow!" I kind of whispered while holding my head.

"Come here ill kiss it better!" He said in a baby voice. Aww that voice is so cute!!

I sat in his lap and pointed to where it hurt. He kissed it and said all better! And hugged me!

"Let's go eat some brunch!" I got up and started to walk away. I looked back an saw Wes still sitting there.

"If you don't come you aren't getting anything!!"his eyes popped open.

"Help me up. Pleassse!" He made a puppy dog face.

"Fine." I went over and helped him up. I than remembered how much taller he was than me. Wow.

Wes's pov.

"Fine." Ashley came over and helped me up. I don't really remember how much shorter she was than me. She was in my armpit. Haha! We walked downstairs into her kitchen and we saw amber. She gave us a dirty look and than pushed by us and went up to her room. I don't even know what I did to get her so mad at me. Oh well.

"We have cocoa crunchies for cereal." Ashley said as grabbing the box and walking over to the counter next to the sink. She climed up on it to reach the bowls. I let out a chuckle and she turned around and have me the look. She was trying to be mad but she couldn't. I went over to her and wrapped my arms around her waist and smiled. She couldn't resist me and smiled back. I picked her up and placed her on the ground. She made us cereal and we ate and had small talk.

"So what are we doing so I know what to wear?" She asked staring at me.

"Anything will work! But what we are doing is a surprise!"

She groaned. "Ugh fine." And she got up put her bowl in the sink and went up stairs. I followed. She chose yoga pants and a t-shirt and flip flops to wear. Wow her ass looked good in yoga pants. Her legs and butt were nice and toned from dance and color guard, I'm not complaining. I wore jeans, a yums tank, a yums SnapBack and some black supras.

Today was gonna be amazing just like last night.


Hi guys! Sorry that its still boring! It will get better! What do you think so far?? Please leave comments and votes!! Thanks! Xoxo

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