Chapter 2. New Problem

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~ Arden ~

He tried. He really, really tried his very best. He used all the knowledge and resources that he can get his hands on. He blackmails and begs. He threatens and makes promises. No sacrifices are too big. And yet, somehow his name still ends up being putted on that shiny 3-D board where all the odd cases are listed. His graveyard shift just gets better as the seconds go by.

"Give it up Rush. Your name will always be on that board no matter what." His soon to be ex-best friend Enforcer Eason Chang snickered. "It about time that your greatness is notice by the higher up."

Arden snorts without averting his eyes from the board. "Yeah, right. What a weird way of showing that though."

"Come on. After that stunt you pulled at that hostage situation last week, isn't it a given?" Chang nods his head like a wise sage.

"That 'stunt', as you called it, did save the lives of at least a dozen hostages."

"Exactly, hence the renowned name of Enforcer Arden Rush."

Arden scowled. All of this feels more like a disciplinary action. No matter how you looked at it, working on joint investigations is always messy. Add the presents of Reclaimers and Inquisitors into the concoction and boom! Instant career killer.

He means, what's the point of separating the power system into three if we're going to mix them every time something odd comes up? Give the Reclaimers their business, the Inquisitors their laws, and the Enforces their guns. Everybody lives happily ever after.

Arden poked at the half eaten, high in sugar and fat pastry sitting atop his desk. He understand that his unnaturally average resume and borderline reckless action will, eventually, land him here. At eighteen year of age, most of his peers still think that they are the king of the world. They won't even aware that in reality it was their parents who protects and vouched for them.

He, on the other hand, becomes the ward of the state at the age of zero. All that cheerful memories, not something he wants to repeat. Naturally, being crafty and smart are about the only things keeping him alive down there. Thanks to that, he knows how to duck and stayed under the radar up here too. It's the same no matter where you go really. At least, until his sudden urge to disobey an order became the top gossip.

"Rush, look sharp. The boss is coming," Chang whispered yelled.

Arden turns his head at the same time as the sound of the door opening. "Rush, get up here. Your case details are ready." 2nd District Head Enforcer Julia Rodriguez gestures from the door of her office.

Here it goes nothing. Arden gulped before reluctantly steps into the office. Once inside, he realizes that two other persons were already there. The first, sitting straight and frozen like a ceramic statue is none other than High Inquisitor Broddick Salazar. His gold leaf neck insignia tattoo impeccable as usual. The Coalition of Ten member inclined his head and said nothing.

If he remembers correctly, the coalition, as the name implied, is still the body that rules this country. Two people were chosen to represent each major building block; two Inquisitors, two Vanguards, two Enforcers and two Reclaimers. Last but not least, are the two Economists; Ranbax, the pioneer of organ rent, and Phantom, a private military and intelligence agency. Inquisitor Salazar is a longtime member. It's rather unusual for someone in a high place like him to be interested in the case. Intriguing. Arden interest is stoked.

Arden switch his attention to the second individual and rise his eyebrow. White smooth skin on petite body. Loosely bound dark straight hairs. Regal check bone and small but perfectly curve mouth. Young, maybe around sixteen or seventeen years of age. But when the girl finally glanced in his direction, the striking blue eyes, albeit a little distant, were intelligent. Last but not least, Reclaimers deep green DNA chain removable neck insignia tattoo. All of that comes wrapped in midnight blue leather jacket and everything else black standard dress code. Double intriguing.

"Enforcer Rush, I believe you already quite familiar with High Inquisitor Salazar?" Head Enforcer Julia breaks the ice. "From this point on, he's going to be your liaison to the Inquisition Office."

"Yes, ma'am. We meet in the aftermath of last week's fiasco," Arden replied. "Good evening, High Inquisitor."

The High Inquisitor acknowledged him with a single small nod.

"Well then, moving on. Let me introduce you to your temporary partner for this so called joint investigation. Reclaimer Laith Wolf. Reclaimer Wolf, meet your new partner in crime Enforcer Arden Rush."

The young woman straightened and approached him with confident steps. She then looked at him straight in the eyes and offers her hand. There is no challenge or defiance in her stare. She genuinely doesn't give a damn. Arden shake the offered hand little bit too firmly. He just can't help it.

So, this is the famous Wolf. If the rumor is true then this girl supposed to be younger than him. Sure, it's not unheard of. These days, when the demands of able young body are at its highest, every citizen is legally an adult at sixteen. A more compact, integrated education/technology/economic system enables them to hold a job much earlier. Even then, he himself, who starts at the age of sixteen still only manage to hold a middle level rank.

Yet this girl, who according to the rumor is sixteen year old, already has enough clearance to be assigned as an independent Reclaimer? That's the same as he already holds a Senior Enforcer rank.

"Nice to meet you," she said after a painfully long silence.

"Yeah, you too," he answered stiffly.

"Reclaimers will lead. Start working on this case ASAP. Every related files and evidence are already in your e-Link. If anything comes up, report it to Senior Enforcer McDermott. He's your direct supervisor in this particular case." Head Enforcer Julia stared at the two of them before exhaling a very long sigh. "Play along nicely you two. Try not to offer our heads as transplant organs too."


The second POV. I'll try my best to write from his perspective. Please, be patience with me. XD

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Video : Evanescence - Bring Me To Life 

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