Chapter 31. Hive

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Laith knew that taking a cold air into her lungs won't help in any way. If any, it's just making her throat dry. Taking her time locking the car, she stares at the Hive. The Reclaimers HQ never failed to ooze the felling of cool, pragmatic power. A silly question passed her head then. Why they picked hive as the name when this building obviously didn't resemble one? If you ask her, this metallic, gleaming and grand skyscraper look more like a giant sword than anything.

She shook her head before rushing to the front door. Laith checks her e-Link and waits patiently as the system run some scans. She rolled down a list of incoming massage and read some of them. Boring. No update whatsoever. Next, she switches between several videos and net boards in general, looking for some kind of news about her case. There are whispers here and there, but no one take it seriously yet. Good. Laith turn off her e-Link when the system gives her the green light. Getting inside the nearest personal lift, she told the computer to take her to the 129th floor. The ride is fast and smooth.

"Late," Camille welcomed her in clipped tone as soon as the lift door opened.

"I hate this place. You're welcome to sue me," Laith smiled and moved pass her.

"You still hate this place even now?" Camille sighed as she walks alongside Laith. "You live here for years before officially became a Reclaimer."

Laith shrugged. "I can't help it."

"Suit yourself. Anyway, after the stunt we pulled last night, it's safe to say the boss is livid."

Laith clicked her tongue. "What's new?"

"You say that right."

Agreeing, they walk in silence. Before long, they arrive at their destination. Sighing, Laith step is stop temporarily when a hand softly tugs her forearm.

"Be careful," Camille said. "I got a hunch that this meeting won't be easily solved like last time."

"Don't worry. Leave it to me." Laith understand her apprehension. When you're about to confront this man, you'll be shaking on your boots too.

At Camille reassuring nod, Laith swipe her palm at the digital door handle and step inside

"You disobeyed me," was the first thing Laith heard as soon as the door closes behind her. "I expect nothing less from you. But this time, you have three minutes to convince me why we must keep you here. The time starts now."

Laith gape at the man standing with his back at her. Concentrating at the city view through a wall of clear glass, Ray Legend look as fit as any youngsters around here. The only indicator on his age was scarce lighter shade hairs among the black ones. There is a reason why this man was feared and respected by many of his peers. His reputation as one of the most successful and brutal Reclaimer never failed him. Of course, having that unreadable expression and hard, cold charisma didn't hurt either.

Now, as he slightly tilts his face towards her, she can see that his bottomless dark eyes shone with ire. Oh, that can't be good. She didn't want to give him the means to kick her ass. Laith wiped all traces of emotions from her face and tone before checking her story one more time. Here goes nothing.

"I manage to find a viable solid lead," she said with a dead pan voice into the open space.

"Not enough. Not after whole Scavengers fiasco last week."

"Their information guides us here."

"My point exactly," he said in deadpan voice.

"What's done is done," Laith pressed. She can't waver. "I know where to look now. It won't be long before I can catch whomever behind this."

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