Chapter 29. Pursuit

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Warning : Unedited. Please bear it with me for now :)

Thanks and enjoy!


Everything happens so fast. One moment they were arguing. What happen next was a blur. A bloodshot eyes staring at them. Laith spilt decision to draw her gun and discharge it. A heartbeat later, they were moving through unknown part of the tunnel, chasing shadow, only to pop up right before their respected vehicles.

"Computer, synchronize with e-Link Reclaimer. Wolf. Three. Seven. Zero. Activate tracking device two-eight," she requested as soon as she enter the car.

"Are you sure you got him?" Arden takes his place at the passenger seat and secures his seatbelt.

"See the benefit of integrating a tracker into every bullet and be amaze," Laith scoffed as she checked the surrounding area briefly.

"Connection established," the computer announced a second later.

"Display it," Laith commanded as she shifted the car into manual control, changed the gear and stepped the accelerator.

"Displaying target and area map," the computerized voice reported.

"Status?" Laith geared up the vehicle, its speed increasing steadily.

"You have an unidentified target moving away at a high rate of speed. All identifying markers are activated and working."

"Impressive as usual, I see." Arden eyed the display intently. "Computer, activate Alpha. Enforcer. Rush. Arden. Seven. Nine. Nine. Five."

The computer repeated the code.

"Allowed full control," Laith acknowledged the request and given him full access.


"Activate covert pursuit protocols," Arden input his command.

All lights were dimmed. The vehicle lowered its body closer to the ground while the windows darkened further to hide the glow of the faint illumination of the displays on the windshield.

Laith speed past the limit as Arden and Alex both watched the display on the windshield. From the corner of her eyes, she glimpsed the twin bikes not far behind.

"Computer, display landmarks and GPS," Arden ordered from the passenger seat as they continued to watch the displays.

"Add them to calculate the best possible route to intercept target," Laith commanded clearly as she watched the red indicator moving at unbelievable speed. "Displayed it in different color."

"Displayed and highlighted as requested," the computer hums and displayed the route in blue line.

Laith focused at the new layout and memories it. Checking the red pinpoint still far ahead them and to ensure that they're on the right track, she glanced back at the map.

"Established communication with Reclaimer. Legend. Camille. Carlo. Five. Three. Eight. Two." Laith paused to glance the rear cam to verify the twin's position. "Share data."

"Link activated. Data shared," the computer reported a split second later.

"Damn, our target sure can run. Is he using some kind of exoskeleton or what?" Carlo voice come first trough the channel.

"Didn't get a proper look, but I dint think he got any help," Laith response. "Put the inquiry aside, sit rep?"

"We already map our own route," Camille voice came in rushed tone. "Let's box him."

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