Chapter 23 pt.1

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Ashley's pov.

I slipped down the stairs to get off some ride that went upside down and flipped everywhere and was super awesome.

"Hurry up guys!" I screamed turning around. Drew was holding his stomach.

"Let's not do that ride again." he said while still clutching onto his shirt.

"It wasn't that bad." I shrugged.

"Well we aren't as young as you." Keaton said.

"Well you aren't that much older than me."

"Ash when you were born I was in first grade," drew said.

"I was four." Wes chimed in. I crossed my arms.

"Let's just go on the next ride." I said skipping with Keaton.

"Paparazzi!" Keaton said while Wes pulled me to his side.

"Remember same as last time." he whispered in my ear. I nodded. the paps came running over getting pictures of us I just smiled. it wasn't as bad when I had sunglasses on. They just took pictures as we walked.

"Can we please go on the Cars ride?" I asked looking up.

"Of course we can." Wes said.

"I call ash on it." drew said.

"Fine but I'm driving." I said pointing at him.

"Then I don't want to go with her." drew said.

"I am a fantabulous driver, shut up." I said. they all laughed. We walked to the entrance and waited in like for a few minutes while having some conversations about random things.

"Looks like it's you an me bro." Wes said to Keaton as me and see got into the car.

"But I don't like you." Keaton said pouting. I died laughing. he just said it so casually. I started driving and drew gripped the side of the cart.

"Oh shut up." I hit his arm. after a few minutes of Drew saying how much I suck at driving a fake car the ride was over. "if wasn't that bad now was I?"

"No. but still I won't be I'm a car with you while you drive." we laughed as we waited for Keaton and Wes. they came out looking miserable.

"Aw did you two have fun?" I said ruffling the front Keaton's hair.

"Let's go on all the other rides together. deal?" Wes pleaded.

"Of course." I said grabbing onto his arm.

"Can we have lunch I'm hungry." Keaton said.

"Me too." I said.

"Me three." drew said.

"Me four." Wes said resulting all of us into giggles. "I have reservations at the place where you meet characters."

"Nu-uh." I gasped. I've never met the characters of Disney. maybe I have but I wasn't even 2. "what are we waiting for? let's go."

"Ash the reservation isn't until 2 and it's only one thirty." I groaned at the thought of that.

"Let's go on the haunted mansion ride then. it's air conditioned and I'm dying." Keaton said fanning himself.. I giggled.

We all agreed and started heading towards there. we walked through the musical grave yard and got inside the building. the cold air hit us.

"Uh this feels so good." we all say in unison.

"Okay so it fits four people per cart, two in front and two in back." I explain to them.

"Ash and I call front!" Wes calls out.

"I'm okay with that, it's scarier in the front." Keaton says and drew pushes him. We sit in the cart and buckle up.

We go into a tunnel of darkness. The cart turns and a scary figure pops up. I grab Wes's hand and dig m head into his arm. he moved it and wraps it around me as he laughs. I nudge his side with my head. I only looked up at some parts. I don't care if it's disney or not, I hate scary stuff and I will always be terrified of it. I screamed at one part because when I looked up a messed up face popped up! we got off the ride and I ran out of the building.

"Let's not do that ride again." I said putting my sunglasses on and connecting to Wesley. I must seem so obsessive but I'm just a tad but frightened.

"Oh come on it wasn't that bad." Wes said pulling me into his side. at least I know he doesn't mind me like this.

"I don't care it was still scary."

"It was disney!" drew said.

"I don't care it was still scary." I replied once again.

"It was a lil but scary." Keaton admitted.

"Thank you!" I shouted and high-fived him.

"Dweebs." drew coughed. I hit him.

"One that is my word and two I am not a dweeb." I said

"It's okay ash we will be dweeb twins." Keaton said. we laughed while we skipped with hooked arms.

"Wes it's two o'clock! where are we going to have lunch?" I said.

"The Character Palace." Wes said. we all turned to Drew, our official map reader.

"Go straight until Cinderella's castle and then turn left and then take another left and then a right."drew said reading the map.

"Or you could lead the way while we follow?" I said smiling and bashing my eyelashes.

"Fine. but only because you're adorable." he said. he started walking and we followed. Wes wrapped his arm around me and I looked up at him and smiled.

"You do know you are mine right?" he said jokingly.

"Of course. and you do know you are mine right?" I said back playfully.

"Obviously." he said like a girl flipping his hair. I laughed and so did he. I jumped up and kissed his cheek.

"Hurry up love birds some of us want to eat." Keaton said putting his hands on his hips. I couldn't help but laugh because all the paparazzi were behind him! hahaha!

"And we are here!" drew said throwing his arms up.

"Thanks navigator drewski." I smiled up at him. I grabbed Wes's hand an pulled him. "now let's meet my childhood idols!"


Hey guys!! I decided I would just split this chapter into 2 parts for two reasons.. 1- it would be way to long if it was one. 2- I wanted to update really badly!! I hope you like this chapter!! I worked really hard on it!!! Please remember to vote and tell others to read!

Thanks for over 1K reads!!!! this really is big and I would like to thank everyone for reading! Also a big thank you to suckmystromwick for voting for every chapter and having an awesome username!! You go glen coco!!

Also vote for the last authors note so that I can post my new Wesley stromberg fan fiction!!! Please and thank you!!

Thanks again xoxo

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