Hospital visit.

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"I'm here to see William Hester, I'm his ex wife." I tell the nurse, feeling nauseous of the word ex.

"Yes, Miss Chester. Follow me please." The nurse waves her finger towards her, allowing me to follow her like a sheep would. "William has been asking for you."

"Really?" I say astounded.

"Yes, we were going to call to see when you were available."

I gulp, why would he want to see me? His ex wife?

The nurse asked me questions, mostly about my personal life which I only answered with small talk. Once at his room, the nurse taps quietly on his door and mutters the words: "William? There's someone here to see you."

I walk in, and see William's eyes become alight, he shuffles himself around in his bed and smiles at me. I can feel my heart racing inside of me, this man tried to burn me alive!

"Will." I stutter.

"Ros, take a seat." He offers.

I do, and as I do the nurse leaves. I start to fidget with my nails on my fingers, trying to make this less awkward then it is already. "The nurse said you had been asking for me."

"Yes." In the corner of my eye I can see he's looking at me, studying my face. But I can't bare to look at him, especially when I'm about to tell him my news. "I miss you."

I feel a horrendous shiver strike through my spine, I felt sick hearing those words!

I don't miss you...

Is all I can think.

"I have some news." I croak.

"Ros, why did we ever divorce? The boys must be destroyed! It's Tommy's birthday tomorrow, wouldn't it make him so happy to know his parents are getting back together?!" Will dreams excitedly.

"Will that won't be possible-"

"Our boys, our family! What could be better?!"

"I'm having a baby." Will freezes, stopped in time, his face, still smiling. "David's baby."

I lie, I have to lie, if Will had any hope that this baby could be his, he'd never let go of me, or this fantasy life he wants back.

"You what?" The anger rips through his voice. "David's child?!"

"I'm sorry."

"So you came all this way to tell me your having another child of his! No wonder you wanted a divorce so quick! You're unbelievable! How heartless can you be?!" He screams, tears starting to fall from his eyes.

I really am heartless aren't I... I could possibly be taking his child away from him...

Tears start to pool my own eyes, and I struggle to keep them in. William grabs my hand and sniffs hard. "I don't care that it's his child. I'll be there for you both, just like how I was the first time this happened. This is history repeating itself, can't you see it Ros? He'll leave you again."

"What for? He has no wife, he has-"

"A career. You're forgetting that he is one of the most famous men on this planet. You haven't seen any paparazzi yet, just you wait..."

"I've seen paparazzi! I-"

"Ros, you called me to save you from it all. I can't do that anymore, not if you choose him."

We share a moment of silence, he was trying to convince me I needed him, not David. I can't look at William any longer, and my eyes flick towards my wrist. The hands on my watch tick, but not fast enough.

"Blimey," I breathe. "I must be going."

"Send my love to the boys, won't you? And tell Tommy I love him, and happy birthday for tomorrow."

He really does care about the boys...

"I'll tell them," I smile to Will. "I'll see you soon."

I grab my coat and bag but as I turn, William grabs my hand.

"Congratulations Ros, to you and David... The boys must be excited?"

Not exactly...

I feel my face grow glum, I just wanted to sort all this mess out, to prove my life isn't pointless, and meeting David was not by an accident but fate!

"You could say that." I say sheepishly. "Get better soon Will."

"I'm sorry I destroyed your stage..." Will sighs heavily.

"It's ok - the insurance company paid for it to be rebuilt, I haven't seen it yet."

William just smiles then soon turns it into a frown. "I never wanted to be mad."

"You're not mad" I smirk.

"I am, if I wasn't I wouldn't be here! They call it attempted murder! But Ros, I love you! Why can you see I just want you for myself?! I never wanted to lose you, and I have! I've practically forced you to leave me!" He screams and starts crying again. All I wanted to do was run, I couldn't face more tears! I would've been terrible as a nurse...

"Will, stop... This isn't your fault."

"How are your burns?" Will asks, I still stand by the door.

"Much better thanks, they hurt still, but I manage." I tell him. "Right, I really must be off, I need to pick the boys up from school."

"I'm surprised David isn't picking them up." Will spits.

"Like you said, people would notice him. Imagine it, the school Mums drooling all over him!" I laugh but Will doesn't follow my action.

"Make sure Tommy has a good birthday tomorrow, please."

"Of course. See you soon." I say and finally I can walk out of his room.


"Hey boys." I smile picking them up from school.

"Hi mum!" They both call.

"How was your day?"

"It was good, were doing this explosive science experiment and-"

"We're watching a film about-"

"And the explosion was-"

The boys were talking over each other, for once I didn't care, I just pretended to listen.

"That sounds lovely boys."

"How was your day?" Tommy asks.

I saw your dad, he loves me still, he misses us badly...

"It wasn't too bad thank you."

And together, the three of us walked home without another word. Soon, the boys would tell David about their days, and he would show more enthusiasm about it than I did.

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