Chapter 37. Stranger

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Arden only ever saw this man at a distance, even when he was once tasked with Coalition guard duty. Tonight, Ranbax's president stands only three feet from them. There's no mistaking who this man is. Josiah Walker, ex-heir to his ancestor fortune, current richest man on planet Earth. It's funny because nobody could recognize him before he became Ranbax CEO. He had been hidden away from prying eyes for as long as anybody could remember. Over the years, some nasty rumors began circling around. Looking at him now, Arden knew that the rumors were most likely true.

There were whispers that Josiah Walker had been fascinated by so called borderline science. His extreme methods and the desire to push boundary too far had often resulted in sanctions. No emotion, no hesitation, only result matters was his motto. The first interview with him accounted young Josiah had learned how easily all form of attachment could be used against the enemy. Namely, anybody who stand in his way.

As Arden forced his hand to relax, placing them slowly at his sides, he noticed that the other man looks too young to be that ruthless. His face is smooth, he stood tall, his body fit. His green eyes reflects nothing, his deep red hair were short. He appeared as empty as he also not. At the moment, his gaze, as well as the five Phantoms with him, was trained on Laith as she stands a little behind him.

"About time you show up." Arden tries to pull their attention to him. He turned off his cloak mechanism. It clearly useless. "Must have fun to watch us struggle to find a way in."

He had hope Josiah wouldn't come. As Ranbax's president, only he had the knowledge and resources to track them. But Arden hadn't expected him this soon. And he had never imagined he shows up in person.

Josiah sneered in response. "Like I don't notice some rats sneak in. Really, Enforcer Rush. Granted, you pose a challenge, coming in with all that Scavenger stealth gears," he said as he takes off his visor. "I heard the gears were much better than one currently in market. That's why we pump this place with all kind of jammer and scrambler. I didn't expect we have to work so hard to locate all of you. I'm impressed."

Which hopefully meant that they still have a chance to avoid capture and get out of here alive. They hadn't expected their opponent to reveal themselves quite so soon, but he admit that they were rather preoccupied, which would allow Josiah and his goons to box them. Always be aware of your surroundings, he scolds himself with a sigh. Their bewilderment had made them sloppy; their need for answer blinded them. It spectacularly manage to put them in a pinch.

"We tried our best, even when we've been warned to keep the clocking to minimum to conserve power. Our back up sure is noisy." Arden shrugged, trying to reflect a no big deal attitude.

Never panic. Never show weakness. Assess the situation. The old rules were there to guide you. Now he must use them to buy, bluff or force his way out. Whichever comes first.

A flash of uncertainty crossed Josiah's eyes. He blinks and it's gone. But, it was there; Arden saw them and holds to that knowledge.

"Be at high alert," Josiah spoke into his own comm.

There's another Phantoms around? Did Phantoms become his lackeys when nobody's looking? Then again, it gives Arden a vague picture that, despite all of this, the suits they're wearing really do its job. If not, he bet the man would be gloating over his techs superiority by now. That self-importance, utter confidence in his own abilities has made him the man he's today. Fortunately for them, that attitude never let him down. Until now. They can be his first.

Arden stood firmly in front the rest of his companions. Soon after, he can feel them moved closer to shield their combine blind spots, allowing him focus forward. It would be best if the opponents who watched them were drawn to focus on more narrowed view as they plan their escape. There's a chance that his blatant comebacks would work in the others favor. His strategy is to draw Josiah and Phantoms attentions from Carlo and Camille, their escape strategists.

"What makes us worthy of this personal visit, Mr. Walker?" Jacob asked half curious, keeping his growing suspicion of the man carefully masked. "We're not the first people who attempt to infiltrate this place. Surely your employees manage to dispel them quietly and efficiently. Yet, here you are. Maybe they need to more aware of the trouble this slipup will cause for you."

"Call me Josiah. Mr. Walker sounds old." Josiah eyebrow rose. "And spare me the clueless act," he grunts in condescending tone. "We're living in an age of unprecedented information leakage. I know that all of you have a suspicion. You won't take such a risk to sneak in here otherwise."

Arden gives a firm nod. "As you wish. I won't waste our time with useless act. In fact, we're here to because we have a couple of questions."

"Ask them. I'll answer as best as I can. Consider it a reward for coming this far."

That's way too easy. Arden takes a moment to assess the situation. The Phantoms surround them, weapons ready. Guess the best thing he could do now is to buy them some time. And if they really can obtain some answer, that's like killing two birds with one stone.

Arden takes a deep breath before finally opening his mouth. "Are you the one behind the recent strings of disappearance?"

"I am. Next."

Josiah straight and nonchalant answer manages to throw Arden. Hell, the man didn't even give any effort to deny anything.

Seeing an opening, Alex cut before anybody can stop him. "What did you do to my sister? Did you put her here?" He takes a threatening step forward. Arden move to block him. Alex stops immediately, but Arden knows that the man won't wait forever.

"Don't be so strung up, Vanguard. Your sister is fine. She used to be here but not anymore. In fact, she's working for me now." The corner of Josiah mouth tilts upward. That's not a good thing to see. He then waves at one Phantom closest to him. "Would you remove the headgear?" He asked politely. The Phantom immediately obeys, like a puppet on a string.

Arden ears capture four gasps, including his.


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Video : Incubus - Megalomaniac

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