Chapter 36

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Ashleys pov.

3 days.

It's been three days since I hung up on Wesleys performance. Of course I still saw it. I also got a crap ton of notifications on twitter asking if I accpeted his apology. I didn't answer any of them. I didn't answer any of Wes's, Keaton's, or Drew's texts. This is honestly one of the hardest things I have done. I want to forgive him, but he needs to learn that singing to me isn't going to fix anything. It's extremly sweet but it won't make me fully accept.

It's also been three days of tears. Non-stop tears. I didn't go to school today. My mom just told the school I got sick over the weekend since it's Monday. Great. It's Monday. The guys are coming to Boston on Wednesday and are staying until the next Wednesday. My birthday is on Thursday and I have to work at a dance competition on Saturday, also the boys show is on Saturday and I'm in the competition on Sunday. It's a busy week. Hopefully it'll get my mind off things. Wait... Wes is gonna be here. I can't do this anymore. I do what I wanted to do for 3 days.

"Hello?" His deep voice says through the phone.

"I can't do this anymore" I cry into the phone clutching Wes.

"Wait.. what do you mean? Are you okay?" He panicks.

"I can't take it. I'm sorry! I'm an idiot. I should have let you explain. I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I need- I need-" I can't finish the sentence because of my tears.

"Ash, What do you need?'' He asks.

"You. I need you Wesley." I cry some more.

"Shhh, shhh. Youre okay. You have me. I'm still here. You're okay." He cooes to me.

"I just need you."

"Listen baby girl, you still have me. I'm still with you.I'm the sorry one. I shouldn't have done any of that and then hid it from you I'm surprised you're still with me though. I have to go right now babe. But listen, I will be in your room when you get home from school on Wednesday and then we will do something for your birthday. Okay? I love you."

"OKay, I love you" I tell him.

"Bye baby, see you in two days"

"Bye, see you soon" We then hang up.

This made me feel better. Knowing that we are starting to work this out.

*On Wednesday*

I am currently waiting at the airport, with my mother who is now in the car, waiting for the boys to come. There are a lot of fans here. Like a lot. They have obviously gotten more known since the last one they were here. There are also some paparazzi. I have my hood over my head and sunglasses on because the flashes were starting to annoy me. A few people have waved at me and started a conversation. I actually didn't mind that. It was nice to meet people and not sit here by myself. Except a few girls started to annoy me. They were like,

"What happened between you and Wes?"

"Why would you not accept Wes's apology? if I were dating him we would never fight."

Those questions annoyed me so much. Like that's our business, not yours. Ugh I sound bitchy.

"Ahhhh! they are here!" I hear a girl scream. I look up and see a bunch of girls mobbing the entry way to where I was sitting.

"Drew will you marry me?" one girl screamed.

"Wesley have my babies!" a girl screamed. Woah.. that one's a little weird.

"Keaton I have a cat for you!" Another girl screams.

Poor guys, but it is funny to a certain degree. Apparently thr security guard didn't think so. He just yelled at all of the poor girls.

"Can everyone clear a pathway please and thank you!" A voice that I have been waiting to hear called out. Drew. All the girls listened and created a pathway. I ,being the courageous person I am, snuck by security and went to the opening of the pathway. There I saw the three boys I came here for. Keaton, Drew and Wes.

"Hey! You can't stand be there!" A guard yelled. They all started coming towards me and I went towards Wes. He Dropped his stuff and opened his arms waiting for me to jump while everyone was laughing at the big commotion I just made. Whoopsies. I jump into Wes's arms and wrap my legs around his waist while he twirls me in circles.

"I missed you so much. I am so sorry." He whispers into my hair.

""I missed you so much. I'm sorry too." I whisper back. I pull my head back and we kiss. A chorus of 'ooohs' appeared in the background. We pull back and rest our foreheads against one another and laugh.

"Okay love birds, can we leave now? Some of us are tired," Drew says

"Oh Drew, shut it. they haven't seen each other in a few months. Let them be," Keaton hits them. Wes and I look at them and Wes discreetly flicks them of and I laugh. I get off him and go and hug the other two dweebs.

"I've missed you guys so much!" I say to them.

"We've missed you too Ash!" Keaton says.

"So are you guys ready to head home?" I ask them. Wes, Keaton and Drew are staying at my house and the rest of the tour group is staying at a hotel in Boston.

"Well yeah. I've been ready," Drew groans.

"My moms in the parking lot. You can lead the way," I wave him off as I put Wes backpack on my shoulders and grabbed his hand, intertwining our fingers, "someone is moody" I whisper to Wes once we exit the airport, the cool air making our noses red and runny.

"He is super tired. He didn't sleep at all on the plane, he just watched all of us sleep," he laughs and I join him.

"So who do you think is going to share a room with Amber?" I giggle.

"I don't know maybe they'll fight to the death. The person who does wins." We both crack up.

"Stop laughing and hurry up!" Drew shouts to us trying to find the car. He passed it since Wes and I are standing right next to it.

"Hey Drew!" I yell to him and he turns his head, "it's back here! you missed it!" he huffs as he struts walking back towards us.

We all pile in my moms car, Keaton in the passenger seat, Drew sprawled out across the back seats and then Wes and I in the middle seats.

This is how it's suppose to be.


Hii!! Happy Friday!! I hope you liked this chapter!! Sorry for the mistakes it may be! Thanks for reading!

All the boys picures and selfies lately.... Like STAHP! YOU"RE TOO DAMN ATTRACTIVE 

BAD NEWS:Only finishing this weekend off on this book :( So that means only about 3 or 4 chapters and than maybe an epilogue? I hvae one planned, do you guys want an epilogue? comment yes or no.

GOOD NEWS: My new book is coming out April 26th!! I already love it! Maybe if I get like 20 votes and 5 comments I'll post the description or the first chapter.... I don't know 


The Girl on Tour *Wesley Stromberg fanfic*Where stories live. Discover now