Chapter 3

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As I was waiting for the meet and greet to get over I was in a ball in a corner thinking to myself

"Will Wes even date a sophomore?"

"I'm younger than his brother, he would never date me!"

" how come he chose me and not my sister?"

"Is this just a waste of time?"

" we aren't even allowed to date, he is 19 and I'm 15."

I guess I was too zoned out to realize what was happening right now. I was outside, in a car. I must have looked confused because i heard a chuckle and jumped. I looked over and saw Wes and explained that I was asleep in the corner of the room and in a ball and he didnt want to wake me up so he just carried me to the car. So I wasn't zoned out I was dreaming! Haha

"Thanks" I couldn't wipe the smile off my face.

"No problem, you look really cute when you sleep..... Wow that sounded really creepy." I blushed and bursted out into laughter, so did he. I just couldn't believe that I was with Wesley stromberg.

I tried so hard not to fan girl over him. That wouldn't be so good! Haha. We sat in silence for a couple minutes. But it wasn't awkward, it was comfortable. I couldn't stop smiling and my cheeks started to hurt. I started rubbing them and I looked over and saw Wes staring at me biting his lip trying not to laugh. I stopped and blushed. He bursted out laughing. His laugh is so cute and contagious that I couldn't help but laugh. My laugh is so unattractive. I squeak like a mouse when I laugh.

"Your laugh is adorable." Wes said still trying to catch his breathe.

"Thanks but it isn't really, I squeak like a mouse! I suppose mice are adorable but a squeak isn't especially when it comes out of a teenage girl." I paused. "Sorry I talk a lot when I get nervous!"

"Why are you nervous?"

"Well to start off I'm in the same car as you and two I don't really know where we are going!" I was staring into his big brown eyes. Damn he was perfect.

"Don't be nervous! I'm not that scary! Haha and we are going to Boston. I thought it would be pretty at night and perfect to get to know you." He smiled showing all of his teeth.

"Boston is really pretty at night, it always has been especially the bridge! The bridge has lights that are different colors and they shine onto the white rods and its really pretty! Sorry I'm rambling on again." I have to stop doing that!

"Don't be sorry it's kind of cute..." He looked away right after. Did Wes really just say something I did was cute?! OMG fan girl attack in my mind right now!

"There is the bridge! You are right it does look really pretty." He was staring right into soul. Actually it was my eyes but it felt like my soul....

"So where are we going?" Nice job ash. Only one sentence. Not even rambling on.

"I was thinking we could walk around Fanuel hall and have dinner and just talk."

"That sounds good! It feels like we have been in the car for hours! Aahhh!" I semi talked semi screamed. Wes just laughed.

This night is going to be awesome.

Wesley's pov.

"That sounds good! It feels like we have been in the car for hours! Aahhh!" Ashley kind of talked kind of screamed. Dam she was so cute! Stop Wes you aren't the mushy type.

"We are finally there don't worry haha" I held her hand. It was so small compared to mine but it fit in mine perfectly. She smiled. Her teeth weren't perfect but they were perfect to me.

We got out of the car and I walked around to meet her on the otherwise of the car. I never realized how different she was from the other girls I normally like. She had a small belly and she didn't have stick thin thighs, but she was so perfect. I put my arm around her and and the top of her head was right in my armpit.

She looked up "wow this is a great view" you could hear the sarcasm in her voice.

"I know it is. Not every girl gets to be in Wesley Strombergs armpit, you should feel special!" She bursted out into laughing! I could feel her head bump into me and it tickled so I started laughing.

We started talking and I found out a few things about her. She was a freshman in highschool, turning 15 this year, she does dance and color guard, she wants to work with special needs children when she grows up. How cute and sweet. We walked around for an hour or two until she got tired.

"I'm too tired to walk." She just sits on the ground.

"Fine. Ill give you a piggy back! Hop on!" I winked and she jumped right on. She was lighter than I expected we got to the car and ashley told the driver where she live. We went off. She sat in the middle so that she could cuddle up next to me. She put her head on my lap and I wrapped her up in my sweatshirt and put my arms around her. She went to sleep with a smile on her small face. She is precious. And even though she is almost 5 years younger than me I know I want to get to know her better and not just sleep with her. I don't even think she is allowed to anyway. Tonight was perfect.


Sorry that was way longer than I expected! I tried to cut more out but it just didnt turn out as well!! I hope you enjoy reading it! Remember to vote, comment and tell all of your friends! Thanks! Xoxo

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