Chapter 2

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I saw Wes staring at me a lot! I got butterflies in my stomach, I guess i was excited for the meet and greet!

I guess amber Wes staring at her and she fixes her hair and waved. Wes looked confused but then waved back. He went to the other side I the stage and amber turned right towards me. She was gonna talk my ear off. Great.

"Did you see him looking at me? I guess my looks even get famous people" she then flipped her hair over her shoulder.

"Yeah I guess you can! Good for you."

She got the font that I was upset and looked back the other way. She was right he probably was staring at her, I mean lets face it she is a junior who is blonde,skinny and perfect. I'm a freshman who is brunette, had big thighs and some belly fat and not perfect. He would never be looking at me.

Wesley's pov.

The blonde girl next to the brunette fixed her hair and waved at me. I was so confused but I waved back. I didn't want to make it more awkward so I just went to the other side of the stage. I kept glancing over at the little brunette and she seemed upset. I know she won't be if she goes to the meet and greet;)

*at the m&g*

Ashley's pov.

We were towards the front of the line and I started getting the butterflies again. Even though I know he was looking at amber it still felt like he was looking at me. We were right in front now. The line wasn't very long because there was only a few tickets available but it took forever. We walked up and saw Keaton first.

"Hi! How are you?!" He said with his cute smile.

"We are pretty good and even better since we are talking to you!" Amber was flirting and it was obvious.

"Well thanks! Haha so what are your names?"

"I'm amber and that's ashley." Glad to know she remembered my name you never know what's gonna come out of her mouth when she was in flirting mode.

" here you go and have a great rest of the night!" Now he was staring right into ambers eyes. Wow he fell for the flirting. we then went to drew.

"Hey ladies what's up?!" He said and winked at amber. Ugh I wish I went with my friend not her. But then we wouldn't have a ride.

"Nothing much! What about you?" Amber happened to giggle out. Great so I won't talk to anyone tonight. Ughhh I'm so frustrated.

"Nothing much, just talking to some hot chick" winking at amber again. He already heard our name from Keaton so he wrote our names down on the cd's and gave amber a slip with his number on it. Awesome. Something else to raise her ego.

We finally got to Wes. Our eyes met almost instantly. He smiled and I blushed.

"What's up girls?!" He finally said.

"Nothing much! We have just been waiting forever to get to you!" I blurted it out before amber could. Hah. Take that!

"Sweet!" He was still smiling signing our. Cd case.

"Thanks nice meeting you!" I blushed before he pulled me back.

"GROUP PICTURE!" He shouted to free and Keaton. I stood there blushing. In shock.

"Okay." I said smiling up to him. He wrapped his arm around me. I was between him and Keaton. Wow I was short! Amber was next to drew and Wes.

"3.2.1!" The camera flashed and we all smiled. I felt something slip into my back pocket. Wes looked down at me and smiled before hugging me! I felt like the luckiest girl in the world!!

"Stay here and ill drive you home after."

I nodded and ran over to amber!

" you can go, Wes told me to stay here and he'll drive me home!!!"

"Fine. Bye." She was pissed. But at least I was still here!!

Wesley's pov.

I realized that the brunette girl was here with her blonde friend who was her sister apparently. Okay. I found out her name was ashley.

That's so cute and adorable!!

Wes shut up you don't even know her yet!

She slowly made her way down the line to me. Our eyes met almost instantly! Her small brown eyes were gorgeous. We talked for a few minutes but she started to leave. I couldn't let her go yet!

"GROUP PICTURE!!" I shouted it. I don't know what had gotten into me but I didn't care!

I wrapped her up in my arms. She was so short that her head went under my armpit. Oh well, she was still cute! I slipped my number into her butt pocket. She felt it and looked up at me but didnt say anything.

"Stay here and ill drive you home after." I whispered huggin her. She nodded and left to go tell her sister. She looked pissed. I don't care because I get to know ashley better:)


Hey guys! I know these 2 chapters have been boring but it will get better! I promise! I won't go on until I get 5 reads!!! Please help an tell your friends! Ill update as soon as I do!! Thanks bye!! Xoxo

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