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Hello readers!

It's here! The sequel to 1974! I really hope you enjoy this...! Exams are FINALLY over...!!

To all those who haven't read 1974, I strongly suggest you do, otherwise you might not understand 1984 fully!

Really hope you all enjoy this! I know some of you have been wait a rather long time for this sequel...! I'm so glad to be sharing my work with you all again!

I can't thank you guys enough for all the support you've given me, within one month, I've hit 6,000 reads on 1974! Thank you all so much!

BusyScott X


"Ziggy, I haven't got time! Go and play with your brother!" I wave at my 9 year old son whilst on the phone.

"But Tommy's annoying...!" Ziggy strops.

"Can't you see I'm busy?!" I roll my eyes then clear my throat and speak to my client on the phone with a much calmer tone. "Yes, the next show is on the 4th January."

"Mum!" Tommy screams.

"No, no, I have two children..." I tell the woman on the other side of the phone. "Ones nine the other, seven."

The client coos to me and asks about my boys.

"Yeah, it can be a handful... Anyway your tickets are now reserved and your receipt will be shortly with you. Alright, thank you!" And I put the phone down.

"What do you boys want!?" I roar at them.

Tommy is crying, rubbing his head and Ziggy just blinks to me.

Ziggy looked the spitting image of David, he had his perfect golden locks and inherited his genes for the green eyes, he had the same gentle, sweet, gentleman-like nature as David did... There was nothing of me in him. 

"Ziggy hit me!" Tommy points.

"I did not!" Ziggy shouts back.

"Did too!"

"Just- stop." I spit to my two boys. "Now, just go and-"

The door unlocks and the boys flick their heads towards the sound, their little eyes widen and they gasp. "Dad!" They shout happily and run towards my husband.

"Hello boys!" He calls back.

He comes into the kitchen, holding Tommy in his arms, and Ziggy follows behind.

I sigh and rest against the work surface. "Evening Ros."

Me and William married at the end of 1975, Tommy was born the following year, not long after Bowie's film had been released.

Tommy was more like me, but was William's pride and joy. Tommy's hair was dark brown, like Will's and had my dark brown eyes, he looked nothing like Ziggy. Both my boys were handsome for their ages, but Ziggy was more unique...

"How was work, Will?"

To say I loved Will was sometimes an overstatement. We were just man and wife with two children, just like any family in these kind of years... Well, except that only one child was Will's flesh and blood and Will showed clear favouritism over my boys.

"Tiring, but all the same, lovely to be home." He smiles happily then kisses my cheek. "How was your day?"

William had cheered up a lot when he found out David was going to be living in different countries for quite some time, and amazingly, he still stayed cheerful once David left my life.

"Busy, the business is doing very well though." I sigh then smile proudly.

I wasn't just some housewife, I owned a successful business that organised large events for music - concerts. My business started in 1980, and I had many famous faces on my stages... But never did I have David Bowie.

"That's good." Will says then smiles again.

We look at each other for a moment, the flash back of when I told William I loved him danced back in my head. Looking at Ziggy smile in his sleep, me rocking him slightly, feeling the warm touch of Will... Then humming the words of 'I love you'.

Maybe it was a mistake to say that...

I say to myself.

No Ros, think of Tommy. Without Will, you couldn't of had Tommy...

"Let's go and play in the garden shall we boys?" Will says and opens the back door onto our green backyard.

The boys cheer happily to see their childish dad home, I, looked on and sigh tiredly.

Ziggy had grown up thinking Will was his father...

Things would've been different if I wasn't married... David wouldn't have disappeared... I could've been the next Mrs Bowie...!

David said goodbye to me a final time once he realised I was married to William. His hurt face, still pains and haunts me... I never wanted to hurt my idol... But the pain was just too much for him once he saw Tommy cradled in my arms. A child. A child that wasn't David's... I gulp at the thought of all this hurt and corruption I had done unmeaningly...

"Mum!" I hear Ziggy shout to me.

"What is it Zigs?" I ask wiping the tear that fell half way down my pink cheek.

"Can you put the radio on?" He asks coming inside and I flick it on.

Both my boys took a strong liking in my last love interest, and that hurt me, more than it should've. The boys had no idea about my times with David, and I wanted it to stay that way. They didn't need to know about him if he never tried to keep in contact with them.

I wanted to forget David just like he had forgot me and Ziggy. Let's Dance was a favourite for the boys. Will hated hearing Bowie's songs, and although I loved the music still, it was hard to hear them now...

"... Let's have a classic on shall we folks? Let's take it back... Oh- I don't know- 10 years? It's of course, David Bowie!" The broadcaster happily announces and the boys cheer again.

10 years ago... The year I met David Bowie.


The song begins to play, and the guitar rifts become all too memorable. The lyrics. The beat. The voice...

I gasp and drop my glass of water making it smash all over the floor. Will comes running in, looks at me, then the radio, then at the glass, then finally back to me.

"Boys, go to the living room will you?" He asks angrily.

"But dad-" Tommy starts.

"AT ONCE!" Will roars at my sons and makes me jump slightly at his raging voice.

The boys bolt out of the kitchen and I hear the living room door slam shut. Once quiet, Will looks at the radio, Rebel Rebel still playing. His angered face makes me quick to react and I turn the radio off. The long look slowly starts to eat me up inside, I couldn't read his emotions...!

The silence was unbearable, it was rare me and Will argued, but we had disagreements.

I push my body down to the floor and race to pick up the glass pieces.

"Ros, don't-" Will mutters but by then I let out a yelp as I see the small shard of glass sticking out of my finger and the scarlet red liquid flows down it. "Ros..." Will purrs and comes down to my level to see the wound.

"I'm sorry..." I whisper and let a tear slip out of eye again - most of it out of emotion, some out of physical pain the glass was giving me.

"No, Ros. I'm sorry. I'm sorry it brought back memories, you don't deserve this... He shouldn't have put you through all of this." He whispers aggressively but kisses my forehead gently and I start to cry harder.

I missed being young again, I was 28...! That isn't very old in my books, but why did David take my youth away when he saw my 2nd child...?

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