Chapter 27

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Ashley's pov.

I held onto Wes's hand as we walked to the area where all the paparazzi, gossip shows, and magazines took pictures and got information.

"You ready babe?" Wes asked looking down at me.

"Let's do this." I squeezed his hand and he squeezed mine. We all stepped onto a carpet and flashes were everywhere.

'Wesley is this the same girl from before?'

'Is this something more than just friends?'

'Wesley who is this?'

'Are you guys a couple'

Was basically what all of them said to Wes. Drew stood next to me and Keaton stood next to Wes.

"Excuse me everyone. We would like to announce that Ashley and I are now an official couple." I heard Wes shout so everyone could hear. They all grew silent but it was quickly replaced with 'Awws' and the snaps of cameras. I smiled wider and so did Wes. I grabbed onto his forearm with my other hand.

"Let's continue I would like to party even though I love modeling." drew said strutting away. I laughed at him and we all walked our way to the front door of the hotel.

"That was easier than I thought." I laugh as we watch Drew an Keaton attempt to dance. They just looked like idiots to be honest.

"Yeah it was. I didn't really expect them to listen to me when I told them to shut up." He laughs.

"Can we please go dance? please?" I beg.

"Of course. The last time we were at a party and danced it was pretty amazing." he smirks. I remember that night.

"Yeah it was. especially when I beat that girl in the dance off. That was the only part I liked though." I smirk this time. he pulls me by the waist into him.

"Are you sure it wasn't when we danced like this?" he lowers his voice and whispers in my ear. I shiver.

"I don't think so. I don't really remember how it felt." I tease.

"Guess well just have to do it again. Just not as crazy as last time." I hit his chest.

"We weren't even that crazy. shut up."

"Make me."

"Dweeb." we laugh. we sway to the music even though it is a fast paced song. it was enjoyable.

A few hours of dancing and socializing later it was time to leave. I didn't mind because I was super tired but, I didn't want to leave. I met a lot of famous people! like LA Reed, Demi Lovato, and other people like that! it was so cool!

In the car on the way home I rested my head on Wes's shoulder. he moved his arm and wrapped it around me.

"Go to sleep baby, I'll carry you in." he whispers into my hair. I nod and grab onto him and fall into a sleep.

Wes pov.

"So how do you think emblems are going to react?" Drew whispers since Ash and Keaton are asleep.

"React to what?" I ask.

"You and ash smart one."

"Oh sorry bro I'm tired. but I don't know. hopefully they will be nice and not send hate and support us. if they don't we will just ignore them."

"Do you think her life is going to change in her town?"

"Once again I don't know. I would like for it not to change and she can just be like she was before but, I don't think it will be like that unfortunately."

"No matter what I know she will make it through. she is a tough girl." I look down at her and smile.

"I know. she is my tough girl." I reply as I stroke her hair and smile at her.

"So who is gonna wake Keaton up? because we are home" drew asks and I laugh.

"You can. I have my girl." I unbuckle myself and her and get out of the car carrying her.

"UGGHH KEATON WAKE UP!" I hear drew shout as I enter the door.



"Shut up." I hear ashley burner quietly. I chuckle a little.

"Go back to sleep." she curls up into me even more and I hug her tightly.

I don't want her to leave.


Hii! sorry if this chapter was crap! also sorry for not updating in a while and having this update short! I might not update for a while because some stuff happened so yeah... thanks for reading!


P.s if any of you ever need to talk about anything just message me! I can't lose any of you! I love you all and remember that! Say strong!

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