Chapter 21

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*sorry for any mistakes!*

Wesley's pov.

I don't even want to think about yesterday. I can't believe emblems acted like that. it was horrible. when ashley woke up the next morning there was a small bruise on her cheek towards her jaw line.

"Good morning." she mumbled.

"Good morning, how are you feeling?"

"Perfectly fine. just super tired. can we have a lazy day today? I haven't had one in a while and I'm just super comfy right here." she talked for a while like she did on the first night we met.

"Of course we can, after the guys and I go to the gym for a while. you okay with that?"

"Yup" she replied popping the 'p'.

"I'm gonna get ready and than head out. no peeking." her head is still in the pillow and she just gives me a thumbs up.

I finished what I had to do and then went over to her to kiss her forehead and say goodbye. of course she was already back to sleep.

"Let's go head to the gym." I said to Drew and Keats and we left.

Ashley's pov.

I slept for another hour and a half. I walked down into the kitchen and saw a note. the boys obviously over looked it because it said that laraine had left for a business trip for a week.

I looked around the kitchen for something I could make for breakfast. We had all of the ingredients for pancakes so i decided to make those with bacon. I waited about a half an hour so that the guys would get them while they are hot. lets just say I'm not the best cook. the batter got all over me and the recipe was suppose to make 24 but it only made 12. Oops. I didn't even want to try to make bacon, I don't feel like going to the hospital for burns.

"We are back." I heard drew yell. all three walked into the kitchen.

"I made breakfast." I smiled showing them the plate of pancakes.

"It looks like you are wearing it too." Wes chuckled while wiping it off my face.

"This one looks like a cat!" Keaton says while pouring syrup on it. We all laughed at his child acts.

After breakfast we all got ready for the day. Well drew and Keaton did. Wes showered and got into his pjs again and I set up movies and blankets and pillows in the living room for our lazy day. I picked out Pitch Perfect and I'm gonna have Wes pick out a movie.

Drew went to work at some surf board shop and Keaton went out to do something I have no idea, I think it had to do with a girl?? I don't know.

"Wes get your but down here you take more time I get ready than I do and I'm a girl. plus you are only putting on pjs!!" I shouted. I heard stomping down the stairs.

"I'm here I'm here." he laughed while putting his arms up in defense.

" I picked out Pitch Perfect, is that okay?"

"Of course it is baby girl. And I brought you one of my sweatshirts because I know you will be cold no matter what, is that okay?" he says holding up my favorite sweatshirt of his. even though it's just a plain yums one, it's still my favorite.

"Of course it's okay!" I run over and take it out of his hands an put it on. It smells just like him. I take a big deep breathe holding the sweatshirt up to my nose inhaling the scent and enjoying it. he laughed.

"I'm guessing you like the smell of it?" he managed to get out between breathes.

"Yes I do. it smells amazing." I said sniffing it again and going to lie down on the blankets. Wes put in the movie and pressed play. he laid down beside me and I curled up into a ball in the sweatshirt and sighed into his side and he wrapped his arm around me.

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