Chapter 23 pt.2

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Wesley's pov.

Seeing ashley have so much fun is making my day. this is the happiest one seen her beside our concert. she really is making me fall for her harder and harder, more and more every day.

"Earth to Wesley! you okay?" Ashley's small voice snaps me out of my thoughts.

"Oh.. Um yeah just thinking." I said rubbing my neck.

"About what? you seemed pretty deep in thought." she said grabbing my Han an playing with my fingers. I laughed.

"You." I simply said and she looked up at me with raised eyebrows and pink cheeks.

"Yo they have mini cannoli's here!" Drew said sitting down at the table with a plate full of cannoli's.

"And they have baby cupcakes! look at how cute they are!" Keaton said sitting down with a plate full of baby cupcakes.

"Fat asses." I said laughing and Ash blocked her ears and said,

"My virgin ears!" we all started to crack up including her! "oh my goshness it's tinker bell and Peter Pan!!!" ashley said hitting my arm. "we have to take a picture!"

"Okay baby girl we will when they come over here." I said wrapping my arm around her.

"Yeah baby girl we will!" drew said winking and putting emphasis on the words baby girl.

"They are coming! Keaton stop eating and look they are coming!!" ashley whispered hitting the cupcake out of Keaton's hand.

"Hey don't touch my food!" he whisper-yelled back.

"Hello fellow lost boys and girl!" Peter Pan said winking at Ashley. seriously dude.

"Hi!" ashley said eagerly back.

"Hey" Keaton drew an I muttered. Tinker bell waved at us since she was in character and couldn't talk.

"So does the pretty lady want a picture?" Peter said to Ash smiling at her. and she blushed. are you freakin kidding me?

"Yeah if you don't mind." she replied back kind of shy.

"Of course I don't! come on up here" he said grabbing her hand and pulling her into his side like I normally do.

"Ha Ashley you are shorter than Tinker Bell!" drew said cracking up.

"Oh shut up and take the picture!" she replied back laughing. He took the picture quickly and ashley steppe away from Peter.

"Thank you." she replied smiling.

"My pleasure gorgeous." he said kissing her hand. she giggled and looked toward me. her face wasn't blushing though, it was more of like a plead for help look. I started laughing. she gave me the death look. I guess I will help.

"Hey babes your mom wants to know how you are liking the vacation." Peter looked very annoyed that I called her babe. Ash seemed to catch on quickly and replied quickly.

"Okay tell her it's good and thanks for the best birthday present and letting me take my wonderful boyfriend." tinker bell then took Peter Pan away. he looked pissed. Oops. Ashley sat down and started laughing." Thanks for saving me haha, he was kind of creepy." she said

"Oh no your mom actually wanted to know. should I still say the best boyfriend part because I don't mind." I said winking at her. she slapped my arm.

"Ha.ha. so are we ready to go? I wouldn't mind going on another ride." ashley said grabbing my hand and intertwining our fingers.

"Yup let's go." I said standing up. the other two followed me and ash out.

"Hold on I have to go to the bathroom." ash said letting go and running away.

The Girl on Tour *Wesley Stromberg fanfic*Where stories live. Discover now