Chapter 39

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Wes's pov.

"I'm going inside to put my bags in the dressing room and then I'll come back out. Okay?" Ash asks me. I nod, "good I have some people that want to meet you," she smiled and kisses my cheek before heading inside.

"Okay did everyone get a picture?" Drew shouts. All the girls nod and some say yeah.

"Thank you for being cooperative with us! We love you all!" Keaton says.

"Thanks again for working with us and actually listening to Ash, we love you!" I say.

"I'll be the third person to say it but thanks we love you!" Drew shouts. He turns to us and shivers, "can we go inside now? I'm frozen," Keats and I laugh at him.

"Lets go man," I lead them inside and bump into someone. "oh god I'm sorry!" I look down to who it is and see Ashley, "Just kidding, no I'm not." I wink.

"Shut up!" she laughs. she grabs my hand, "now I want to introduce you to some very important people in my life," she smiles.

"I can't wait to meet them," I smile.

"Let's go!" She starts skipping and I'm running to keep up her. We get to this big area with curtains all around it. It had a weird smell though. She sits me down at one of the empty table with multiple chairs.

"Ash what is this smell?"

"It's hairspray, spray glitter and sweat, also known as competition smell," she smiles, "but you stay out and here and I'll go get the people I want you to meet. You might also want to call one of the guys and tell them where we are," she laughs and enters the curtained area.

To Drew:

We are at the big curtained area

From Drew:

Where is that?

To Drew:

Look for curtains that are in gramcrackers house

Sometimes I really don't understand how he is the oldest one.

"Woah you're right! These are like her curtains!" Keaton laughs.

"I'm a man that doesn't lie,"

"But Ashley lies. She said that there would be girls in shorts and sports bra that we could hit on." Drew sits down in one of the chairs. I laugh.

"Today is the little kids day, tomorrow is the older girls." When I say that, his face drops.

"Here they are!" I hear Ashleys sweet voice say. I see her and two adults walking toawrds us. I stand up and then pull Drew up as Ash and them get closer.

"So Jeannette and Abbey, this is Wes, Keaton and Drew. Wes, Keaton, and Drew this is Jeannette and Abbey," Ashley smiles and we shake hands with each other.

"So which one is your boyfriend that you go on and on about?" I think Abbey asks. I step forward.

"That would be me," I smile and Ash hugs me and i wrap my arms around her.

"You better be treating her right," she warns.

"Abbey!"Ashley wines. I laugh at her.

"I think I'm treating you right, am I right?"

"Yes you are!" she smiles,"Now can some girls come out here so I can start some hair and make up?" they nod and walk away, "Thank you."

"They seem nice," I say as we sit down again. Ash laughs, "what?"

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