Conditions and threats.

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Hi everyone,

I've started a new college this week so I'm stupidly busy and overly tired so I'll try and update whenever I can! Thank you for all your reads - they mean so much! - BusyScott X

Tommy went back to school the next day, and I worked every hour I could - it distracted me from my thoughts.

The house seemed too quiet, I was so used to having the boys playing or fighting and so used to having David on hand to help. But it was just me and Tommy for weeks.


"See you later tonight Major Tom." I kiss Tommy's head as I drop him at school.

"Mum?" He questions. "When's dad and Ziggy coming home?"

Tommy was clearly missing the family, I didn't know how to make him happy again... David barely called, he was apparently very busy with filming and interviews. "I'll see you later." Is all I can say to my frowning 8 year old.

I drive back to my second home, which was the concert grounds. The place was empty, so I stood on my stage and remember the time I nearly burned to death. I was losing business fast, I hadn't had a concert in weeks, and all pop stars were busy around Christmas time. My only option was-

I quickly dial his number into my phone and pray that he picks it up. It rings, over and over again, a continuous noise... Then suddenly-

"Ros?" David questions.

"Perform on my stage." I ask. "Please!"


"Just, please! Come home, come and perform on my stage...! Please!" I plead.

"On one condition..." David grumbles.

"Anything." I say pacing the length of the stage.

"Turn around." He orders and I do as he says.

David's eyes sparkle even from this distance away, he stands tall in a long brown coat, Ziggy and Zowie on either side of him. Ziggy's blonde hair matching his dad's, my boys were home.

"What's the condition?" I shout and it echoes out to him.

David casually walks over to me, my heartbeat was racing, I could hear it pounding in my ears. He finally joins me on the stage and takes my hands in his. "I'll sing, as long as you play the keyboard..."

"What?" I can hardly believe what he's asking me.

"Ros, your dream in life was to become apart of a pop star's band, to become their pianist! Nows the chance to live that dream...! Even if it's for a night!"

I can feel myself welling up, he had given me so much in life and now he was prepared to make it even better by letting me live my dream.

"I'm pregnant though! I can't play whilst I'm pregnant!" I exclaim.

"Oh my darling, you'll be stood behind a keyboard, I've heard you play my songs! I'll sing, you'll play keyboard... What do you say?" He says gushing at the idea of this concert of ours.

"Let's do it."

David grins and let's out an excited breath. I grin too and share a long kiss with him. I felt genuinely happy!

"We must get organising, right away! David Bowie is going to be performing on my stage!" I scream and Zowie and Ziggy clap happily.

I turn to David, already in a hurry to start plans. "I need to get on the phone, print tickets! What date should we have it on?"

"New Years eve? Christmas Eve?" David suggests.

"Christmas Eve? That sounds like a good idea! A lovely Christmas present to all those who buy a ticket!" I begin to get giddy.

"Christmas Eve it is then!" David chuckles happily. "Boys, you'll have backstage passes, front seats of the concerts and-"

"Wait David-" I stop him. "Some crowds get over excited, I can't have the boys there by themselves!"

"Invite El, she can look after them." David suggests.

"El hasn't spoke to me since the fire, and besides, she's heavily pregnant. The last thing she wants is to be in a crowded concert." I mutter coldly.

"She's one of your oldest friends, go talk to her!"

"No, I need to sort out our concert first, then I'll speak to her." I instruct and David doesn't object.

"I want to take you out tomorrow tonight." David says proudly.

"Really?" I ask shocked. "Where to? And who will have the boys?"

"Zowie's old enough to look after them all!"

I didn't sound as pleased with the idea, I didn't feel comfortable knowing our boys would be on their own. "Would we be out for long?"

"No my darling, we could return home whatever time you'd like."

With that in mind, I was feeling happier about the idea of going out. "Ok, yeah, let's do that then." I agree.

"Perfect!" David calls gladly.


After the boys were reunited with each other and David and I had started to organise the concert, I decided it was time to see El.

I knocked on her door and wait for any signs of movement from inside the house. I'm almost shocked when the door flings open and see El's pale grey face staring at me. Her eyes fogged with redness inside - she had been crying. Her baby bump was growing huge, it couldn't have been long now till she was due.

"El?" I question, but she says nothing and let's me in.

Once the door slams shut, she escorts me into the kitchen and puts the kettle on. Awkwardly, I sit down and don't bother to take my coat off. "What happened to you?"

She clumsily puts the mugs on the table, and I just blink at my tea. "Eleanor?"

"I can't-" she starts but stops herself and looks blankly into nothing.

"Yes you can, I'm one of your oldest friends...! You can tell me what's wrong!" I place my hand gently on hers, and I can feel the coldness ice my warm one. It tingles for a moment, but I wanted to show Ellen I was here for her.

"You won't like me after this..."

"What." I spit through my teeth.

"The fire, the stage fire William caused... It got in the papers. And, recently I got a phone call from Kevin saying he wants you to visit him in prison..."

"Why would I do that?!" I shout angrily.

"Ros, he said if you don't go to see him he'll find a way of escaping prison and..."

"And...?" I try to encourage.

"If you don't visit him he said he's out to kill you..."

I can hear the alarm ringing in my head, my heart beating fast... What did I do to deserve a threat like that?! Why would he want to kill me?! Why did the fire have anything to do this? It's impossible anyway, no one ever escapes prison and if they do they get caught. It was a nasty threat but one I wasn't going to be fooled by.

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