Chapter 20

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A/N short chapter!


Ashley's pov.

We got into Wes's car and drove to the pier.

"So don't answer any questions that the paparazzi ask besides saying your name, if you get scared just squeeze my hand and I will pull you into me. Fans will be there and I'm not sure how they will react, once again if you feel uncomfortable just squeeze my hand okay?" wow that was a lot. I didn't expect this. I nod my head slightly. "you will be okay. I won't let anyone hurt you,i promise." he said while reaching over and taking my hand in his.

Before I knew it we were at the pier. Wes got and ran around the car and opened my door. I took his hand and lights were already flashing. I hid my head in the hoodie I brought. Wes kept his head down.

"Who is that girl?"

"Why does she look so young?"

"Is something going on between you two?"

"What's her name and age?" everyone was yelling at us while taking pictures.

"Her name is ashley and all other information is classified." Wes said very loudly.

"Ashley can we see your face?" I heard a few shout. I peeked my head up. lights flashed in my face.

"Hi." I said quietly. I squeeze Wes's hand because I was getting dizzy from all the flashing lights. he pulled me into him.

"Could you guys please stop? she isn't comfortable right now." Wes said. they all stopped.

"Thank you! sorry for the inconvenience!" I said. they all smiled and said sorry. they soon left. "they seem pretty nice over looking the fact of them intruding your personal life. I mean they even said sorry. "I smiled. He smiled too.

"I'm glad you think that. so what do you want to do?"

"Let's just play games!!"

"Okay I'll win you a pink giraffe okay?"

"Do you promise?"


"Then what are we waiting for?!" I start running towards the game area and I see a game with a pink giraffe. I turned around to point it out to Wes but he was gone. I looked around and didnt find him. I than saw a swarm of girls and I just assumed he was in the midst of that. I walked over and squeezed through them pretty easily. except when I got to the center all the girls pulled me back. "WES!" I screamed but he couldn't hear me so it was no use. I called him

*convo, switching off every line*

"Hey baby girl where are you?! are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine but I'm at the outside of the circle of girls. the question is are you okay?"

"Hahaha of course wait one second and I'll be right next to you.".

*end of convo*

I put my phone back in my pocket and Wes was already by my side. we wrapped his arm around me and all the girls just looked at me with disgust.

"Okay everyone I am err to spend time with someone very special slid you could all leave me alone for just one night it would mean a lot. Thanks!"

"She looks like she is 12 she can't be that special." some girl said.

"It's not my fault I don't age as fast as you." I said back very quickly. "but I'm not 12 for your information." She stepped up to me. I stepped up to her.

"Did you really just say that?"

"Did you not turn your hearing aid on? because I will say I again." then I felt a stinging pain on my cheek.

"Sorry since I'm so old I forgot that I'm not suppose to hit people." she smirked. I just walked away to Wes and started crying. that hurt like hell.

"You guys are obviously not an emblem and are not a part of team inspire. she makes me happy an you just hurt her. think about that." he said while walking away with me in his chest. "I'm so sorry baby girl. I broke my promise. they hurt you and I didn't get you that pink giraffe."

"I-it d-d-didnt hurt. I'm just in shock."

"No ash you are hurt. I know you better than that now." we got into the car and I stopped crying.

"This night was awful."

"Not really because I got to cuddle into you a lot!" I giggled shyly.

"Let's go home and go to bed."

The ride home was peaceful and silent. when we got back Keaton was in the basement with drew playing xbox so we just went up to our rooms changed and went to sleep as soon as we hit the bed.


Told you it was short!! thanks for reading!! Also I know emblems wouldn't so that it's just in the story, and Wes wouldn't tell at them like that either just in the story! I know I already said this but I really need ideas for new characters!! so if you want to be one comment or message me with your name and what you look like! I would like to dedicate this chapter and the next one to bricola23 because she voted all the time and is a great reader! thank you! Remember to vote and tell others to read!!


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