NY home.

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"What kind of film?" I ask excitedly. "Is that why you're here? Because you're filming here?"

"We're just running through the script, the film won't be out for another couple of years!" David says proudly, but still keeps his voice down. "I want to surprise the boys."

"Does Zowie know about this film?"

"No, no one knew before I told you!" David winks to me then kisses my head.

The plane comes to a complete stop, and people from the airline are already taking our bags off and escorting us too. David hands me some sunglasses and hands the boys a pair each too, clearly we were already trying to hide from the press. Zowie knew this trick all too well, and I was used to it now. Tommy began to get giddy at the excitement of being caught by the paparazzi but I told him to hush.

As a family we rolled out of the airport with only a few people questioning our disguises, all the boys stayed calm, and once in a private car we all take off our glasses and sigh in relief of not being caught.

"That was thrilling!" David chuckles at the boys.

"So, where now?" Ziggy asks gazing out the window.

Staggering buildings tower over our large car, more cars filled the roads and even more people walk on pavements then I could remember.

"We're going to my house, we'll drop all our stuff there then I'm off to show you something!" David bounces.

"The surprise?" Tommy questions.

"Indeed." David smirks.

I grab David's hand, also taking in the views like any other tourist would. David happily watches me, as if I were the view. I could see in the corner of my eye he couldn't stop looking, I look back out the window and ask him: "What are you looking at?"

"You." David replies.

"But New York has so much to offer! Look!" I say pointing out buildings and bridges I hadn't seen before.

"New York is New York, but there's so much more about you Rosalind." David purrs.

I blush a pink and can't help but smile at him, he was so cheesy sometimes!

"So, where is your house dad?" Ziggy asks curiously.

"Not far now, right dad? It's a left then another left, straight for a few miles then down a little lane." Zowie says trying to remember.

"That's right son!" David smiles gladly, he was clearly pleased at how much Zowie could remember.

I could tell it hurt David sometimes, that he missed so much of Zowie's childhood and all of Ziggy's childhood. But I knew he'd finally have another chance to change that guilt with this baby.


Zowie was exactly correct, it must've been another half hour in the car, but that was down to NY traffic. The lane was quaint, and somewhat English. Trees evenly spread out on either side and a rather large house at the end of the track awaited us.

"Wow!" Tommy exclaims impressed.

A beautiful cream house stood grandly. Bright, lush, green vines covered some windows and pink and purple flowers were growing happily outside the front door, it was fair to say the place was carefully looked after.

"David, it's stunning!" I breathe.

"Thank you, this feels most like home to me." David says cooly, clearly glad to be home.

"Can we look around?" Ziggy asks practically drooling over the house.

"Of course!" David smile surely.

"Just don't break anything!" I shout to them as all three run off inside.

David wraps his arm round me and kisses my cheek. "Well, well, well, never thought I'd see you back in New York!" I hear a familiar American accent and realise it's Margo.

Madison stumbles towards us and a man follows behind - it must be her husband.

"Margo!" I say pulling out of David's hold and running into Margo's arms.

"Ros, this is my husband Juke, Juke this is-"

"The famous Ros!" He exclaims with a wide smile, he shakes my hand roughly but means it in a kind way. "It's an absolute pleasure to meet you!" His accent came out strongly and it made me smile how genuine he was.

"You too."

"I see your boys are already settling in?" Juke says still smiling.

"It seems it, they barely slept on the plane - they'll be exhausted in a few hours!" I giggle.

Juke and Margo laugh too.

"So what are you guys doing here?" I ask.

"Thought you'd like to see some friendly faces on your return." David smirks to me.

"I'm very glad, thank you."

"Besides, we only live a few blocks away from you!" Margo smiles.

I smile back, although I am unsure what a few blocks actually means... Was it yards? Miles? Buildings?! I just nod and guess that it means they're close.

"So you're staying for a week?" Juke asks carefully watching his daughter in the corner of his eye.

"Yes, just the school half term."

"Are you flying back with the boys or is David flying back too?" Margo asks and gets out a large diary from her bag.

"I plan to fly back with-"

"-well David, if that's your plan you got a lot of work to do this week..." Margo says sharply flicking through the days. "They want you to look about stage direction for Labyrinth and what songs you're planning on writing, oh and Jim Henson says he wants to speak with you too."

"Labyrinth?" I ask. "Is that the films name? Labyrinth?"

"Damn you Margo!" David hisses.

"I thought she-"

"Jim Henson? As in, the guy who made the Muppets?!" I babble, and David just sighs angrily at Margo.

"Sorry?" Margo mutters hiding her face behind the diary.

"Maybe I could help write the songs?" I offer David, to try and help him relax. "I love helping you compose." I admit.

That seems to do the trick, as David's shoulders drop from his intense stare at his P.A. And his eyes soften at me.

"You must hear the story then." David nods at me. "The story of the Goblin King!"

David takes my hand and takes me round the back of the house, Margo and Juke stay at the front of the house. As we walk, a different view lies ahead. The skyline of New York stretches across from end to end, and it seems so far away.

"New York is huge." I say impressed.

David sits on a garden bench that matched the house and pats the seat next to me, as I take it he chuckles then kisses my forehead.

"So, do tell me this story so I can help write these songs." I croak but hold a smirk on my face.

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