Chapter 39. Bait

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Josiah smiled. A little lift at one corner, a blatant sign of immorality.

"Smart one, aren't you? They did warn me that you will try to fish for information and devise a plan to escape at the same time."

True. Laith had been biding their time. And by the covert look Camille been giving them, she finally found their escape route. There's a single catch though. If, and that's a big if, they manage to escape, an opportunity to question one of the person involve in this grant scheme wont present itself again for a second time. Because, like the man himself say, there's definitely more than one person watching.

"I'm obviously not going to just wait and do nothing." Laith shrugged, though she knew better. She knew it was futile to deny everything. She has a better chance at telling a little truth, mixed with a healthy dose of lie.

"No denial?" Josiah asked her, his expression neutral. "Then you have no problem coming with me?"

"I never said that." Laith finally reach to gripped her gun, her pulse rising as she watched the Phantoms closely. "I break in, saw all of this, and meet you in person. I think it's enough excitement for today."

"You make it sound as though you have a choice," Josiah laughed in quiet amusement. A cold sound that reflect evil in his heart. "Since you won't come willingly, we can always doing it the hard way." He waves at the Phantoms.

Laith follows their movement and makes her decision. She recognizes there must be some reason why this man has unnatural fascination with her. Even worse, her instinct is screaming that that reason could be the key to shade some light into all these madness. But, the fact that they are outnumbered on enemy territory wont chance. Time to take off. She needs to prioritize lives over information here.

Laith slid his finger over the trigger of her gun as she noticed the slight movement made by Camille. She watched from the corner of her eye as Camille make a sign with her hand. Laith focus her attention back at the enemy. So far, the Phantoms were more concerned with securing her than the others. Timing is everything here. The only problem left was to figure out exactly when to react accordingly.

"I don't think that's a good idea." Laith try to draw Josiah attention on her, now watching more closely for any sign of movement. "I don't want to stay. And neither do my friends. I think our meeting is over, for now."

"Permission be damn then. You all officially come with me. Good thing I prepared several cells in advance."

Three things happened simultaneously. Laith pulled both Alex and Carlo to hide behind the nearest tube when he sees Camille does the same to Arden as they brought their guns towards the three Phantoms already pulling the triggers on their own weapons.

The spot they in just a moment ago were riddle with bullet holes. There's no time for any kind of thinking from the moment on, only instinct to react. They slink in between tubes, keeping their body close to the floor, firing at the enemy.

But it wasn't the Phantoms that came after them with guns blazing and unbelievable speed that impressed her. She was awe by the twins who somehow manage to steel clear from all of them in the chaos. Laith's split her attention from shooting at their pursuer as she tries not to lose sight of the twins. It almost close to impossible. Even with bullets aiming straight at them, the Phantoms are relentless.

"Don't kill them all!" Laith heard Josiah barked as the sound of shattered glass filled the space. "And watch the tubes, you imbeciles!"

She had no idea how his words manage to raise above the commotion. Laith just kept moving, her blood rush in her ear. Her adrenaline spike as weapons blazed and bullets ricocheted around the space.

"Twins! Get us out of here now!" Laith cursed as she held her gun steadily, praying that Alex's sister not among the pursuers.

"What do you think we've been doing?" Camille banked left, her voice raised furiously. "Just keep firing! We're almost there!"

They rushed into a hall, taking cover as they went, dodging the bullets and other things heading their way. As Laith emptied her last magazines, her back was met on a steel wall.

"Great job. You led us into a dead end!" Arden yelled as he reloads his gun.

"No. We're here." Camille sighed as she pushed him pout her way and scan the wall. She then put her ear flat on it. "Bingo." She then waves several small clear tubes.

"Is that what I think it is?"

"Yep. It's EXDs," Carlo smirked "Think about it as a mini but mean bomb designed to clean someone trouble or in our case, to make way."

"Wait, are you sure it safe?"

"Goddammit it, Rush! Just put on your breather  and keep shooting!" Laith shout.

Camille's lips twitched. "Good advice." Taking cover as she watched the gunfight, she throw the devices. "Put on your breather and brace yourself!"

The last thing Laith remember was being hit by shock wave and  tons of rushing dark water.


"Are you sure it's alright to let them go? After going through all that trouble to lure them here?" Josiah asked as he catches a glimpse of someone standing in the shadow, his eyes never leaving a live feed of their target.

That someone laughed.

A low, slimy calculated sound that had the hair at Josiah's nape stands in warning.

"If you ever want to perfect Cerberus design, make sure you never lose sight her. And keep your distance this time. Your previous tactics had drawn too much attention. Letting the subjects to draw blood on the walls? They're not some kind savage animals."

"They're savages nonetheless," Josiah stated flatly. "Just let them be. It's not like it can be trace back since their DNA are corrupted."

"We can't afford any lenience, especially the kind that generated attention like a chase through the city. Or another gunfights. I'm asking you to use your brain and control them."

"I lure her here and point her on a direction we want, didn't I?" Josiah scoffed.

"Just do what I say. I guarantee you'll get what you need, after they lead me to get what I want."

"Watch your tone," Josiah snapped.

His so called ally gave a mocking little salute before smiling in an all knowing way. Josiah despised that look. A smile that indicates he's a part of something great, something profound, when he's just another cog wheel, someone he can use and tossed aside. Josiah locked his jaw tight until it sting. Just you wait. There's a reason why nobody dare to messed him up and live to tell about it.


Video : Bring Me the Horizon - Throne

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