Loving the Alien.

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We all sat round the kitchen table a few days after we told Ziggy the news, waiting excitedly to hear the new track David had released to the world. The radio volume was on loud, and the presenter was rabbiting on about some other pop star which I didn't care for.

Tommy was on my lap, my arms firmly wrapped around him like a seat belt would do in a car. David was in Berlin on business issues for the release date for his next album which he told me was going to be called 'Tonight', so it was just me and my little family.

"So here it is folks, David Bowie's newest song, could it possibly be any better then Blue Jean? This is, Loving the Alien."

My head whips round to see Ziggy's face, his golden curls cover half his face now:

He really needs a haircut...

His face is just as shocked as mine, we called him little alien all the time! Even when I was pregnant with him, I called him an alien... David finally finished his song because Ziggy finally knows the truth!

The song had a good beat but nothing like any of David's others. The guitar rifts were more relaxed in this song, but David's angel voice was the most dreamy I had ever heard it.

Without even realising it, I started swaying on the seat, smoothly rocking Tommy side to side. Ziggy bobbed his head up and down and once at the chorus we listened carefully:

"Believing the strangest things, loving the alien." David sings heavenly.

I smirk at David's words.

How ironic.

I think to myself.

Ziggy believed David the other night, and we all called Zigs our alien!

The song was perfect, and Ziggy clearly couldn't have been happier with it.

I sigh at my boys, they were so happy, even Tommy from time to time even though he missed William a lot.

Once the song finished, the boys went off to their rooms and I decided to get in contact with David:

The phone rings several times before it's answered:

"Good afternoon, Margo speaking." Her American accent says professionally.

"Margo? Is that you?!" I say thrilled.

"Yes, it's me! Ros, how are you?!" She replies just as happy.

"Oh I'm ok, I'm sure David's filled you in on all the mess I'm in... Is everything ok with you? Are you coming to the UK?" I aim a million questions at her as if she were the target in sight.

"Yes, yes, me and Madison are over for a few days, we're flying back with David to the UK then we'll go home to the U.S.!"

"How exciting!" I admit.

"Do you want to speak to him?" Margo asks quietly and much more calmly.

"Yes please, hopefully see you in the next few days then." I purr and she agrees.

A moment later I hear God's favourite angel speak:

"Hello Blue Jean." He hums.

"Hello Starman." I smirk back.

"So, what do you think?" David instantly turns the subject to the song, Loving the Alien.

"It's wonderful, honestly David, it's got to be in my top 5!" I grin happy to admit this fact.

"So what are your top 5?" David asks intrigued.

"In order?" I question and then think.

"Rebel Rebel has to be number one, that's basically how we met! Number two... Uh-" I think, it was hard to place these songs in order! "Oh!"

"It has to be Blue Jean. Then I'd say, Loving the Alien..." I pause again to think of my last two. "It must be Modern love at four and finally, Ziggy Stardust at 5." I conclude.

"Didn't you like Let's Dance? Or Ashes to Ashes? And what about Space Oddity?! Or Starman?!" He chuckles.

"I was only allowed to pick 5!" I giggle girlishly.

"I suppose that's fair." He judges fairly.

"So when are you returning?" I ask hopeful.

"Soon!" He replies with a tone of relief in his voice. "Yeah, I've had a few calls from London, wanting interviews and such... So I suppose, I must come home! And soon enough I'll have to film the music video for Loving the Alien."

"I love you David." I say hushed down the phone.

"I love you to Ros." I can tell he's smiling, but I can also tell he has a cigarette hanging from his mouth too.

"David, we need to go-" Margo says in the background.

"Right, yes..." He pauses. "Ros, I'm so sorry my darling but-"

"I know." I sigh. "Go be the legend of the 80's... Enjoy, hope to hear from you soon."

"I'll call when I land in the UK. Goodbye my little Rebel!" He end the call cheerfully.

Minutes after the phone line went dead, I hear the door bell ring. I quiz at the sound, I wasn't expecting anyone?

I creep up to the door, almost afraid it could bite me if the wrong person was standing behind it. I open the door gently, and peep round to see who it is... I was unsure how to react to the figure in front of me, was this just a routine visit to check up on me? Or was it much more serious then a 'quick chat'?

"El?" I question. "What are you doing here?"

She sighs heavily, avoiding eye contact... It was almost as if she had seen a ghost or something!

"Eleanor?" I repeat in a much more serious and scared tone.

She finally looks up to me, her eyes just as scared and lost as mine. Her mouth hangs open slightly, and stays open for what felt like hours... At this rate a fly could fly in... I was desperate for her to say whatever she needed to say, this was obviously important!


I scream inside my head, but then, she finally says it:

"I know where Will is." She mutters sharply.

I can feel the shivers race through my entire body at those words, no wonder she looked so pale and scared... She had found my husband...

She's found him?

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