Chapter 16. Hunting Party

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Arden was skeptical about their new target importance inside their grand plans. He had gone to search for some lead to no avail. Since their abrupt departure from Queen's clown house, they had gone their separate way. She goes to asked some help from the Reclamiers, all the while keeping track with him at random times. At first, he really reluctant. All the issues about the suspected leek still hang on the air. But, she had made her own decisions, one which he, albeit reluctantly, agreed to.

Which is why, fast forward four days into the future, Arden wonders, maybe the decisions he made comes back to haunt him. Here she was, standing on his front porch with all her glory, alongside one familiar face, a face he least expected will ever pops alongside her. Maybe this is some form of payback. Or maybe he was here because he can offer assistance, although coming from somebody like her; he suspects it's a little bit of both.

She watched him now, assessing his relaxed posture, his air of confidence and control. The lights from the bulb reflected off their faces, the dull gleam gives them an almost other worldly appearance. The familiar lights cast in their directions offer little and made her eyes glitter with contained curiosity as she stared openly at him. Arden wonders how much longer she'll wait for his response.

"Let me guess. This guy is here because he can help us with something?"

"He is," she simply said and shrugged those tiny shoulders. He wonders how those shoulders were able to carry such responsibility. A responsibility he glimpsed first hand when they entered Queens's dwelling. He knew firsthand what kind of reputation Queen had been building since way back. And there Laith was, waltzing in and out like nobody's business.

"That's confusing as hell, Wolf." He pulled his mind back from tender thoughts that shimmered within his mind. He couldn't let himself lose focus. "Especially given his status."

"That's exactly why I bring him along." She didn't appear remorseful or apologetic. It was a statement of fact, nothing more.

"Mr. Grim here--"

"Alex is fine," Alexander Grim cuts politely.

Laith shot him with a sideways glance before focusing back at Arden. "As I was saying, Alex here has all the right credentials to join our hunting party."

"Such as?"

"The lead we're about to chase, he's one quite slippery eel. He'll spot us from a mile away and made a run for it." Her face turned a little bit sour.

"Alex, on the other hand, wouldn't betray a certain type of client White attracted to. A ready, desperate, and loaded enough guy. White put his life on the line too many times to save and to profit from one. And I got a strong feeling he knows something related to Alex sister's disappearance. I'm confident Alex will cooperate with us so that we can finally capture White and drill him."

It was sufficient explanation. Not much else. There was little emotion in her voice other than stating the obvious. Arden thought of the people he had believed were his friends back in the day. People he stood up for, had believed would stood up for him. Friends who always talk fondly at him, with open affection. He had learned quickly that all of these seemingly nice gestures were useless once reality strikes.

Yet, here she was, standing with a man she barely knew, confident that he's loyal, will stick with them till the end. A guy who, if his memories serve him, gave a not so friendly opinion about Reclaimers in general.

"You can guarantee this how?" It was a question directed at her. He got a weird vibe that a betrayal from this guy would hit her especially hard.

"As I was saying, this man is desperate to find his missing sister." She points at the man with her thumb. "And I believe he knows that we're the best shot he's got at finding her."

"Fine. We can bring him along." He flashed a dark look at Laith. "Just don't come crying to me if he burst that bubble of yours."

"Fair enough." She shrugged.

"Thanks for the vote of confidence you two," Alex voice was low, accompanied with a pinch of annoyance. "And here I thought that convincing both of your bosses was the hardest part."

"Of course it'll be easier on them. They're not the one's babysitting you in the field," Arden turned his attention to Alex, his voice hard, annoyed. "All they have to do was to approve one elite Vanguard request to provide assistance. No strings attach. Like that will ever going to happen."

"Give a report about a case that has a potential to become one of the most intriguing crimes ever. I can't deny that was the order my superiors gave me," Alex complied, his shoulders straightening. "But, I'm also not one of those civilians you implied. I'm a decorated Vanguard backed with access to the widest database in the world."

How Arden wished he can confirm this man claim here and now, before they have to walk into the fire. But then again, he already quite aware how the world actually revolves around a privilege number of people. This so called Vanguard is the perfect example; an epitome of walking and breathing chess piece. Well, then again, aren't they all?

Locking his door down, Arden leads them towards his waiting car. The masters of the universe told them to make a move. Who is he to say no? He learned long ago that it's better to go with the flow than trying to fight it. He's a little bit taken back though. Here he pegged Laith as a kind of person that stands at the opposite spectrum than him. Meaning, she loves to challenge everything, especially something as bothersome as babysitting duty. Was he wrong? Or, what this means if he turns to be right? If so, then he can say for sure that she definitely got something up on her sleeve. Either way, this is going to be one long bumpy ride.


So, we got the chance to see Alex again. Thoughts anyone?

Anyway, as usual, thank you so much for giving this book a chance. I would love to hear your feedback, so feel free to comments. If you like this book, please do vote and add it to your library. Thanks again and read on!

Video : The Kills - Sour Cherry

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