Ashes to Ashes.

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"Get in the car." I push her out the door as I grab the keys. "Boys! C'mon!" I shout up to them and wait for the thunder noise to come crashing down the stairs. "Hop in!" I instruct to them as they get into the back seats of the old red car.

The rain began to drip out from the heavily grey clouds that formed in clusters in the sky and I look at El. "Well?"

"He's at the concert grounds."

"Why?" Tommy says from the back.

I don't want to bother explaining to Tommy, although he's worried and confused, it's a waste of time. I start the car's engine and hear it cough once it starts running. We begin moving slowly, but once on the roads to my concert grounds, the car finds it's pace and we get there swiftly.

"Where?" I ask Ellen.

"I don't know..." She mutters. "Maybe we should all go and look round?" She suggests.

"Yeah, good idea." I mutter.

"Boys, you can come with me-"

"What about me?" Ellen protests.

"What about you?" Ziggy spits at her.

"I can't go alone! What if he attacks me or something?!"

"My dad is not aggressive!" Tommy shouts protecting Will.

"Ziggy, go with Eleanor, and Tommy you come with me." I conclude. "We'll meet back here in an hour." El just nods and heads in the opposite direction to me and Tommy.

Me and Tommy began walking, our eyes like predators looking out for our pray. Tommy began wailing, shouting the word "Dad" over and over again, but he got no reply.

After awhile of searching, I hear something familiar, a song, a voice... Someone was playing David's song called Ashes to Ashes.

Confused my eyes prick up like a deers would if it heard a hunter, my ears turn into radars to detect the noise and where it was coming from...

The stage.

"Tommy, this way!" I snatch his hand and start to pace to the stage and the open grounds.

My eyes turn to slits once I see where David's song was coming from. There Will was, tearing up the floor boards of the stage up and putting them in a pile.

"Dad!" Tommy screams.

Will looks up from his work, and smirks to his boy. "Ah, Tonmy!"

"What are you doing?" Tommy shouts scared.

"Tommy," I mutter timidly. "go and find your brother, ok? Then come back here as soon as you can..."

My youngest squeezes my hand and smiles knowing how scared I am of the man on the stage. Tommy nods then sprints off in the direction Ziggy and Ellen went. Now it was my turn to knock some sense into William.

"Will." I croak.

Will goes back to his work, and tears up more of my stages floor. His face hard as stone, his teeth strongly clenched together, he looked frightening...

I get up on stage and see the mess he's made.

This is going to cost me.

Is the first thing I think of, stupidly.

"Ashes to ashes... Funk to funky..." Wills singing to himself.

"Will!" I shout and grab his shoulder.

He grabs my wrist and squeezes it until I let out a yelp then he suddenly lets me go.

"You interrupted the song." He spits then laughs evilly. "We know major Tom's a junkie..."

His singing was awful, terrible in fact! He was ruining a perfectly good song! Yet why was I thinking all of this in front of a man who seemed to have completely lost his mind?!

"Will, what's wrong?" I mutter more calmly now and notice my surroundings more, the place stank of petrol and the piles were in a large circle around the gram piano...

He stops the song and sighs, he turns around with a floor board but chucks it to the ground. "Why can't you see?"

"See what?" I reply.

"That you've ruined everything for me?" He whispers sadly.

That's a bit of an overstatement!

I had not ruined everything, just his marriage! We weren't even officially divorced yet...

"This is why it's taken you so long to sign those papers, hasn't it." I growl. "Yet there you were, sneaking off with over women behind my back, running out on your children as if you-"

"Enough!" He shouts angrily and like a ripple, the echo continues to get further and further away from us. "You've ruined everything Ros, so I'm about to ruin yours too."

"What?" I say worriedly, I can hear my heart pounding, where was El?! Tommy?! Ziggy?!

"Ashes to ashes... Funny little song really, don't you agree? I've had this planned for weeks Ros." Will smirks and begins to circle me.

"Just let me go Will, and you'll never have to see me again once you've signed those papers." I plead for my freedom off of this stage.

"And what about Tommy?!"

"He's not leaving my house until you've seen help!" I bark back, my bite more vicious.

"Ashes to ashes..." Will begins to sing again then turns up the stereo.

David's funky music blares out, at an even louder volume then when I first found Will. Will laughs wildly and his eyes show no mercy.

It gets to the chorus William couldn't seem to get out of his head, then suddenly, Will pulls out a lighter of his trouser pocket, smirks at me and he screams his next words:

"You'll be in ashes before this song ends!" He laughs again, drops the lighter and my beautiful stage is alight. It was no slow fire, no ember, but just a flame that danced around me, licking at my skin which made me scream in pure agony!

"HELP!" I scream in excruciating pain. "SOMEONE! HELP!"

The flames laugh at me, more surround me, and they begin to choke me on its black smoke. I began coughing frantically, starting to feel my voice go numb and dry like sand, my lungs filled up with its poison... I was dying.

David's song was still playing, though it was so much quieter now as it competed against the sound of the flames cackling with the wood. Together they were the reason for my slow pain...!

"I can't..." I whisper and close my eyes, the smoke was attacking every sense I had... I couldn't even see anymore! My head was against the floor, I was weak and fragile... This was it. This had to be it.

"MUM!" I hear Ziggy's voice ring in my head like a sweet bell chime, and his voice lingers in my head.

Was that really him? Or was it my last thought before the end?

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