Chapter 33. Sneaking In

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"A chance to peek behind the kitchen of titan. That's your great proposal?" Laith heard Arden said incredulously from the front seat.

Carlo shrugged. "Fuss away, it gets the work done."

"I'm more interested in how you lot get the permission from your superiors," Alex said in between strapping his side arms. "Aren't Scavengers your mortal enemies?"

"Ask the twins, they're the sacrifice." Laith slightly inclined her head. "I suspect their old man and that sleazy Scavenger made a deal."

"A deal with the devil," Arden whisper low.

Camille glanced at her brother. "Hence the sacrificial part."

Laith grimaced. "I still get a feeling White's got something on his sleeve."

She can still remember clearly that foreboding look Trevor -the man himself insisted they call him as such- gives her. Like he suspect they will find something more than they bargain for. Shit. Now, she got another bad feeling about this mission. It throbbed in her gut, and heightens her senses. The warning seemed to poke at her. Sure, it's easy to mistake this warning as nerve. Anyone will feel nervous before walking into an unfamiliar, dangerous place. Or maybe she turned paranoid. But, something tells her that it's not the case.

It was rare for her extra sense to kick in so hard and lingers so long. Thanks to years of doing dangerous jobs, this highly dubious ability to sense danger was dulled. Now though, it tightened her chest. It also sent a cold prickle up and down her spine. The funny things is, she sometimes heed these warnings and manage to skit along a lot of hurt. Unfortunately, it also raised the question about her sanity. None of it matter though. She didn't have the time to ponder since they finally arrived at their destination.

The high tech surveillance van she and the gang borrowed from their new allies hum to a stop smoothly. Each of them surveyed the wide open space using various methods. No movement from any being, alive or dead. She got to say the van blended perfectly with the night and the tall grass. The entire area is a prime spot for hiding. Perfect.

"We're here. Now what?" Camille eyes trained at Laith and so the others.

"I take you guys shove the responsibility to me then." Laith frowned.

"You suggested this so it made you the person in charge. Of course, if things go south, you'll take the brunt." Carlo smirked.

"Right..." Laith drawled. "Well, first thing first. Five of us will go in. We only need one person to run surveillance from here."

Arden point at her and then himself. "You and I are running point so we must go. He then glanced at new temporary addition to their team. "The psycho kid can stay here. She understands all this techs better than us."

"Fine. I'll take the back seat, for now," Ely said with a singsong voice.

"Alex, won't you come with us? I'm sure having a Vanguard around will be useful." Laith looks at the man beside her. "But, I need you to let me lead this mission. Can't you do that?"

Alex nodded. "OK."

Arden inclined his head briefly. "The twins are Reclaimers so I guess they're in." He spares them a pointed look. "Just don't spew more crazy ideas, please."

"Hey, that's not fair," Carlo whined.

"Suck it up. This isn't democracy. It's dictatorship," Laith said tonelessly.

"Who made you the leader?" Carlo sulked

"You did," Laith point incredulously. "Now, how exactly are we going to go in?"

"Put on the stealth gears. Make sure all the things you bring were covered in it, if you know what I mean." Ely paused and smirked suggestively. They all ignore her. She just shrugged before continuing, "Once you done that, the stealth functions will conceal you guys from most of their security measures. Theoretically speaking, off course."

"That's sound so assuring." Arden sighed.

Laith scoffed. "I don't think she cares all that much."

"I do." Laith can tell Ely is trying to be as serious as she can; which isn't saying much considering that the smirk is still there. "As additional prove, I also brought a blueprint of this facility. For the one above the ground that is."

Camille turned her attention to Ely. "That gives us nothing helpful."

"It's not my fault that most of Ranbax facility is located under the freezing sea. Who make two separate blueprints for one facility anyway?" Ely ask before answering her own question, "Someone with something to hide."

Camille ignored her. She chooses to hand over several fly shape drones to Laith instead. "We need to these flybots to find our way after all. Keep them close , we don't know what kind of interference they run in there."

"Oh, one more thing. Leave your usual e-Links and comms here." Ely tapped her ear. "The suit headgear has a built in comm and e-Link. The short distance communication channels should be safe. Not sure about the long one though. Only communicate with this van when you're in a pinch."

"How convenient, or not." Laith remove her e-Link and comm as do the others.

"We better move." Ely clap once. "We only got three hours before the suits energy runs out."

"In case we got separated, regroup here in three hours." Laith point at her forearm display. "Synchronize time in three, two, one, sync." She taps her suit clock.

"Well, this is it." Ely opens the van door for Laith and the others. They exits as silent as they can. "I'll assist you guys from here. Good luck," she whispered before closing the door.

Laith glanced at her companions. They nodded at each other before moving closer to Ranbax outer parameter. Before long, Laith spot a tall, innocent looking concrete fence. She stopped at the edge of tall grasses that provide extra concealment for the clocking capable van. She pulls her headgear down; making sure it covers her entire face and body. Activating the clocking mechanism, she checks the displayed time. Two hours and fifty nine minutes remaining. She checks another display, this one highlighting their positions and map of the surrounding area.

Satisfied, Laith whispered, "Ready?" She received several overlapping confirmations in return.

Racing as low as she can, Laith throw a small jumping booster near the fence. She hopes the air pressure is powerful enough to propel them over the fence. She leaps and barely cleared the fence. Laith lands before rolling onto her feet silently. Waiting for any sign of detection, she was greeted by silence. Wow, the clocking hold. It almost makes her forgive the suit inability to support an exoskeleton. Haven't yet figured how to link it with the suit, they said. Yeah right. But, never mind that. She needs to focus on this breaking and entering business first.

As the others lands around her, Laith checks their highlighted figure. Giving each other an OK sign, they move together towards a shadowy protection provided by containers that litters the ground. Laith stop and frowned. Hold on, what these things doing here? She read the writing on its side. Medical equipment? She then makes a quick scan at the surrounding area. There's a lot of them sitting around. Strange. Well, maybe they can use using the containers shadow as cover. As they move, Laith tapped the container and the other nod.

Several minutes goes by without incidents. So far so good. They just have to make a beeline for the decommissioned, old back door. It's supposed to be a breeze if this blueprint live up to its name. After yet another careful maneuver, they finally arrived at the said door. Laith hold her breath as Arden scans the door. He signaled that the door is clear. Laith was just about to reach for the handle when the door opens suddenly. She freeze as a figure rushed outside, heading straight toward her.


Video : Alice Russell - Citizens

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