Chapter 22

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*2 days later*

Wesley's pov.

Today is the day I am going to take ashley to disney. Drew and Keaton are coming with us too. someone needs to take the pictures! haha I had Keaton take her to the store or somewhere to get her out of the house so I could make sure all the plans were set.

"I call ashley on the Cars ride." drew shouted while making a smoothie.

"Um she is mine." I said back.

"No she is mine."

"No mine."

"Ashley is mine I brought her here."

Then the door opened.

"You guys are both wrong ashley is mine." Keaton said while sliding his arm around her waist pulling her close.

"All three of you guys are wrong. I'm Sampsons." ashley said while bending down and picking him up. she giggled.

"Ash go upstairs and put on the outfit that is laid out on my bed." I said.

"Demanding much?" she said while putting Sampson down and taking a step towards me.

"Attitude much?" I replied back crossing my arms.

"Oooo" we heard Keaton and Drew in the back.

"No." she say down on the ground crossing her arms and legs.

"You just made it so much easier for me." I said bending down to pick her up. before I could she grabbed onto my leg so that I couldn't.

"Still easy?"

"Yup." I started walking with her on my leg. I got to the stairs and she got up and ran up them.

"You could have hurt me doing that." she said when she got at the top of the stairs. she looked mad with her arms crossed.

"I would never hurt you." I started walking up the stairs and she ran into my room. I went up to it and tried to open it but it was locked. "Ashley let me in."

"One sec I'm changing!" she screamed.

"Then open this door right now."

"Nope you perv."

"Very funny." the door opened and ashley stood there with her high waisted shorts that barely covered her little big bum and her tank top with a galaxy Mickey on it and had opened sides with a blue bandeau bra. "you look smokin." her cheeks went to a cherry red.

"Thanks." she giggled. she tried to move around me but I picked her up by her waist. "Yes?"

"I just wanted to see you from my eye level."

"Do you like what you see then."

"Yeah, the view is perfect." I winked.

"So is mine." she tried to wink back but failed because she can't wink. I started cracking up. she slid out of my arms and walks away.

"Sorry baby girl."

"It's Kk I just have to finish getting ready."

Ashley's pov.

I walked away from Wes and went into my room. I put my hair up into a top knot and put on a grey headband. I brushed my teeth and put on deodorant and apple body spray. I put on my black vans, grabbed my white sunglasses and left my room. I went downstairs and saw drew Keaton and Wes wearing matching Mickey shirts. I died laughing.

"Nice shirts."

"Let's just go." Drew said while walking out the door. Keaton followed Drew and Wes followed Keaton and I jumped on Wes's back.

"Thank you for bringing me to disney." I kissed his cheek.

"Your welcome baby girl." he kissed my cheek back. We went out side and the humid hair hit me instantly.

"Bleehh" I groaned.

"What the hell was that?" Keaton asked from the car a little freaked out.

"That was me. don't worry!"

We all got into Drew's jeep with Keaton and Drew up front and Wes and I in the back. I put down the window and just enjoyed the view. After a few minutes my phone vibrated with a notification from Instagram.

'@wesleystromberg added a photo of you'

I clicked the notification and saw a picture of me looking out the window of Drews jeep with the sun shinning down on me and the beach behind me. The caption read 'spending the day with the guys and the most beautiful girl in the world.' I looked up at him and he was already smiling at me.

"Awe you're so sweet." I said while leaning over and giving him a hug.

"Love birds get out of the car we are here." drew said while turning off the car.

I took Wes's hand and stood next to Drew who stood next to Keaton. we walked up to the front gate and saw the 'Welcome' sign. I started jumping up and down and squealing.

"OH MY GOSHNESS IM SO EXCITED!!" I screamed. all the guys laughed. I just pulled all of them closer to the gate.

"Ash just so you know fans and paparazzi will be here." Wes said looking at me. I got a little uneasy from my last encounter with them but I will just ignore them.

"Yeah. I know I will just ignore them." I said continuing to walk.

We got to the ticket booth and then went through security and finally went through. this day is gonna be amazing.


Hey guys!! I know this is short but I am going to do a really long next chapter because it will be there day at disney, it might be two parts. Also I am so close to 1K reads!!!! thanks for reading and getting me this far!! please criticize and critique!!! love you all!!! Thanks again xoxo

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