Chapter 11

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Wes's pov.

"Well they are..." I started to say

"Just tell me please please please!" ashley begged. I was so excited to tell her.

"I am staying in New Hampshire for two more weeks!" that was the first one. I smiled like an idiot and Ashley's face had the biggest smile on it. she was bouncing up and down on the booth clapping and squealing because she was so excited. this made me even more happy. the fact that she liked me so much.

"What's the second one?"

"Well after the two weeks here, you are coming with me to Huntington for 3 weeks! it would be four but you have school." her face dropped. I swear I saw tears coming out of her eyes. "are you crying?" she wiped her eyes.

"Just a little." she giggled still wiping her face.

"Why do you not want to go?" she looked confused.

"No! of course I want to go! I'm so excited an happy that my parents are letting me go with you!" she got up and ran over to me and hugged me and kissed my cheek. this was a better reaction than I expected. "!but wait. why did you say the surprises were bad for you?" she looked at me confused again as she sat down.

"It's bad for me because I'm stuck with you for another 5 weeks!" I threw my hands up and winked. she giggled and reached her arm across the table and slapped me playfully. "but I'm really happy that I get to spend another 5 weeks with you." I smiled and she blushed and smiled with me. Our food than came and Ashley's eyes got big.

"This looks so good!" ashley said taking a spoonful of her soup out.

"Baby you got broccoli and cheddar soup. how can it look that good?" she looked up.

"Because it can." She said casually.

"See this looks good" I said pointing to my chicken parm. Ashley rolled her eyes.

"Whatever you say stromberg haha" we started to eat and have small talk about random things. this is another thing I like, we can say whatever is on our mind randomly and it will turn into a full on conversation. We paid and then left. "Can we go into the pink store? I need new yoga pants."

"Of course baby girl.' I pulled her into my side, bent down and whispered in her ear ' you know it's my favorite store." she looked up and slapped my arm but then blushed. I squeezed her hip and she giggled.

"Oh come on." she pulled away from my grip and intertwined our fingers together and led the way into the store. I glanced around an saw some girls staring at me I waved and they nervously waved and smiled back. they made there way over to ash and I.

" Hi we are really big fans of you and your band and we were wondering if we could have a picture?!" I chuckled at how nervous they were.

"Of course! let's just take a step out so that we don't have that behind us haha" we walked out if the store and took the picture quickly. they thanked me and I hugged them both and gave them a kiss on the cheek. they smiled and we headed out different ways.

I walk back into the store and I looked for ashley, she was in the corner with shelfs of yoga pants in front of her. I went up behind her and wrapped my arms around her waist, she jumped just like normal.

"Which one do you like? this one or this one?" she asked holding up to pairs of yogas. one with a cheetah print fold over and one with diamond studs covering a light pink fold over.

"I like the cheetah ones because I like my ladies like animals." I winked.

"Okay the pink diamonds one it is!" she laughed and I rolled my eyes. oh well, they will still look really good on her.

She walked up to the cashier who smiled at her. they had a small conversation and we went off.

"You know I never saw you try those one."

"Oh well." She handed the bag to me for me to hold. I put the bag in one hand and her hand in the other. ashley started walking quicker after this group if guys around her age walked past us.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing." she replied with nothing in her voice. it wasn't like her at all.

"Seriously what's wrong. you suck at lying." she turned around looking behind me.

"I'll tell you later."

Ashley's pov.

"I'll tell you later." they were following Wes and i. of course those guys would be here. I had a thing with one of them last year. after I got upset with him for doing something mean and we just separated and barely talked. Ever since they year him and his group have been scaring away every guy I have been talking too. I don't want him to even go near Wes.

"I have to go to the bathroom so I'll be right back." Wes said to me while turning into the hallway that led to the bathroom. I can finally see why him and his friends are following me.

"What do you want tom?" I sternly said. he smirked with his friends.

"You baby." this got me pissed.

"Obviously not since we stopped talking last year because I yelled at you for asking a girl for nudes. if you liked me and wanted me you wouldn't have asked someone for nudes now would you?" his face dropped. he was at a loss for words. "my point exactly. now leave me alone." I turned around heading towards the bathroom. someone grabbed my wrist and pushed me up against a wall. of course it was tom.

"guys go ahead I'll catch up with you later." He said to them and they left.

"Let me go my friend will be back soon." he chuckled.

"Good because he wouldn't want to miss this." Miss what? That question was soon answered when I heard the fire open and saw toms lips coming towards mine. my wrists were in his hands so I couldn't slap him. I ducked and tom kissed the wall.

"What the hell is going on?" Wes screamed runnin down the hallway.

"Get him away from me please!" I begged on the verge of tears. Wes came up to us and pulled tom up by his shirt and put him on the other side if the hallway. I pulled myself up and huddled into Wes's side. he gave me a reassuring squeeze and started saying stuff to tom. I couldn't hear because I was crying into shirt. I don't know why because it wasn't that big of a deal. we started walking and bent down to pick up our bags. We walked for a while until I felt the the humid windy air hit me. I looked up and Wes looked pissed. i shoved my face back into his armpit and just continued to walk until I reached the car. we both got in and settled in silence until I couldn't take the tense air anymore so I broke it.

"I'm sorry." he looked over.

"You shouldn't be." he mumbled.

"Than why are you so upset?"

"I'm mad at him. he shouldn't touch you like that. who the hell was he? He was one of they guys following us. who was he?" he raised his voice I rolled into a ball. "I'm so sorry for yelling but who was he? please tell me."

"He was this guy tom. we had a thing last year until I freaked out on him exhausts of something he did." I shrugged.

"What did he do?"

"Well he uhh... he asked a girl for nudes." Wes just stared straight in front of him.

"What a douche." I laughed

"I know! he tries to scare away every guy I talk to. that's why he did that."

"Okay. well he can't scare me away." he smiled at me and I smiled back.

"Let's go, I can show you my new yoga pants!" I winked. Wes smirked looking at me in the corner of his eye while Turing the car on and putting it in reverse.

"Then what are we doing here then!" I laughed as we drove home.


Hey guys! thanks for over 100 reads!! Sorry for the update being so late! I had writers block. and sorry that it's so long but I wanted the mall thing to be two chapters not three! remember to comment feed back! what should happen next? if you want to be a side character comment your name and what you look like and you might make an appearance! remember to vote! thanks again!


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