Chapter 32

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*changes povs. often!*

Ashley's pov.

Today is my first day of sophomore year! That might be good or bad. I'm not sure yet. Wes said that I will do good and make friends but I'm still nervous.

Last week I had camp for band. It was for five day almost all day. It was perfect timing because I woke up at the perfect time to call Wes and I was done and went to bed at the perfect time to call Wes. We also face timed in the middle of the day while I was at camp and some girls joined and said hi to him. they also gave him their number. I know I shouldn't be jealous or upset but I was.

On our drive to school I got a call from Wes.

"Hey baby!" He said into the phone.

"Hi! Good morning! how are you? shouldn't you be asleep? It's seven here so that means it's five there." amber rolls her eyes as she sees me using my fingers to figure out the time difference.

"Good morning to you too! I shouldn't be asleep because they guys and I are going surfing soon and plus I wanted to say have a good day at school! Don't get into trouble!" He laughs

"Aww thanks! And like I would get in trouble" we laugh together this time.

"Alright baby girl I have to go. I miss you! I love you!" Wesley says into the phone.

"Oh okay. Bye. Have fun and don't get eaten by a shark! I miss you! I love you!" I say into the phone cheery but I feel like crying.

"Bye" He whispers and the phone call ends. At this point my sister and I are now at school. I sigh an get out of the car to walk into the school.

"Meet me back at the car at the end of the day. Be here ten minutes after the bell rings or I'll leave you." amber says and walks into the school.

"Wow thanks Amber." I mutter to myself. I pull down my shorts a little and fix my t-shirt and head into the school. I go to the sophomore section to get my schedule and once I do I head to the band room. That's where I told all my friends I would meet them. Even though I just saw all of them I still miss them.

"Hey losers" I greet Danielle, Allie, Ryan and Jack.

"Hey!" they all said at the same time in a hurt tone.

"So do we have any classes together?" I ask showing them my schedule.

"Just band." Allie and Danielle say.

"Health, band and lunch." Jack says.

"Band and lunch" Ryan says. I smile and so do they.

"It sounds like it's gonna be a good year" I say just as the bell rings and Jack and I head to health. Here we go.

Wesley's pov.

I just got off the phone with Ashley so I head down stairs to have breakfast. I am wearing my bathing suit and a tank. I make myself a protein shake and go upstairs to go yell at Drew and Keats to hurry up. A few minutes later they both come out whining that they want food.

"That's not my problem. You know where the food is." I sigh.

"Oh I got an email from Simon telling us to go down to the office at one point. He won't be there but he said he is going to video chat us for some big news." Drew tells Keaton and I as they grab food of some sort and head outside to the car that I already packed because they were being slackers.

"I wonder what it's about." Keaton says.

"I don't know what it is, but I hope it's a good thing and doesn't turn into something bad like last time." I shake my head at the thought.

"Whatever guys let's just go, we are here" drew says as we arrive at our secret surfing location.

Ashley's pov.

I'm in my last class right now, which is band, and today was crazy. I got several invitations to sit with people at lunch, but I stayed with Ryan and Jack. Also people that I have never talked to before started talking to me today. It felt really nice to think I might have friends other than band kids.

"Ash be careful with who you choose to be friends with." Ryan warns me.

"Why?" I ask kicking rocks as we back to the school from the football field.

"Because some people might use you to get more popular." Danielle says.

"Well how do I know if they only want popularity?" I question.

"How did they introduce themselves to you? also where did they introduce themselves to you?" Jack asks. I didn't even know he was listening.

"Some said 'aren't you Wesley's girlfriend' and those were in the lunch room and the halls, but a few kids would introduce themselves first and wouldn't bring up Wes. Those would be in classes." I explain.

"I would go with the people in the classrooms." Ryan says and Danielle and Jack nod. I just nod.

Right now I just really want a hug. Not just any hug. A Wesley hug. Those are the best hugs. Suddenly the bell rings.

"Guys I gotta go or amber said she is gonna leave me here! bye see you tomorrow!" I say and rush out the door. Since the band room is in the back of the school it takes five minutes to get to the front without people. It takes way more time when there is 1/3 of the school in the hallway.

"Great you made it. get in loser" my sister tells me while she sits in the drivers seat.

Oh sisterly love.


Hii!!! I hope you like it!! remember to vote and comment!!! love you all!!

Thanks! xoxo

P.s that awkward moment when I thought I published this chapter on Wednesday but actually didn't...... oops sorry!

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