Chapter 24

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Wesley's pov.

I woke up feeling so happy. the girl on my chest is finally officially mine. I wrapped my arms tighter around her and she smiled. she gripped my shirt and opened her eyes.

"Good morning baby girl." I smiled at her. she yawned and stretched her arms out.

"Good morning wes." she smiled and put her head back down. I sat up and ashley fell to the side. she groaned an I laughed. "Shut up." I picked her up an had her face me.

"How are you feeling?" I asked her.

"I'm extremely happy and ecstatic and everything good!" she laughed. "how are you?" she asked putting her hands on my face.

"The same as you." she blushed.

"Just to make things clear, things aren't going to change between our friendship right? like we are still gonna act the same. nothing awkward?" she looked down and played with my hands.

"Nothing is going to change. besides me kissing you more." She looked up and blushed when I winked at her. she for up and grabbed my hand pulling me up.

"Let's go get breakfast. I'm hungry."

"Wait ash." I said and she turned around and I smashed my lips against hers. "see like that." she laughed.

"Let's go lover boy." She dragged me down saris and we saw Keaton and drew already eating. Ashley gasped. "woah a wild Keaton and drew in there natural habitat." She said sarcastically. Keaton have her the finger Drew just glared up and back down. Someone's moody.

I went and got a pop tart and sat down. ashley went to grab one but it was on the top shelf and she couldn't reach. she lifted herself onto the counter grabbed one and jumped down. She sat down across from me and we all ate in silence.

"What's up guys?" I ask breaking the silence.

"Drew is pissed." Keaton said sitting down.

"No I am not!" drew shouts.

"Drew can I talk to you for a minute please?" ashley says and gets up to take Drews hand. he instantly softens up. once they leave I turn to Keaton.

"What has gotten into him."

"Management talked to him about is going on tour."

"Why is that bad?"

"They want us to sing all of the songs management has written and none of our original songs."

"Ohh." we stay silent for a few minutes.

"We have a meeting with management later today too." I groan. I hate those.

"Calm down we will fix this!" I hear ashley yell. then I hear a bang. "Drew! pick that up right now!" I hear another yell. I laugh. then I hear steps coming down the stairs.

"How did it go?" I ask sarcastically. she glares at me.

"I'm going to your meeting with management. hope they like me since we are dating." she says. Keaton gasps.

"Since when?!"

"Last night after the fireworks." ashley says while looking down and blushing.

"It's official." I smile.

"Finally!" drew says walking in and seeming more relaxed.

"What do you mean finally?" ashley asked while pushing her beautiful hair back so it didn't hang over her glasses.

"Well yesterday while you were in the bathroom we all had a chat about how Wes thought you were so gorgeous and beautiful on the inside and out and how he wanted you to be his but he said that you were nervous that you didn't want to be with him and then Keaton asked you those questions and he told me and we knew it was bound to happen. " drew took a bite of his apple when he finished. ashley blushed.

The Girl on Tour *Wesley Stromberg fanfic*Where stories live. Discover now