The quiet times.

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"I'll see you in about an hour." Will puts his coat on. "Boys c'mon you'll be late for school!"

"I'm just going to go back to bed - I didn't sleep well last night." I yawn and rub my eyes.

"You feeling ok? You haven't looked well the past few days." Will puts his hand over my forehead gracefully.

"Yeah I'm fine." I take his hand and rest it on my cheek.

I smile to him then he kisses my lips softly; we look at each other longingly, and the look becomes too intense for me. "Boys! Hurry up!" I shout.

"Go get into bed, I won't be long. Maybe we could do something today if you're feeling up to it?" Will offers and I nod happily.

The boys come running down the stairs ready for their first day back after the Christmas holidays. Tommy's hair was ruffled and messy, and Ziggy's shirt wasn't tucked in. I sleepily walk over to my boys and give them a cheeky smile. "This won't do..." I whisper and tuck Ziggy's shirt in and he rolls his eyes at me. "What would the teachers say if I sent the Hester boys in like that?" I wink to Tommy who giggles.

Ziggy folds his arms and huffs at me. "What's wrong?" I ask him.

"Nothing - see you later mum." I'm taken back by my eldest... He seems so mature?

I straighten Tommy's hair out and kiss his head.

"See you later kids." I call to them as they leave with my husband. "Be good!"

"See you later Mrs Hester." Will shouts to me.

The door shuts. Suddenly it's quiet again. It hasn't been this quiet since the beginning of December. The quiet was soothing, and some what, relaxing... My house, relaxing?

I plodded back up to bed, the covers still warm from earlier that morning and I snuggled deep into my duvet. I begin to wonder in my thoughts again...

Where is David...?

I knew he traveled a lot, and, strangely I missed Zowie too... He must've been about 12 or 13 now...

I wonder how often he sees Zowie... Far more often then he sees Ziggy...

I roll my eyes in frustration at my sly thoughts, I eventually stopped my thinking and fell back into a light sleep.


"Ros?" Will mutters close to my face.

I wrinkle my nose, wipe my eyes and blink several times. "Yes, Will?" I mutter still sleepy.

"I love you." He whispers.

"I love you too, but what brought that on?" I ask suspiciously.

"I have to go on this work conference for a few days, so..." He trails off.

"So you're going?" I spit.

"Ros I have no choice."

"You said we could spend the day together?" I mumble sadly.

"It was a sudden phone call from work - I can't afford to say no just to spend a day with my wife."

"We never spend any time together anymore. I suppose that's what happens when both of us are constantly working." I growl at him.

It's silent for awhile again, and I realise that these silences between me and Will were becoming more and more frequent and more and more awkward.

"When do you leave?" I ask more calmly.

"In about an hour or so?" He questions himself.

"What about the kids?!" I jump out the bed with the anger racing through my boiled blood.

"You're still going to be here to look after them." Will smirks.

"What about my job? I can't do both without you!"

I'm tired of arguing...

"Ok." I breathe. "Ok... Do you need help packing?" I offer.

"No it's fine, I'm already done, but thanks." For some odd reason, that hurt me.

He's packed, he's ready to go. He hasn't said a proper goodbye to the boys... It's only serval days. Why is this so sudden?

"Ok... So the car, are you-" Will cuts me off.

"Yes I'll need the car."

"But, you're gone several days, what can the kids do on the weekend? How am I going to get to the concerts for work?" I argue back.

"Boys can go round to their friends houses, you can walk or get a train to the concerts. I need the car."

It's silent... Again. "I'm just going to go." William huffs. "Tell the boys I'll be back soon." He picks up his bag and walks down the stairs and I hurriedly follow anxiously.

Will opens the door wide letting the cold air invade my warm house. He looks at me with sad, sorry eyes, and finally manages to smile at me. "See you in a few days." He says and I just nod.

He slams the door shut and it feels like nothing happened. I feel a heavy lump form, and my eyes begin to water.

I feel hurt that he's just took off and left...! I don't even feel loved by Will... Maybe I love him more than I thought.

These thoughts buzz in my head and eventually make me cry, it felt like my husband had abandoned me and my children! I desperately wanted to call someone, anyone! But since I had the business and the boys, I had no time for friends, or time to relax.


The door opened, then shortly after shut.

"Hi boys!" I try to sound cheerful as I finish cooking dinner.

"Hi mum." Ziggy says first tiredly.

"How was your first day back?" I sigh.

"It was good." Tommy says chucking his coat and bag messily on the floor. Ziggy echoes his brothers actions.

"Boys go and hang your stuff up please, when you get back dinner will be on the table." I instruct and place the hot food on the plates and sit at the table ready for the boys to join me.

Tommy sits, then Ziggy. "Why only 3 plates mum?" Ziggy asks.

"Where's dad?" Tommy whimpers worriedly.

"He's been called on a work thing, he'll be back in a few days." I begin to tuck into my food but the boys seem to glare at me. Angrily, I drop my knife and fork and glare harder. "What."

"Dad wouldn't leave without saying goodbye." Tommy mutters coldly.

"He said he loves you both very much, and he'll try and call when he has the time." I take a sip of water to clear my throat. "Boys, please eat, the food will get cold soon."

They do as I say, but conversation was minimal at the table... It seemed odd not having Will around, I didn't realise how much the boys needed him until now... I then wondered what would happen if Will and I ever had to separate, who would have the boys? Would he want to have Ziggy? The thoughts were hurtful and harming my brain... The sooner Will got home, the better...

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