Chapter 17

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Ashley's pov.

I'm waken up by someone shaking me.

"Wake up baby girl we are here." Wes whispered kissing my cheek.

"Where are we?" I'm so confused.

"We are in Huntington Beach California babe." my eyes widened.

"What? did I even say good bye to my family? Was I even awake this morning? I don't remember anything." Wes chuckled

"We are in California, you said goodbye to your parents and amber for a good 30 minutes and you were awake the whole time until you went to sleep on the plane," Wes smiled, " let's go get our bags and head to my house." I nodded and grabbed his hand.

We got my suitcase pretty quickly since it was a Hawaiian themed one that stood out . Wes's was hard to find since it was the same one as everyone else's. We looked at all the tags. the last one we looked at of course was Wes's.

We walked to the entrance of the airport and Wes waved down a taxi. we got in and put our bags in the trunk. Wes told the man his address and we were off to his house.

"I missed it here."wes said while looking out the window while I played with his callused fingers.

"I'm not surprised! you haven't been here in forever!" I said back while still examining his thumb. "I miss drew and keaters. I haven't seen them in a week! hahaha. are you excited to see your mom?"

"Yes! I am so happy to see her. also I'm so excited for her to meet you. She is going to love you so much. just like I do." he smiled and I smiled.

"Here we are." the taxi driver said. "it will be 17 dollars."

"Thank you, here's a twenty keep the change." Wes and I jumped out of the car and got our suit cases. we started to walk up the drive way. his house was slightly bigger than mine. but it looked cozy. half way up we were greeted by an excited keaters.

"Ashley!!!" Keaton screamed while running towards me attacking me into a hug. We got close while we hung out for two weeks in nh.

"Hi keaters! I missed you!" I said into his neck.

"I missed you too! oh and you wes!" Keats said while pulling away.

"Thanks. now can you grab Ashley's bag and continue to walk. "Wes said anxiously.

"Okay okay!" Keaton put his hands up in defeat. he grabbed my bag and walked in front of Wes and i.

I grabbed Wes's hand and squeezed it. he returned with a squeeze and smiled.

"Go run ahead and see your mom. I have your bag." I said to wes.

"Are you sure?" Wes said uncertainly.

"Positive. I won't get lost now go!"

"Thank you so much ash!" I go a hug and a kiss on the cheek as Wes ran up the driveway and into his house. I started pulling the suitcase and I was facing backwards pulling it since it was basically bigger than me it was easier that way.. I bumped into something hard and I turned around.

"Drew!!" I squealed while jumping up into his arms and hugging him.

"Hi babe!" drew said while squeezing the life out of me. drew and I have a brother sister relationship now.

"Let's get you inside." I started pulling Wes's suitcase but failed making drew laugh. "I'll take that.."

We walked inside and I was greeted by a hug. I didn't know what to do so I just hugged back. we pulled away from each other and it the person was a middle aged lady.

"Hi sweety! I'm laraine the boys mom. I'm so happy to finally meet you. when Keats and Drew came home they told me all about you and all the phone calls with Wes I heard a lot about you!" I blushed.

"I hope all good things!" we laughed together.

"Drew honey could you please show ashley her room?" laraine called out.

"Why does drew get to show her and not me?" Keaton pouted.

"Fine drew and Keaton show her." laraine said while I was laughing to myself.

"Oh I see how it is. I bring a girl home and everyone gets to show her the room except me. that's cool too." Wes said while barging into the kitchen. I was laughing so hard now.

"Hey laraine could you please show me my room?" I asked and winked at her. she winked back. I already love her.

"Of course dear." she smiled and all the boys groaned and threw there hands up in defeat.

We walked up the stairs and she showed me around the house.its a pretty nice house. it's so cozy.

"Here is your room. it's next to Wes's and Drews room. Keaton's is right across the hall. " she smiled. I nodded.

"Thank you so much for letting me stay here!"

"Don't worry! you are so sweet already. I'm glad Wesley found you. from what I have hear you really put him in line. so thank you." we hugged an went down stairs to a messed up kitchen. "BOYS." laraine said very calmly but angry at the same time.

"We tried to make dinner but it didn't work out so well." Keaton said.

" They can see that Keats." Wes said while hitting him in the arm.

"Sorry mom." drew said.

"It's okay boys just clean this up while I go and get dinner. how does pizza sound?" she said while grabbing her purse and keys.

"Awesome!" we all yelled in unison.

She left and all three of the boys looked at me and smirked.

"What are you guys doing?" I asked backing away.

"Nothing" they all say simultaneously. Keaton then starts opening the door and drew and Wes walk towards me.

"DONT YOU DARE!" I started to run up the stairs but I was pulled back by my waist. I was lifted over Wesley's shoulder and drew was holding my arms laughing. Keaton was taking a video.. wow I have nice friends. Not.

"Keaton grab my phone out of my pocket for me please." Wes said as we stopped. I wiggled and wiggled trying to get out of his grip. I licked drews hand to get him to let go.

"Ew that's nasty!" he said while pulling away. I started hitting Wesley's back by I was too late. we were ready in his backyard beach. I loved the smell of the salty air.

"No wes. no. Please no. I'll go into bed with Keaton or drew tonight." he stopped.

"Hmmm.... I'll live for tonight." he said while laughing and throwing me into the water. I popped up from underwater and started walking away.

"Come on baby girl it was funny." He caught up with me and wrapped his arms around my waist. i turned around.

"You're right. sorry for over reacting." I hugged him and pulled him down to miss his cheek. he closed his eyes and I pushed him and ran. I sprinted all the way up to his backdoor and got inside. Drew came up and laughed.

"Lock him outside!" he said between breathes. Wes gets up to the glass door and tried to pull it open. I pretended to try but I couldn't so I shrugged my shoulders and walked away. I went up to my room and started to unpack my suitcase. I took off my wet Horta and wet tank too and put on yoga pants and a sweatshirt. I blasted music and danced around the room. it heard pounding on the door, I ignored to but then I felt arms wrap around my waist.

"Don't think I won't get revenge. dinner is here." I heard a whisper and I shuttered.

"Kk." he let go and we walked downstairs. I went over next to drew and whispered in his ear.

"Wes is getting revenge on me, should I be scared? also can I sleep in your bed tonight? I told him if he threw me in I wouldn't sleep in his bed." he chuckled and wrapped his arm around my waist.

"No you shouldn't and yes you can." he winked and I looked up ad saw an angry Wes.

"Thank you laraine." I said sweetly getting drews arm off of me and going to get a piece of pizza. "Where is keats?"

"He is in his room eating with Zuni." Wes said.

We all ate and went up to bed. I got into shorts and a tank top and went to Wes's room. I knocked and the door flew open.

"Oh so you are going to sleep in my bed." He smirked and open the door wider letting me in.

"No I just came to say goodnight and to say that I'm sleeping in drews room." I hugged him and kissed his cheek. he seemed really upset.

"Goodnight baby girl. my door is always open."

With that I went to drews room and laid down in his bed with him. he was half asleep.

"Night drew."

"Night ash." and than he was out.

Hey guys! Thanks for reading! I don't have much to say besides remember to vote and tell others to read!

Thank you for the people who have been reading from the start and thanks to the new readers! happy thanksgiving!! love you all! xoxo

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