Run away.

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My phone was ringing, and kept ringing in my pocket until I answered. "Hang on David." I turn the music down and answer my phone. One finger stuck in my ear hole to hear clearly.


"Hen?" I answer back concerned.

"Thank god!" He sighs deeply.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"I got a call from Ziggy about 30 minutes ago and-"

"What's he doing using the phone?!" I shout worriedly.

"Just listen!" Henry growls at me. "William's run away."

"What?!" I scream and David's head whips round to see my face.

"He just left the boys alone." Henry explains.

"He left the boys?!" I shiver.

"Ziggy called me. Thank god I'm home for the weekend!" Henry tells me.

"Are you with them now?" I ask.

"Of course." He breathes. "But come home, wherever you are, Tommy wants you here."

"We'll come home right away." I mutter and David is already turning the car around to take us on the road to home.

"Dads here too, so he's keeping them busy for the time being."

"It'll be good to see him... Anyway, we'll be back as soon as we can. See you soon." I mumble and hang up.

"What's wrong my darling?" David purrs calmly.

"William's walked out on the boys, and left them alone for god knows how long." I shake my head disgusted at him.

A moment later, David presses his foot harder on the acceleration peddle and his car rumbles like thunder. In horror, I place my hands over my face, I should never have left the boys with him!

Where's he gone?!

I think to myself.

Once David pulled into the drive, I leaped over the car and sprint into the house like an Olympian. Puffed out, I scream for my brother, my dad and my two sons.

"Mum?" Ziggy questions obviously upset.

Tommy follows his brother and has tears in his eyes, I was so angry with how Will was handling this. Yes it was hard, but he couldn't just walk out on his children!

"Come here." I whisper and drop to my knees with wide arms the boys run into my arms... Tommy starts to cry again.

"Shh." I whimper holding back my own tears. "Everything is going to be ok." I kiss the boys head and David kneels down next to me.

Ziggy falls into his arms and closes his eyes. "I love you." He mutters to David.

I look at David, his eyes glossed with salty tears but he smiles, soon enough we'd have to tell Ziggy the truth, that David was his actual father.

"I love you too Zigs." David croaks to him.

David meets my eyes and I smile to him, I rock my youngest and soon he falls asleep in my arms.

My brother and father come into view and I'm shocked at how frail my dad is looking. His full support on just a wooden stick but he manages a half smile to me. "Let me just take him up to bed and I'll be back." I mutter as I talk about Tommy.

David let's go of Ziggy and takes Tommy out of my hands so he can carry him up. Ziggy flops back into my arms and I ruffle his golden locks with my thin boned fingers. "You're ok little alien." I mutter and kiss his head. "Want to go to bed too? It is late Zigs?"

"Yes," he sighs. "Sleep would be good."

"That's my boy." I kiss his cheek then watch him trail up the stairs after David and Tommy.

I look back at my brother and dad and get up to greet them. "I'm so sorry." I say.

"Ros this isn't your fault, you didn't run away, he did." Henry mutters coldly.

"How are you Rosalind?" Dad asks and puts his hand on my cheek.

"My life's a mess, dad." I mumble shaking.

"No it's not." He corrects. "Now, go put the kettle on and we can all just have a chat."

"Take a seat dad." I offer him the comfy seat in my sitting room.

He sits and I go into the kitchen, Henry follows and I can hear David coming down the stairs.

David's already chatting with my dad, saying how long it's been since they last saw each other.

"You sure you know what you're doing?" Henry asks grasping my shoulders in his hands.

"Yes." I whisper.

"All of this trouble, all of this mess, for a rockstar?" Henry spits.

"Yes." I say sheepishly.

"Ros, if this goes wrong, he loses nothing! Nothing! He'll still be worth millions, he'll still of thousands of fans, he'll still be famous. If this goes wrong, you lose everything."

"Not true." I correct. "I'll have the boys."

"Who will be passed between you and William. An unhappy childhood for them both." He was right after all, he was good! He was doing very well at University, and clearly becoming a very good lawyer.

"Things would've been so different if David hadn't come back..." I mutter.

"I know." Henry admits with a huff and pulls me into a bear hug.

"I'm sorry I've dragged you into this." I mutter sorrowfully into his shirt.

"Don't be sorry, this isn't your fault, besides, it's good to bring dad down to see you and the boys." He let's me go and smiles to me.

"Stay here tonight, won't you? Both you and dad. It's too late to go home now." I say worriedly.

"We will, thanks for the offer..." A moment of silence passes us, then Henry coughs: "I think I'll be off to bed then, goodnight Ros." Henry kisses my cheek sweetly.

"Goodnight Hen, do you need a hand with dad?" I ask tiredly.

"No, I've got him. See you in the morning."

Not long after I hear their steps heading up to the spare rooms, and David wonders in and leans on the door frame.

"Blue Jean?" He questions.


He prowls over to me tangles his hands round my waist and kisses me, each one getting more passionate.

"It seems so quiet now." I breathe between kisses.

"Shall we go upstairs?" David asks innocently, I smile and nod and take his hand in mine.

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